woops never uploaded this lady, this is her placeholder ref image for now. She's a character I had designed a while ago but just made her official more recently.
Origin: traveler
Nature: valiant
Boundary: leaf litter
Size: slight
Rare traits: overgrowth, manx, flexible tail
Uncommon traits: chest marking, bold marking, sleek
Nature features: monstera deliciosa, moss, Mycena aprilis
Personality: She's a spitfire little lady who fears nothing. She doesn't seem to be aware of how tiny she is. There's no quest too big or small for her, give her a bug to save and she will drop everything to make it happen. She likes to run reallllly fast through the leaf litter. She's friendly generally, but can be a fierce thing if need be.
About the design: She's got big monstera leaves for ears, a poofy moss cape, and two little mushroom nub horns. Her body shape and size are similar to that of a baby pig, except her limbs are thinner. She has a manx tail that is also flexible. Feel free to play with her shapes when drawing her. Her colors don't need to be color picked can use some different variations of similarly contrasting greens ect.
flat color version