one-who-draws — Hetalia Sketch Dump

Published: 2012-10-14 06:31:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 718; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 7
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Description Some characters that I've been wanting to draw for a while, but have too much I have to do. So, I sketched them out to satisfy my craving.

Prussia and young Germany :Yeah, I know I draw them a lot, but I havent drawn young Germany in a while. (But prussia's face freaking looks different every time I draw him!!! Dang, I suck!)

Ok, usually I dont like characters that arent canon, (even if they are practically internet canon) but I recently grew to love him (blame fan fiction) and wanted to try drawing him.
I kinda suck at drawing his hair.

Holland/Netherlands: Drew him once, and I did poorly. Had an urge to draw him again! He really is a cool character! Been wanting to draw him for a while now! His hair is still nuts though!

Soviet Russia: Havent drawn Russia for a long time. Also wanted to try my hand at a type of Soviet outfit. Probably not correct but oh well.
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Comments: 31

RizafromKeron [2012-11-22 15:46:13 +0000 UTC]

Wow, so late at feedback those ones but at the end I did it, YAYYYYYYYYY! I feel pretty cool in this moment!

Well, we all know that you're a master in drawgin Prussia and Germany, so I do't have anything to say about them, perfect as always! X3 And I love the eye bandage! I've some sort of bandages-fetish now? You should definitely draw more Scotland (and Soviet Russia - even better, together! u.u Booze match!!!) . We need it! We all like Scotland (even if the Scottish hate all the world according to that show haha! XD), he's the best OC canon character in the world!

What is Holland looking at? A novel? :3

PS: Two sketches with people with booze, haha!

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one-who-draws In reply to RizafromKeron [2012-11-22 17:38:12 +0000 UTC]

oh wow. yeah, a bit late. But hey, I'm just happy you finally noticed them!
Really? I dont like how Prussia came out there. But like you once said before, I must be a Prussia perfectionist.
Bandages and eye patches are the best! Especially when you are too lazy to draw another eye!

Scotland's hair turned out weird, but oh well. Not bad for my first time drawing him!

Holland is looking over business papers! He's a busy man!

Oh yeah...so much booze....haha

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RizafromKeron In reply to one-who-draws [2012-11-22 20:58:43 +0000 UTC]

Hahah I had them in my DEVIATIONS list since they were posted, but I couldn't find the time to actually comment them good, so I waited until now, but at the end I managed, haha! So cool I am! X3

Hahahah I never thought about it since I love so much to draw the eyes and the hair! XD So a bandage would ruin my cute little faces, but on other hand I LOVE bandages and blood and when my characters get hurt BADLY.... Mhm, I'm at an impasse here. Prussia obsessive you are! XD

Oooooh, so he's a serious country. How boring. u.u Draw him partying hard!


Mhm, no, they're not so weird, just a bit shorter than usual maybe. But not bad at all. He's just had an haircut, that's all. u.u

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scoureroflostsouls [2012-10-29 21:27:44 +0000 UTC]

These're cool
Russia + Scotland're probs my favourites

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one-who-draws In reply to scoureroflostsouls [2012-10-29 23:04:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I am rather happy with how they came out! (well, not entirely how prussia turned out...funny that of all of them, its the character i draw the most that I fail at.)
Gonna have to draw more Scotland and Russia sometime.

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scoureroflostsouls In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-29 23:37:26 +0000 UTC]

Not at all They're cool <3 (Maybe it's because you're so used to drawing him you weren't concentrating so hard....?)

Doooooo <3

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Shizunette [2012-10-19 07:07:46 +0000 UTC]

*taking him back home*
*shot by Prussia*

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-19 17:47:08 +0000 UTC]

Read first part, about to warn you that Prussia is in "awesome overprotective brother mode", but you already got shot...
That's why I'd just take them both!

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-20 12:24:40 +0000 UTC]

I should stop getting myself shot.

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-20 16:08:24 +0000 UTC]

My idea first.

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-20 17:52:30 +0000 UTC]

Then I'm stealing your idea 8D
French mastered the art of thievery ohonhon !
*Not giving back Mona Lisa )o)*

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-20 23:48:22 +0000 UTC]

hahaha!! Reminds me of the French soccer player who headbutted the italian! Cant remember the names right at the moment, but you know who I'm talking about! Cost you frenchies the championship!
The italian was bragging about that. X3

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-21 11:06:38 +0000 UTC]

Ah you mean Zidane right ?
Well I kind of understand why he headbutted him, the italian insulted his family *cause he's not exactly "french" he's from Corse, which belongs to France btw* orz
Zidane is still really popular in France, everyone loves him, he's known for his fairplay his talent, his great leadership and and ... *-*
He has a cute surname too we call him "Zizou" ! xD

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-22 00:08:21 +0000 UTC]

ah yes!
I dont really have an opinion on the whole event, except that it was funny! And the italians take advantage of that win and even made a cheer, and a part of it mentions getting the Mona Lisa back.
His "fairplay"? Like headbutting italians in the chest? Haha, yep! No no, i dont mean to insult or anything! Again, I'm just an innocent bystander!
But its fun too see how competitive europeans are when it comes to their sport teams. Americans have way too many sports teams, and usually we dont play foreigners that often, except for the olympics.

