Orion-Starshine — Kaen

Published: 2014-10-02 03:29:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 596; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 1
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Name: Kaen Ryota Alois
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 211 cm (6’11)
Weight: 40 kg (90 pounds)

EXP: 675
Gold: 500

Species: Chandelure
Flame Charge
Shadow Ball
Heat Wave

Ability: Infiltrator - Passes through the opposing Pokémon's barrier and strikes.
Type(s): /

Class: Wyvern Rider (--> Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider)
Weapon Rank(s): Axe - A (Sword - B)
- Strength +2 (Grants Str +2)
- Tantivy (Grands Hit/Avo +10 when no allies in 3 spaces)
- Inh. Mother
- Inh. Father
Reclass Options:
- Myrmidon (--> Swordmaster, Assassin)
- Mercenary (--> Hero, Bow Knight)
- Cavalier (--> Paladin, Great Knight)
- Blitzle Knight (--> Falcon Knight, Dark Flier)

Level: 10
Lvl 1: + Skill: Strength +2
    +1 Def    +1 Skl
Lvl 2: + Move: Psychic
    +1 Atk
Lvl 3:
    +2 Mag
Lvl 4: + Weapon: Sol
    +1 Atk    +1 Spd    +1 Lck
Lvl 5: + Weapon level --> C
    +2 Atk
Lvl 6: + 500 Gold
    +1 Atk    +1 Def    +1 Mag    +1 Res    +1 Spd    +1 Lck    +1 Skl
Lvl 7: + Move: Toxic
    +3 Mag
Lvl 8: + Weapon rank --> B, + Skill: Tantivy
    +1 Atk
Lvl 9: + Child Character: -
   +2 Atk    +2 Mag    +2 Spd
Lvl 10: + Weapon rank --> A
    +2 Atk    +2 Def    +2 Mag    +2 Res    +2 Spd    +2 Lck    +2 Skl
Attack: 18 (+2)
Defence: 7
Magic Attack: 10
Resistance: 4
Speed: 12
Luck: 8

- Reiki's Axe (50/50) (Lengthened for extra reach and power, can only be used by Kaen or Reiki)
- Sol (30/30)
- Vulanairy (3/3)

Nature: Quiet
Characteristic: A little quick tempered
Home Country: Yllisse

Strong of heart
- The reason he can suddenly snap is that he keeps everything inside until he can no longer hold it back. If he starts to look stoic it’s time to walk away and take cover. The only one who can always calm him down is his sister.
- Under the anger and rage resides a kind and caring person who fears his own temprament. He is afraid of hurting those around him and there is a lot of guilt when he does.

- Kaen was trained by his father to become a sword fighter, proud to one day be fighting beside the Delphox. It was not to be however. When both his parents where suddeny ripped from his and his sister's lives he was anctious about the little Fennekin's safety. While he encouraged her to go and ride their mother's experienced dragon, Ryu, he dicided that he did not want her to fly alone where he could not support and protect her. So he put away his sword and picked up his mother's axe, and took it upon him to train a young wyvern to ride into battle. That way he could protect those he loved, not just his sister but also his friends, flying high in the sky or not.
- Kaen goes back in time together with his sister. His recutement will be less clear cut then hers as he does not resamble either parent that much, and has no clear keepsake of either of them. He will only be recruited when Aurelia can convince her parents the he is their son, and her brother.

Physical Traits:





Old injuries:

Other traits:

Other Skills/Attributes: 







Joined At:

Support Relationships:
A/Close Friend:
- Aurelia (sister)
- Akari (best friend)
- Anemone (friend/best friends sister)
- Syaoran (father)
- Reiki (mother)
-C/Mild Dislike:
-A/Hopes You Die:

- He’s an albino, which affects both his skin colour and his eyes.
- He wears glasses for both correction and keeping part of the light out. Without them he has bad vision and gets migraines.
- The glasses he wears are shaped to his face so they temper light from all directions.
- When he goes into a fit of rage there is a chance he does not recall what happened when he snaps out of it.
- He and Akari have a pact that if Kaen goes too far the Quilava will stop him by his own hand.

Gender: Female
Height: 230 cm

Species: Haxorus
Dragon Claw
Hyper Beam
 Iron Tail
Dragon Pulse

Ability: Mold Breaker
Type(s): ( )

- Has a crush on Ryu

EXP and Gold go to Reiki:
EXP: flat colour and shading - 50 = 50 EXP Tot. EXP: 550 + 50 = 600 EXP
Gold: flat colour and shading - 120 = 120 Gold Tot. Gold: 1555 + 120 = 1675 Gold

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Comments: 38

StarCrosst [2015-01-03 22:10:14 +0000 UTC]

Aha! If all his attack is physical, with a 6 resistance, Minnie might actually stand a chance in a non-berserker fight! Or at least survive childhood. :3

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Orion-Starshine In reply to StarCrosst [2015-01-03 22:27:34 +0000 UTC]

I use the stats mostly as an indication for bodilly attacking and using magic, for pokémon moves I sort of go with the stats on Bulbapedia...
Chandelure is a special attacker with mid-high defences, not a physical attacker at all XD
(He only has Flame Charge for the sake of being able to be surrounded by fire if he snaps XD)

A magic user can kick his but pretty quickly though (Resistance of 1...)

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StarCrosst In reply to Orion-Starshine [2015-01-03 22:46:47 +0000 UTC]

Heh, guess that means Jan can join Akari on suppression duty. Though he'd have to be gentle.

Kaen: DX RAWR!
Jan: *casts basic spell; wreath of flame goes out in a puff of smoke* Knock it off.
Kaen: o.o ....

