red3183 — Samus WIP 02

Published: 2008-02-10 23:48:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 6228; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 93
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Description My Custom Samus Aran Action Figure

Resin casted - unpainted
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Comments: 47

Arbosia [2014-01-27 04:17:28 +0000 UTC]

I wants!!! Seriously how much? What material?

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SMDgamer27 [2012-10-31 11:42:41 +0000 UTC]

Hey did you make the joints by yourself? I'm starting to think about my own action figure, but where I live none of the hobby shops sell joints and I don't wanna take them away from my other figures. Is there any way of making them yourself?

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Kanotashi [2010-12-01 19:09:43 +0000 UTC]

is this action figure made out of plastic or ceramic?

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saint93 [2010-01-29 01:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Its stormtrooper Samus!!!!!!!!!!!

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Deviated-Septum In reply to saint93 [2010-05-25 04:29:53 +0000 UTC]

Samus is working for the Empire? damn rebels are fucked...

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red3183 In reply to saint93 [2010-01-29 01:28:00 +0000 UTC]


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scorpsting [2009-11-06 02:34:38 +0000 UTC]


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red3183 In reply to scorpsting [2009-11-07 06:24:26 +0000 UTC]

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azpepe [2009-07-05 03:08:27 +0000 UTC]

i like your sculpture

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red3183 In reply to azpepe [2009-07-05 08:44:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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RaptorArts [2008-12-01 21:28:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow freaking huge! Dude you seriously need to start your own line of toys cause this is absolutely incredible!!!!

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red3183 In reply to RaptorArts [2008-12-02 00:40:44 +0000 UTC]

That's the plan.


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kellin [2008-11-17 17:30:49 +0000 UTC]

Wow, damn, I didn't realize how big she was!

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red3183 In reply to kellin [2008-11-18 03:38:53 +0000 UTC]


Yeah, she is pretty big.

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bichoraroi [2008-11-17 16:06:06 +0000 UTC]

This sculpture is awesome!!!great skills!

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red3183 In reply to bichoraroi [2008-11-18 03:51:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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bichoraroi In reply to red3183 [2008-11-18 09:29:14 +0000 UTC]


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DexAntares [2008-11-17 08:10:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow... how did you sculpt those joints?

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red3183 In reply to DexAntares [2008-11-17 08:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Go to post #46. There is a brief description on how I made them.

[link] age=5&highlight=samus

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-10 17:56:12 +0000 UTC]

Wait, I read the part about using hat pegs, but I don't quite get how ya got them to work? Is the peg just set in one piece and then you formed the clay around the ball end to make the joint? If that's right then you can't take it apart afterwards or did you make some parts 2 pieces so that it closed sround the ball joint? Sorry, just trying to understand so that I can try it myself, I'm dunb. LOL! XD

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red3183 In reply to Crucifer01 [2010-04-10 18:25:20 +0000 UTC]

Ok. Well let me tell you this. I don't recommend you making your own joints. I only did so because I didn't know about my other options. You can buy ball socket joints online. If I knew about this earlier, I would have just done it that way. Making your own joints is a long and difficult process. It's very difficult to get perfectly round/smooth, and to get them to fit together perfectly. Plus resin will never be as strong as commercially made plastic joints.

You can find them here: [link]
Do a search on that site for "ball joint" and you will see all of your options.

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-12 20:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Aww man! I hadn't check my DA page and went out and bought a bunch of stuff today, even the hat peg things! LOL! I'll just return those though so no big deal. I bought Roma Plastilina No. 3, so it's the hard one, Smooth-on oomoo 30 for making the mold, picked up some metal sculpting tools (like $16.) Tension pins (1/8 x 1, I can cut em down.). I just can't seem to find the plastic type casting Resin! AHHH! I think Smooth-on has a product, but they didn't have it at the stores i was at today, they only had the clear (most said you can't paint it.) and the stuff that's like ceramic which would crack or break with time, so no go for me on that, I'll just order what I need and wait and do the rest of the stuff in the mean time. ;D

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red3183 In reply to Crucifer01 [2010-04-13 14:17:01 +0000 UTC]

Um... I think Roma has sulfur in it and will react to the OOMOO. You might want to double check that cause the molds will not come our correctly and ruin both the mold and piece.

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-13 20:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Aww man, yeah it has sulfur, I didn't know that would be a problem! AAHHHH! Man, so good thing I haven't started yet. I was going to lay out all my dimensions and stuff on paper before I got started. Dude, I've got to drive back to Philly now to exchange em, that sucks. It's only like 30 minutes away if the driving wasn't so crazy there (makes the drive a lot longer. LOL!) So, you got a lot of school stuff huh, I'm assuming an art school? I'd love to go to an art school, I think I'd love it. Moving sucks, I hate doing it, especially considering that your doing it during a time when you need to concentrate. Well, i hope the best for you on moving and the finals, just do your best man.

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red3183 In reply to Crucifer01 [2010-04-14 03:49:28 +0000 UTC]

Well did you check with the OOMOO tech data? It should say what works and what doesn't.

I'm just going to regular community college right now. It just has an awesome facility and instructors though. I'm very fortunate to find out about it.

