Auction Adopt
Owner : Kintara-5
SB : $20 usd
Min Bid. : $1 usd
AB : $90 usd
Ends 48 hours from the first bid
Please Please bid in chain and do not edit or delete your bid comments
Auction time will be extended by 10 minutes if have new bid the last 5 minutes
The winner will get
- This file non-watermark .jpeg
- files Fullbody .png
- If bid more than $40 usd will get Full body[chibi] .png u can req pose
If AB will get
- This file non-watermark .jpeg
- file Chibi .png
- File half body .png U can req pose
- If payment is not received within 24 hours this adopt will be put back up for auction
- If bid more than $60 usd can pay installments
- OTA , OC, Trade OK
- Resell with same/less price (Extra artwork can be added to the price)
- Changes the design
- Credit ' PengiiEP ' and don't claim the design as your own
- Paypal USD only