Comments: 60
Raikk0 In reply to ??? [2013-06-14 11:31:40 +0000 UTC]
thank you and also thanks for the fav :3
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Valion4 In reply to Raikk0 [2013-06-14 13:19:33 +0000 UTC]
No problem! You seems to be a very interesting person !
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Raikk0 In reply to Valion4 [2013-06-14 22:23:10 +0000 UTC]
Haha, well, thank you. Maybe I'm a little crazy, but being normal would be too boring anyway, right? ;D
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Valion4 In reply to Raikk0 [2013-06-15 07:17:32 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that's the spirit! Apsolutely agree with you .Being normal is super boring. From how long do you go to the costplays ? I've never seen in my place -cuz it sucks (a little ) haha .I'd love to see the costplays someday!
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Valion4 In reply to Raikk0 [2013-06-15 11:51:28 +0000 UTC]
That's really nice,so you're from Austria?The last summer i got in some programe for acting,but the things got wrong and i went to my place -I am from Bulgaria and here we don't have such things.More of the people thinks those stuff for numbs and nerds.But i'm not like those persons.Wow 5 years! That's a lot I will check your photos later.You're very interesting girl .Do you have Comicon there? Or it is only in UK and USA?
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Raikk0 In reply to Valion4 [2013-06-15 12:03:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, pretty lame country sometimes but it's beautiful nevertheless xD
Really? I wanna study acting, goin' to the audition in about two weeks. I'm really nervous about it already xD
Really? Not a single convention? That's too bad, man :<
Yeah, well, many Austrians think it's pretty strange too, but I think it gets better every year. Some people a even genuinely interested in what we do :3
Yes, thinking back five years really are a lot xD Please, do so x3
No, sadly we have no Comicon here, that would be really awesome! But in Germany they have RingCon a pretty big fantasy convention with star guests from Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones and such. It costs me a lot of money, but it's totally worth it and it's not that far away either (nearer than Comicon anyway).
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Raikk0 In reply to Valion4 [2013-06-16 09:28:58 +0000 UTC]
I can imagine That's just the thing you wanna do for a living <3
Ah, well, it's just the audition for the drama school,
but I'm really nervous that they don't accept me :/ I still have to work on my monologues, but the next days I have a lot of work because of my theatre group. Gonna play Dracula in two days
At least it's a little bit of practice as well xD
Haha, yeah it's great to find someone you can talk to about those things,
because many people just don't understand when you are so passionate about something like acting :/
Haha xD Even if I go for a coffee it kinda isn't the same as other people do it, because I talk about things most people would call strange xD I can fill a whole day with discussions about Game of Thrones and such xD
Wow, that's great I sure wanna see a lot more of the world as well. When I'm accepted into the drama school I want to go to, then I will also have a subject called "english theatre acting", that's pretty awesome because it provides you with the english skills you need to go to Britain or America for acting or working at the set of international film productions. And I sure don't wanna stick around in Austria for acting, because the film industry here is less than small xD
Yes, I know At the moment I'm rather positive as well, really nervous, but kinda with the feeling "I can do that". Playing in a theatre group and getting compliments for acting out your role really good kinda puts you in the right spirits for such things ^^
Aw, thank you so much ;///; That really means a lot to me. Emilia Clark is such a great inspiration for me, she is just utterly gorgeous, beautiful and so talented. I would love to see her at RingCon, but I'm not sure if they invite her there D:
But yeah, playing in Game of Thrones would be the ultimate success xD
Well, we go by car, so at least the travel costs are not THAT high, but it is about 500 € right now for ticket, hotel rooms for four nights and food. But it kinda is my vacation this year, so I guess it's okay xD
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lolabrum [2013-05-04 06:48:40 +0000 UTC]
omfg you're sou lucky. I'm jealous, in the good way
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Illyrielle [2013-02-10 14:05:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm a total random person, but I have to say.. You are SO lucky!
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kitrazzle [2012-12-29 20:14:58 +0000 UTC]
For some reason I can only see the photo when I click Download. Odd.
So unbelievably totally jealous of you, dearie. Sitting on Jason f'ing Momoa's lap on the Iron Throne when he's in a partying mood while wearing the Dany costume; the only way to one-up the awesome would have been to have Harry Lloyd or Iain Glen there. My mind, it is blown. I'd love to hear the story behind this.
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Raikk0 In reply to kitrazzle [2013-01-07 17:16:56 +0000 UTC]
Maybe it's a little arrogant and thinks it doesn't have to behave like a normal picture. Stupid thing.
