omupied — Bete dhe...

Published: 2009-03-29 13:38:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 27722; Favourites: 907; Downloads: 0
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Description argh... BT bgt hari ini,ujan trus2an, Internet mandul, maklum pengguna modem... damn!

Jd dodel2 ga jelas...

Cik atuh beneran servis teh! mayar weh,servis budug!

mudah2an suka aja lah...

my 1st plant is sasuke, but its not like sasuke at all...
gaaah... i must more serious for making concept...

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Comments: 113

joleighwhite [2013-09-05 02:32:00 +0000 UTC]

This totally makes me think of L from Death Note!!!XD

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LadyBlackKill [2013-06-19 20:58:16 +0000 UTC]

Feature in my journal of my group~

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Fantasized-Teravan [2012-05-29 23:26:43 +0000 UTC]

I think it looks perfect! At least he's not scowling for once. Very well done!

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LadyBlackKill [2012-04-24 17:52:11 +0000 UTC]

OMG >.< I love it so much. I wish I have your drawing skills TT^TT *so good*

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celestialprincess101 [2011-06-02 03:05:50 +0000 UTC]

He almost looks like Lee Sungmin O_O

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lvlapple [2011-05-02 20:53:00 +0000 UTC]


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hara-noBERRY [2010-10-30 13:14:35 +0000 UTC]

wuhaaa... beautiful face and the hair is amazing! Ö//Ö ♥

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clux-box [2010-09-20 18:10:06 +0000 UTC]

mantab gan ....

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OrionHime [2010-07-16 07:49:11 +0000 UTC]

Very nice!!

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rgxsingh [2010-06-12 17:10:10 +0000 UTC]

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Psychorobo [2010-06-05 07:27:56 +0000 UTC]

wow... keren!!! simpel dan fresh liatnya

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JuMclia [2010-04-23 05:03:40 +0000 UTC]

Hm, could be Sasuke.
Or Beyond from Death Note. Doesnt fit L since the eyes are red.

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MissHistory [2009-09-23 01:24:04 +0000 UTC]

He looks like L in Death note x) Anyway we don't care who he is, he's simply amazing *-*

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Briel74 [2009-08-25 15:03:06 +0000 UTC]

it's amazing but I think too much girlish...Sasuke is a very bad guy ehehehhe
anyway great job!

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Froitz [2009-05-12 15:23:03 +0000 UTC]

numpang nanya ,anda toolsnya di painters IX buat ni gambar apa aja ya? berhubung ane juga make corel painter IX, itung2 buat nambah ilmu he..he..
btw gambarnya maut!!
( tpi klo dilihat2 potongan rambutnya kayak L nya DeatNote he...he..)

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omupied In reply to Froitz [2009-05-12 19:45:23 +0000 UTC]

silahkan... saya juga senang ada temen...

mungkin bisa di liat di [link]

itu brush2 yg saya pake...

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Froitz In reply to omupied [2009-05-13 16:28:43 +0000 UTC]

wah makasih banyak ya boeat ilmunya he..he..

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MsRieke [2009-05-06 09:10:59 +0000 UTC]

Gambarnya bagus, tapi masa' sih Sasuke? Tadinya kirain L kalo lagi ga' aneh..

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tieq [2009-05-04 14:09:43 +0000 UTC]

wow, tapi tampak seperti L...

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tieq [2009-05-04 14:08:18 +0000 UTC]

wow, tapi tampak seperti L...

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Hika-ritsu [2009-04-24 20:02:01 +0000 UTC]

I would be hating him if he was suske xD

this guy is prettier than him amazing job

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Aya-Frost [2009-04-24 17:57:02 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is awesome. The coloring job is amazing!

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Kimsan-san [2009-04-24 16:44:36 +0000 UTC]

he is one pretty boy he is.

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MarikKanameLightZero [2009-04-21 02:57:46 +0000 UTC]

This is amazing- love the shading and the hair.

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decave [2009-04-10 02:51:08 +0000 UTC]

He eh, BT di beubeurik ku paparazzi. Beledug pisan, piraku ngaing di sangki bikang.

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horse-shit [2009-04-05 09:44:22 +0000 UTC]

manteb ! realist bgt!

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ShinRone [2009-04-04 15:43:37 +0000 UTC]

kukira L-nya deathnote ^^
rambut gondrong acak2an kaos putih..
coba dikasi item2 di matanya, persis deh

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omupied In reply to ShinRone [2009-04-05 01:59:49 +0000 UTC]

banyak yang bilang..

yo wis.. inih kalo sasuke kawin ama L anaknyah jadi begindang..