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-25 19:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Side with the frenchie then !
Tsss never giving back the Mona Lisa 8B

Well ... except for this italian accident ahahah xD
I meant that now players often fake being hurt to give the other players penalties )o)

Yes we are, except against the spanish, they're like the gods of football, but we managed to get some goals from them ahahaha 8D
Come to France and play against our team then )o)
*Although you'll never go back to USA If we lose *

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-25 19:36:53 +0000 UTC]

I laughed so hard.

Oh geez, that explains why the japanese were so freaking excited when they beat Spain in the Olympics! They told me Spain was good, but I didnt know they were THAT good!

Wait....so if YOU lose...I'm stuck in France? Wait! Oh...i see...you'll kill me then. Tsk tsk. At least take me down like Zidane!

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-26 18:39:17 +0000 UTC]

Ah I know those gifs ! XD

Yeah, Spain is the current World's Champion, because of Messi right now )o)

Just like us when we had Zidane, we won the World's Cup in 1998 and we should have won it in 2006 too orz
Btw the best goalscorer of all time was a french. We're awesome.

Ok, if you win, I'll give you a headbutt )o)

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-26 18:47:35 +0000 UTC]

those gifs...oh gosh I almost died! So random! I will forever love Zidane now, just for his miraculous headbutt!

Now I'm scared....cause I want my team to win, but I dont wanna get a super head butt from you! I may not survive!! (but i guess thats your intention...)

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-29 11:33:47 +0000 UTC]

YES ! Love Zidane ! Love the french !

Well, if you don't like the headbutt option we still have other ones ~ Like making you eat cheese until you say you hate hamburgers

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-29 14:49:43 +0000 UTC]

(maybe stinking french burgers, but never my own!)

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-30 13:56:15 +0000 UTC]

WHAT ? Stinking french burgers ? HOW DARE YOU
Pffff even though Hamburger was invented in Europe !

Btw, check out this guy : [link]

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-30 15:14:09 +0000 UTC]

1. Wasnt invented in france!
2. Americans perfected it!

hahaha, its ALWAYS the small asian guys! Seriously!

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-30 16:28:35 +0000 UTC]

1. But wasn't invented in the USA either !
2. Americans only added fat to it !

Btw the best hamburger I have ever eaten was in a british pub in Paris ... called the Frog ! XD
Btw the cooks were french, had to make that clear ahahah.

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-10-30 18:59:15 +0000 UTC]

But you havent had a true american burger! And mcDonalds does not count!
My german said the same thing! Said german ones were better! Well honhonhonhonh!! i showed her! She admitted ours were better by the end.

I'm sure they are still good....but AMERICAN BURGERS ALL THE WAY!!! Wish i could just have you try some.

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Shizunette In reply to one-who-draws [2012-11-02 00:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Was gonna say "I did !" But then you said " Mc Donald does not count" XD

Honhonhonhonhon O_O
You ... actually ... laughed like a french ? O_O
I'm shocked O_O
The american actually laughed like a french O_O

Actually, one of the friends I'm supposed to go to London with said she -maybe- won't be able to go *cause her parents aren't exactly rich*
So if she's not going, a friend said we could go to another country like the USA instead *Actually it was more like Japan but since we don't speak japanese fluently and can't read it either ... xD*

But I think we're still going to London, since we're travelling alone this time, have to be not too far away from France xD

Anyway, if we somehow really go to the USA, I promise I'll eat a super expensive high quality hamburger in a french restaurant

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one-who-draws In reply to Shizunette [2012-11-02 02:26:26 +0000 UTC]

hehehehe, I've been doing the fake french laugh long before I met you, so I automatically did it without thinking. Then after typing it i realized I was kinda messing up my "american burger superiority" speech with it....but decided to use it anyways. (my sister and I love doing the french laugh! Oh and my dad too! he also likes acting russian with me and talking about Vodka...even though we dont drink)

Tsk, you should come to Idaho. But that's even further!! haha, one farthest state away from you probably. Still would have been a lot of fun. And there are plenty of people up here who speak french. (actually going on a date with one of them tomorrow. Just a friendly one though! Nothing serious! Probably cause I showed so much interest in the fact that we went to france and knows the language. We're gonna make crepes!)

No no no. You need ME to supervise you! There are always good and bad shops, and I need to take you to a good one! (and we dont have french restaurants that serve burgers. I think you'd insult them. And then you'd have to spend all your money just to eat a really small, simple meal.)

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watervampire [2012-10-18 22:27:37 +0000 UTC]

AWWW Young Germany looks so adorable!!

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one-who-draws In reply to watervampire [2012-10-19 17:48:15 +0000 UTC]

I do love little Germany!

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ponypaws [2012-10-17 22:00:14 +0000 UTC]

love.them.all. 8D

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one-who-draws In reply to ponypaws [2012-10-17 22:33:35 +0000 UTC]

HORRAYS!!! Yeah, I like his character a lot too! cant believe he's not canon...

THANK YOU!!! I'm rather fond of them too!

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ponypaws In reply to one-who-draws [2012-10-21 00:35:02 +0000 UTC]

No prob!

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