Well, I got a picture with Iain Glen some hours before this happened xD But sadly Harry Lloyd wasn't at that Con
The story is unbelievably awesome, didn't quite believe it myself until a sat on his lap xD
Someone asked the question "What would be your happy end for Game of Thrones?" and apparantly he asked for a Daenerys (I didn't hear it myself though), my friends to either side of me jumped form their seats, like they were burning hot all of a sudden and started to yell and point at me and I was all like "What the fuck is going on?" till I realized that they wanted me to go on stage xD But my timing was so bad, that I just had slipped out of my boots, because they got so uncomfortable after so many hours. I swear I was never so fast at putting on my shoes ever before! Still I was pretty confused and not sure if Jason Momoa really meant that somebody should come up on stage to him, but everyone around me (I only new my two friends xD) urged me to go, so I did. And Jason answered the question simply with "This is my happy end", sat on the Iron Throne and took my onto his lap. He took a sip form his beer then and spit it all over the stage xD And one time he leaned really close to me and I could feel his hear against my cheek - he's got so fucking awesome fluffy hair *A*
Well~ and I always sound like a crazy fangirl when I tell people about that moment x'D but it was just awesome! (It was even more awesome, because we joked about this same thing some hours ago. A friend of mine was like "We ask him, if he can sit on the Iron Throne, so I get a picture of that - and then we ask him, if you can sit on his lap, that would look really awesome!" - goddamn, we laughed about it like "Yes, something like that never really happens" xD)
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Raikk0 In reply to ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-21 14:26:14 +0000 UTC]
hrhr |//D In meinem Fangirl-Delirium hab ich das in dem Moment ned mal realisiert 8D"
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ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-19 15:27:07 +0000 UTC]
Genial, dass du ihn echt treffen konntest! Das muss sich hyper angefühlt haben! *^*
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Raikk0 In reply to ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-19 15:29:39 +0000 UTC]
Und wiiiie *A* Mein Hirn war so blank xD Ich hab mich einfach nur gefreut wie ein Honigkuchenpferd 8D
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Raikk0 In reply to ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-20 12:13:34 +0000 UTC]
Er meinte, dass ich gut aussehe x///D aber die anderen Schauspieler waren auch immer ganz begeister, sie haben immer gesagt, dass diese ganzen tollen Kostüme auf so ner Con echt der Wahnsinn sind ^^
Aber der Moment auf der Bühne war echt geil 8D
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Raikk0 In reply to ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-20 12:38:23 +0000 UTC]
Ja *A* die waren alle so toll ;A; und so sympathisch und alles, richtig nette und liebe Leute *///*
Das ist so geil gewesen, die Story wie ich auf seinen Schoß gekommen bin xD
Während den Panels wurden ja an die Schauspieler Fragen gestellt und irgendjemand (Gott segne ihn oder sie xD) fragt:
"What would be your happy end in Game of Thrones, the whole series?"
Und plötzlich fragt er einfach ob ne Daenerys da ist, genauen Wortlaut hab ich nicht verstanden, weil dann schon meine beiden Freundinnen aufgesprungen sind und mit dem Armen gefuchtelt und geschrien haben xD
Lustigerweise hab ich mir aber vorher gerade meine Stiefel ausgezogen, um es mir bequem zu machen und nach drei Tagen haben die ganz schön gedrückt x_x"
In purem Stress hab ich mich also wieder in meine Schuhe gequetscht und bin aufgesprungen und dachte mir nur so "Soll ich echt da rauf? Meint der das ernst?". Rundherum haben mich aber alle dazu aufgefordert, also bin ich dann mit großen Schritten auf die Bühne und Jason Momoa so "This is my happy end." hockt sich auf den Iron Throne und nimmt mich auf den Schoß |D" Ich war SO HAPPY, das war purer Fangirl-flash *///* xD
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Raikk0 In reply to ShirayukiOuji [2012-11-20 13:03:14 +0000 UTC]
Ja, ich hab Tage nachher noch deswegen rumgequietscht, wenn ich dran dachte xD
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LadyTargaryen [2012-10-24 03:19:47 +0000 UTC]
Seven Gods! This girl realized the dream of all the fans girls of the series!
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Raikk0 In reply to LadyTargaryen [2012-10-25 22:01:18 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I was so excited and happy and - I don't know, it was just overwhelming :///3
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shaddow190 [2012-10-16 16:37:28 +0000 UTC]
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Raikk0 In reply to shaddow190 [2012-10-17 21:05:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm so sorry D:
but... I love that moment D:
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WierdoSannaN [2012-10-14 08:35:50 +0000 UTC]
sdjkgbwakHJBG.Kjsbgkjdfbgalienrghla kNRGLKSNLKJHNLnlknvglkjbnwröld
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Raikk0 In reply to Moi-Keiniku-Sang [2012-10-14 07:33:17 +0000 UTC]
Haha, well, how could I not smile in that situation? x//D
Sadly such great men are never single 8D" I'm gonna die alone x'D
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Raikk0 In reply to Moi-Keiniku-Sang [2012-10-17 21:06:29 +0000 UTC]
That sums it up xD It really is too bad for us |D"
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Raikk0 In reply to WillowTreeWitch [2012-10-14 07:31:41 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot x3
Nope, he took a sip himself and spit a big beer-fountain over the whole stage x'D
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Raikk0 In reply to WillowTreeWitch [2012-10-17 21:01:12 +0000 UTC]
yeah, well, he loves beer xD On stage he was never without one x'DD
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Raikk0 In reply to WillowTreeWitch [2012-10-17 22:09:43 +0000 UTC]
I guess so xD
I wish you luck with that, I had a lot of luck as well apparently xD
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Nikolina-Angelova [2012-10-14 02:49:03 +0000 UTC]
I am so ridiculously jealous!!! >_<
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SorceressSeren [2012-10-14 02:04:45 +0000 UTC]
I wanna sit on drunk Drogo's lap.
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Raikk0 In reply to Murdelizer [2012-10-13 23:25:08 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, he was pretty awesome at the con :3
Und ich seh gerade in deinem Profil: Aus Österreich und noch dazu BioWare und Game of Thrones-Fan? I like 8D
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