Hello, humans! Has anyone else survived the cataclysm?
Мы в жопе, нахуй. But in any case, we are moving forward. I use machine translation. If you see a typo, please correct me.
We rarely go down to the surface and even less often see the local fauna. I have already begun to forget that the surface looks like some kind of fantasy. I have accumulated several concept art and over the next two weeks I will tell you how the Ulvastri priests zombie their flock.
So what do these cute animals have to do with it? Mankind has always learned from nature, adopting what was already invented by evolution and this time was no exception. It is not known why the sectarians called this creature a cow, because it has no resemblance to the Earth's cows, but now it’s important not their name, but the amazing songs that these animals sing while they are looking for food.
When looking for fruits saturated with t-energy, cows emit sounds that are on the same resonant frequency with t-energy. As a result, the fruits begin to glow like light bulbs and they can be seen even under dense vegetation or under a thick layer of fallen leaves.
Observing these animals, the priests created a technique that allows, with some adjustment of the timbre of the voice, to recreate a similar resonance using only their own vocal cords. The Church choir of priests is able to lead people into a state of euphoria, since t-energy is contained in the blood of each exalted. In this state, you can inspire anything in your flock.
Nevertheless, other families are careful with the sweet voice of the priests, and in the possession of Zei family, using resonance in people is a criminal offense. When communicating with the priest, vigilance should be maintained, as their ability to convince is not inferior to the strength of the Jedi.
Of course, this trick will not work for the inhabitants of the arks.