Yeah moving sucks. But thanks

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-14 12:04:13 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, no I didn't I didn't think of their being any reason why I wouldn't be able to use them together, my bad on that one. No biggie, just gotta go and get the right stuff now, oh well, my own fault, I'm a dummy! LOL! XD I'm glad I found out now though before I did it and it failed and then I would think that I just sucked or was stupid or somethin! Better to find out now and correct it then have it fail in the end and find out afterwards.

I'm going to order those joints too, thnx so much for the info on that, I appreciate every bit of help you've given me as well. You rock dude!

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red3183 In reply to Crucifer01 [2010-04-15 04:40:29 +0000 UTC]

No problem man. I try to help anyone that asks nicely

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-15 13:55:13 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm glad I'm a pretty nice guy and asked nicely! LOL! XD

Maybe you could give me a hint on another quandry? I want to not just cast the hard plastic pasts of the figure, but I'm thinking of doing flexible clothes that can be changed on the figure. What do you recommend? I'm not finding any actual products intended for this purpose, btu I was thinking of using either Smooth-on 25 (actually ment for molding.) or 407 Latex Casting Resin (I think it's ment for making molds too.) I was thinking of using other products cuz I don't know what would happen if I poured Oomoo into Oomoo, even with mold release. probably end up with a solid block! LOL! XD I need to be able to paint it too. I have no clue what to use.

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red3183 In reply to Crucifer01 [2010-04-15 16:01:07 +0000 UTC]

Theoretically you can cast OOMOO into OOMOO if you spray the mold release. I've cast other rubbers in rubber molds (ecoflex 0030 in ecoflex 0030). It does stick a little, but comes out no problem. One thing to mention though, rubber in rubber has to be the same kind (tin cure/platinum cure). I had to find out the hard way. First time I tried casting Ecoflex in OOMOO, all I got was a gooey mess. Called smooth-on and they said that was a big no-no. One was tin cure and the other platinum... they would never work no matter how much mold release you put.

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Crucifer01 In reply to red3183 [2010-04-15 18:38:09 +0000 UTC]

Good looking buddy, I wouldn't have known about the tin and platinum cure stuff, thnx! I don't see it listed in the book for the products that I'm looking at. I think the latex would be better for painting, not sure, never worked with it before. Yup, like I said, I'm going to make my first piece soooo complicated that I'll have an almost imposible time trying to do it! LOL! I just ordered the ball joints a few hours ago, got the double ball joints, btu the ones that are varied in size fro wrist compared to hip and so on type of thing. I'm going to try to do some of the parts in 2 pieces so that it weighs less (cost less to make too.) May be difficult, btu I'll experiment a bit and see if I can drive myself over the edge! LO!L XD

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samloc24 [2008-09-11 10:43:32 +0000 UTC]

wow this samus rocks personally id like to see dark samus can you tell me how u made this one

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red3183 In reply to samloc24 [2008-09-11 14:25:21 +0000 UTC]


I made it from scratch. Sculpted all the parts with clay (Castilene, www.sculpt.com), made silicone molds, and casted in resin. All molding and casting products that I used came from Smooth-On.

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Soul-Caliber [2008-06-14 08:56:13 +0000 UTC]

hmm...if you left the helm white and just colored the Arm Canon, she could be a newer version of the Storm Troopers lol

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red3183 In reply to Soul-Caliber [2008-06-15 05:45:56 +0000 UTC]

After seeing it all white, I really wanted to make the Light Suit. I'm working on the designs right now.

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Soul-Caliber In reply to red3183 [2008-06-15 11:54:53 +0000 UTC]

sweet. i personally think the Light Suit is the best Suit.

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samuraikizu In reply to Soul-Caliber [2008-12-12 23:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Haha, either the Light Suit or the Phazon Suit! XD
If you do make the Light Suit, you jave to find a way to stick LED's in the chest piece at least!


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Soul-Caliber In reply to samuraikizu [2008-12-13 02:42:21 +0000 UTC]


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metroid-fan22 [2008-03-26 19:36:15 +0000 UTC]

I MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

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red3183 In reply to metroid-fan22 [2008-03-27 01:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Sorry... I've already made all and sold all five. I will make different suits though... so maybe then.

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red3183 In reply to red3183 [2008-03-27 06:02:00 +0000 UTC]

Well... I sold the 5 on Ebay and the average price was $500. Can't say how much they will go for in the future.

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metroid-fan22 In reply to red3183 [2008-03-27 02:48:08 +0000 UTC]

how much are you selling for? Please don't be much.. I have NO JOB!!! WAAAHHHHH!!! (lol)

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DEDEDEJr [2008-02-18 18:06:19 +0000 UTC]


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red3183 In reply to DEDEDEJr [2008-02-18 19:45:18 +0000 UTC]


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EricNocellaDiaz [2008-02-14 13:44:04 +0000 UTC]

This looks very good man. Articulation is very difficult to pull off. Great job.

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red3183 [2008-02-11 17:22:22 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. The finished shots are in my gallery. Details are on this entry:


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Cenarion [2008-02-11 15:34:52 +0000 UTC]

holy shit!
whats it made of?

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Phil311288 [2008-02-11 09:34:12 +0000 UTC]

That's amazing, looks great

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