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ShinRone In reply to omupied [2009-04-05 18:06:11 +0000 UTC]


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xRUBIx [2009-04-03 18:03:40 +0000 UTC]

great work =]
i love how you did the hair

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omupied In reply to xRUBIx [2009-04-05 02:00:06 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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flutist [2009-04-02 16:20:38 +0000 UTC]

hidung ke bawah agak terlalu bishie utk sasuke, terlalu ceria utk L, but who cares

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omupied In reply to flutist [2009-04-05 02:00:39 +0000 UTC]

kalo sasuke kawin ama L anaknyah kayak begini..

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flutist In reply to omupied [2009-04-05 05:52:42 +0000 UTC]

hauhauhauhauahua.. emangnya tanaman dihibrid.

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euforia84 [2009-04-02 11:17:51 +0000 UTC]


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rudiindra4 [2009-04-02 07:04:21 +0000 UTC]

make broom oge?
sarua parah jeung urg... HSDPA'na di ujungberung ngan dapet 2 batang

speed non-pulsa jeung with-pulsa keneh2 kehed
jd hoream ngisi deui

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ArgentYue [2009-04-01 11:07:16 +0000 UTC]

co gothic?
eyeliner itemnya itu loh...ga tahan..
kl ditambah aksesoris metal, jadi deh rocker XD

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leejun35 [2009-04-01 04:27:58 +0000 UTC]

It's beautiful!
The hair look so nice ^_^

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snoissesbo [2009-03-31 22:29:15 +0000 UTC]

I love it. Especially his hair, and he looks very... sweet

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Baltxer [2009-03-31 02:54:47 +0000 UTC]

heh, kayak campuran sasuke dan L, yah???

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ci-ent [2009-03-31 01:00:03 +0000 UTC]

Mirip L yah!! tinggal dikasih lingkaran hitam dimatanya jadi L cantik banget!!

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omupied In reply to ci-ent [2009-03-31 02:27:15 +0000 UTC]

ia ya?
niat na sih bikin sasuke, tp ga tau knp jd gini, drpada di deleted...
ya submit aja dhe...

makasih ya...

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cyu [2009-03-30 07:16:38 +0000 UTC]

lama2 jadi kayak L dari Deathnote.. tapi kurang dibuat "belang panda" pd matanya~ x3

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omupied In reply to cyu [2009-03-30 08:24:34 +0000 UTC]

haha ia juga setelah di liat2, tp expresina si L mah ga pernah ketawa... hehehe... lagian si L mah kaya yg piansui ah, stroke... ahahaha

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cyu In reply to omupied [2009-03-30 08:35:58 +0000 UTC]

diedit2 dikit khan beres nya~ x3

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Mahatys [2009-03-30 07:12:52 +0000 UTC]

Buw, M2 dah melampaoi batas pelanggan!! Bukannya koneksi d tambahin ma mrk malah d biarin aj., sabar aj buw pengguna modem d latih kesabarannya,.

Btw btw, napa mukanya ni mirip ma senior w yg co yg cantik yg super bishounen itu?!!? Oh my!!!
Jangan" kenal ya?!? :W0w!:

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omupied In reply to Mahatys [2009-03-30 08:23:25 +0000 UTC]

oo gt ya.. males internetan akhir2 ini, kuya bgt apa lg site2 berat ky cgsociety ato cghub.

eh sapa ya? gw mah bdg, kaga tau anak2 jogja...
ngarang ini mah... klo mirip ya sukur, brati dah 2 orang yg bilang mirip ahaha...

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Mahatys In reply to omupied [2009-03-30 12:35:41 +0000 UTC]

haha,. w mah ol cmn tuk cek email ma submit.,
tp klo dah youtube itu dah serasa dunia lain!! lol

Mirip bgt ma senior w yg bishou!! Dy pasti tar ngambek w bilangin mirip ma gambaran org,. biarlahh... biar rame tu anak,. Lol

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Chromattix [2009-03-30 02:50:34 +0000 UTC]

Who cares if he's not like the real Sauke...I think this one looks way better I like how soft and flowy the hair looks

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Lil-Clover [2009-03-30 01:43:23 +0000 UTC]

g suka banget model rambutnya, jadi pengen potong gaya begitu

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