QueenofCupcakes — Breathe

Published: 2008-08-13 16:59:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 639; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 4
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Description art journal page. collage, ink, acrylic paint and rub-ons
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Comments: 9

mouse-poo [2008-10-28 14:02:22 +0000 UTC]

You must post these on the art journaling community at Livejournal.com

they are breathtaking.

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QueenofCupcakes In reply to mouse-poo [2008-11-04 20:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

I have posted there before, I just haven't for awhile. You're right, I should do it again

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Casssita [2008-08-16 20:54:21 +0000 UTC]

Another lovely art journal page. I wish I could do such lovely pages. How do you approach yours? This seems almost like a daily journal format. I keep trying to start one but I haven't found anything that works for me. That, and the pages I have done I don't like, haha.

Feel like sharing a bit?

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QueenofCupcakes In reply to Casssita [2008-08-17 18:12:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Not all my pages are lovely (I don't share the ones I don't like). This one I didn't like that much until I pushed it further - I did the collage and was like 'meh'. And then I added the purple acrylic paint, then I did doodles over it, then it came together.

I don't journal daily, but I try to do a little bit quite often.

I journal in a moleskine journal
My process is like this:
- color the page with caran d'arch water soluble crayons and blend with water
- find a collage element I like or want to work with. Slap that down and work from there.
- leave the collage and write on the page when I feel like it. I don't do the journal part in chronological order - from first page to last, I tend to skip around and find a page the fits my mood.

If I have something in my head, I will try to create that, but these days I'm trying not to overthink things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I hope that helps!

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tarrou In reply to QueenofCupcakes [2008-10-13 09:37:36 +0000 UTC]

this is kind of like eaves dropping, so i apologize but I was wondering: how do moleskine pages hold up to all those layers, especially b/c a lot of them are wet? or do you use one with watercolor paper?

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QueenofCupcakes In reply to tarrou [2008-10-13 19:37:13 +0000 UTC]

it's not eavesdropping

i'm still only on my first moleskine, but i'm pleased with how it is holding up. i left some pages at the beginning and the end blank (tho i made notes and stuff), so that helps. It is pretty swollen and doesn't shut flat anymore - but I like that. So far the binding is intact. I think that is what I'd worry the most. Not all of my pages are that wet - on this one the brown is a caran d'arche watersoluble crayons, the page is wetted just lightly to blend. The acrylic ink was not very wet at all, since I did not add water to it. Some of my pages do have a lot more layers. If I do lots of layered pages in my next, I might be in trouble.

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tarrou In reply to QueenofCupcakes [2008-10-14 09:46:46 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the info

i've done some watercolors in a moleskine (it's one of the brown, kind of cardboardy covers with lined paper) and the paper's been so absorbent it's crazy. but hopefully one with drawing paper will be better! thanks again!

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Casssita In reply to QueenofCupcakes [2008-08-23 05:50:33 +0000 UTC]

That does, thank you. And "trying not to overthink things" I can definitely relate to. Story of my life, haha.

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QueenofCupcakes In reply to Casssita [2008-08-28 03:10:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it's way easier said than done. I try not to think ahead and also work on several pieces at a time. I usually work on my journal when I'm working on canvases and such, just to see if I can loosen up.

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