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Orion-Starshine In reply to StarCrosst [2015-01-03 23:08:09 +0000 UTC]

They're supposed to stop him, not kill him

If he would get hit by a well placed spell he's in deep trouble.

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Skyler-King [2015-01-03 19:45:00 +0000 UTC]

I love Kata's trivia... XD

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Skyler-King [2015-01-03 20:04:45 +0000 UTC]

Me as well
Not sure how much Ryu likes it

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Slayer-1412 [2014-10-13 19:39:51 +0000 UTC]

He looks quite a bit like Gerome, and such a strong pose!

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-13 20:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you . His design is indeed based on Gerome, his character will be very different though

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 00:16:30 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, that should be something to see ouo!

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 00:23:41 +0000 UTC]

I fear child characters will still have to wait for more than a year before they can be introduced in the group >.<
(We just finished M1 and in the game we follow the children come back after M13...)

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 00:59:39 +0000 UTC]

Technically speaking, yes.

But there is that doomed timeline that you'd have to build up with all the child characters, right? That'd be an alternate-universe altogether trying to make sure they all know of each other in some way *snickers*

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 01:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Good idea, I'll put it in with the mods
Our founder was already looking for a way to put the children in earlier, this would be a good way without disrupting the "game"

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 02:54:11 +0000 UTC]

Haha, technically it's a feature with Pocket-Crest too, with our seasonal application periods of the OutRealm gates opening--but no one's thought to do that yet and it makes me cry =w=;b

If you need ideas, I wouldn't mind sharing some

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 13:34:14 +0000 UTC]

That's a shame

Let's first see what the mods think about the alternate timeline but I will keep it in mind

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 15:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Creative loopholes like Reiki and Daggers reincarnating are what makes RPs interesting, no? Haha


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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 15:53:08 +0000 UTC]

Yes indeed, it gives an extra dimention
(You probably saw that this was Reiki's son)

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 15:55:30 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much literally discarding the past life and living a new one, aha.

(It did not escape my notice, yes.)

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 16:37:05 +0000 UTC]

I am planning on making her remember who she was, in bits and pieces

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-14 17:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Fun fun ouob

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 22:31:38 +0000 UTC]

The founder loved the idea of an alternate timeline for the children
She is going to put it in with the mods

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-15 01:39:31 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you're welcome them =w=b

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-14 17:39:20 +0000 UTC]

But first I'm finding her a husband

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-15 01:39:47 +0000 UTC]

Mhm--or maybe he can be adopted! (dun dun dunnnnn!)

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-15 01:46:06 +0000 UTC]

She is already in A support with another character and they seem close to S.
(Kaen's ears and tail are already those of this prospect father.)

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-15 01:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Ohohoho, congrats~
(Aw, that's adorable~)

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-15 02:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, thank you, they are really cute together (He's about 22cm shorter XD)
(I was already pretty shure of the ship when I drew Kaen)

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-15 04:07:43 +0000 UTC]

Psh, height doesn't matter in the face of love~

(Ahhahaha, I see what you did there~)

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Slayer-1412 [2014-10-15 10:36:36 +0000 UTC]

I know, but it's still funny/endearing to think about

(I wanted an albino so I had to find a way to still reflect who the father was)

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Slayer-1412 In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-15 21:38:32 +0000 UTC]


(Hrm, good point)

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Skyler-King [2014-10-11 17:18:56 +0000 UTC]

*giggles* I was looking through your gallery and saw this, and it reminded me of just how tall he will be... Syaoran, honey, evolve all you want but you are never being 6'7" tall. XD But he's got your cute ears and fluffy tail! And of course, fabulous hair like the both of you... XD

Syaoran: eme" ... *tilts his head waaaay back to look up at Kaen*

Anytime he scolds the kid (once he's taller), he'll have to stand up on a step stool or something so he can look down on him all fatherly-like. Don't worry, I'll give you a Fennekin baby who is all tiny and delicate like you.

Syaoran: I am not tiny or delicate! Just... a little less than average-sized! >A<

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Skyler-King [2014-10-11 19:30:32 +0000 UTC]

Ears and tail I really like characters with fluffy ears and tails but I try different things When/if Reiki evolves she will cut her hair short leaving her with short spiky, flame like hair.

And the stepstool will already be there for if he wants to look his wife in the eye XD

Kaen probably always has his brother/sister on his shoulders, they just climb up and stay there, Kaen gave up complaning after a few years XD

By the way, I found a ship for Sai She will be paired with Janobi the Servine, one of starglimmer's characters.

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Skyler-King In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-11 21:53:21 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome; Sai and Janobi... XD It's also a little ironic, since starglimmer and I are gonna develop a sort of brotherly relationship between Syan and Jan.

But oh gosh... Imagine Zipporah meeting Janobi. *busts out laughing* That will be interesting... I hope he has the patience to put up with her, for Sai's sake. XD

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Skyler-King [2014-10-11 22:02:45 +0000 UTC]

cool a way for Sai and Reiki to officially meet

Janobi is patient but also matter of fact and can be quite harsh in his honesty
I think they will clash spectacularly XD

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Skyler-King In reply to Orion-Starshine [2014-10-12 02:16:06 +0000 UTC]

It will be a beautiful thing... a nice big happy family. XDDDD

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Sallidii [2014-10-02 17:34:08 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, he looks awesooome!

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Sallidii [2014-10-02 19:22:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, thank you ^_^

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Larikane [2014-10-02 10:46:14 +0000 UTC]

I like his armor.

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Orion-Starshine In reply to Larikane [2014-10-02 13:37:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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