☾ C H I O N E ☽T h e L e a d e r
☾ b a s i c s ☽☾ Name ☽ Chione
☾ Name Meaning ☽ Snow Queen/King from Greek origins
☾ Age ☽ 2years
☾ Gender ☽ Buck
☾ Sexuality ☽ Pansexual
☾ Breed ☽ Elk (Albino)
☾ Rank ☽ Alpha
☾ Herd ☽ Aren
☾ a p p e a r a n c e ☽☾ Height Deer Forme ☽ 5'4"
☾ Height Deerling Forme ☽ 6'6"
☾ Deer Forme Description ☽ The first thing you must notice about Chione, if you happen upon him in his Elk form, is that his fur is as pure as freshly fallen snow. It covers him head to to, graying only slightly around his lower legs and mane of fur that rings his neck. You would be correct in assuming that he is in fact Albino, his stature and everything about him just screams it right at you. Upon closer inspection of his elegant form, is you would notice he has long legs, each hoof as pale as the rest of him. Travelling upwards in the snowy bound beast, you will eventually notice the rest of his body as well, lean and powerful underneath all of that form. Only once you reach his face are you met with the faintest splashes of colour- icy blue eyes that look as if they were chips of sky themselves. They pierce into you, looking into the hidden crannies of your mind you told yourself you'd never go ever again. Yet at the same time, they hold kindness, and warmth. Travelling down the slender maw, you reach a large, pale pink nose, as if a rose petal had simply been placed there and stayed there forever more. Chione's antlers are large and a deep brown in colour, sharpened at the points.
☾ Deerling Forme Description ☽ He's very, very pale you notice. With skin as delicate and pure looking that it almost looks dangerous to touch, as if you would simply break right though. Fur equally as pale runs up and down his long slender legs, and short silver hair followed by braids catch your attention. Chione is smiling at you, and you smile in return. He seems so delicate, yet you know that is not the case. When you look at that pale skin of his, you can see the outline of abs lining his chest. His arms, you notice, have hidden strength in them as well. Freckles line his arms, up and down they travel, and along his sides they are also visible. You are wary of looking up for now, so instead, you turn your gaze down. You see those powerful legs of his, long and snowy white, pale gray just starting to appear and vanish near the hooves. Chione clears his throat, and you are prompted to look up. Look into his face. He is very handsome, you notice, with chiseled features and those blasted eyes of his. They pale blue ones, mimics of his other form. Such a pale blue they are, it's captivating. Freckles run across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, you also notice. But other than those beautiful eyes of his, you are entranced by his hair. It is short and cropped in the back(minus the mane that leads all the way to his lower back), and long in the front, four braids before you, each tipped with a bead of varying colours.
☾ Markings && Tattoos ☽ Freckles line his arms, around his back and chest, and across his face.
☾ Accessories ☽ Hair Beads of varying colours, varying Flower Crowns[not pictured] or Thorn Crowns[not pictured].
☾ p e r s o n a ☽Chione himself is a very intriguing character, one with many different traits to his person. Some he's had since the very depths of his childhood, others he's learned over time, and some with his very position of being Alpha. All together they make up the story book that is our friend right here. So why don't we start from the very beginning, and list each one as they pop up, shall we? Well, the story does begin as such, that there once was a very caring buck out there in the world, always willing to lend a hand and always putting others before himself. It was almost as if he did not care for his well being, yet this is not the case. Love just swells within his heart, and it shows. As such Chione is also labelled empathetic, he'd always listen to the qualms you've had within the depths of your mind, he'd always be perceptive of ones emotions. Bouncing from one person to the next, making sure you're ok, wanting to know you, all sorts of things, every type of thing. Chione would always be happy, he would always do whatever he could.
So, in some people's eyes, Chione was very much lively, why wouldn't he be? His whole life was ahead of him, everything and anything that he could do, would be done to the best that he could. Games and activities and dares and fun stuff, it was all in his area. Yet even if this lively, outgoing fellow is as he is, Chione is rather guarded. Oh for sure! He'd love to get to know you, know everything about you! But if the questions start coming his way, he'd start being a tad dodgy. Not like he wants to, but he's just a private fellow at heart.
But do you remember how earlier it had been stated he really wants to know you...? Well, for this case, Chione is rather flirty with both those bucks and does. This can range from heavy on flirting, to being suave, yet he does know when to back off if that sort of thing is not wanted.
We have only a couple more traits to go through, before we've reached the end. So let's us continue, shall we? If we were to jump back to the topic of Chione being lively, there is one other little thing that ties into this. Chione can be seen as rather reckless at times, for some of the things he does is rather stupid, even if he is the Alpha. It all begins really, with dares. He'd do anything really, as long as it's not harmful to another person. Jump out of that tree? Sure why not man. Touch that poison ivy? Lol ok. He makes a couple of trips to the Alphine every couple of months that's for sure. But he does have his Alpha qualities in there as well. Truth be told, Chione is a natural peacekeeper. He absolutely hates and despises when two deerlings fight, no matter the age. War and death and battle are all such hideous things to him, so if any sight of a fight would break out, you can bet yourself that Chione would do his best to stop it. This of course, gets him in the way sometimes and only makes things worse, but a guy can try, can't he? Doubling in with that Chione is also very over-protective of anybody he is close to. This can count as family, friends, his mate, etc. etc. It all just boils down to close you are, and it's rather mind boggling at the lengths he'll go through. It can be kinda annoying for the people he 'protects' as well, because usually it's over something stupid.
☾ h i s t o r y ☽He was not born an Aren deerling. Nor was he, however, born an Arev deerling either. A middle man that was not meant to be, the very happening of what should not have been- a mixed love.
☾ Childhood ☽ But the story, for Chione, begins before he was even born. Chione's mother, Anise, a pure born Aren deerling herself, had fallen in love with a strong buck from Arev. A love grew between the two, and it was one winters eve when Anise had announced she was pregnant to her loving mate. Shock followed, soon guilt at what they had done, but it vanished if only for a moment when Chione himself was born. Their surprise at him being nothing but as white as the snow he laid on was pure in their faces, but Anise loved him, her mate filled with disbelief and disgust. Chione's white coat to him, could only mean a bad omen, a notice from the God's themselves that what he and Anise had done was terrible. He disowned his son that day, and Anise as well. Anise, heart broken and surprised, headed back to Aren with a heavy heart and terrible grief for her son. What had they done, in her mind, now rotten. But love was strong for her son, and she vowed to raise Chione to the best of her abilities.
For the first couple of months, everything had been going so smoothly too. Anise was taking grandeur care for her son, and Aren had come to terms with what had happened. Chione had gotten plenty of weird looks before, plenty of names called at him before, yet he still did his damnedest to do his best, to prepare for becoming a beta. Sooner or later whispers reached his ears, whispers of his father, and why he had none. Whispers of terrible things. He was scared of course, scared of this knowledge which had now reached him. This couldn't be true, now could it be? Confronting Anise, he finally learned the truth, and a burning fire began to burn within him to see his father at least once, to give him a piece of his mind. To ask why? Why did you do it?
☾ Training ☽ He never got his opportunity until much much later, but that will come up when it needs to. For now, Chione had done what he had with his childhood, and entered the life of being a beta. His mentor was a strong buck, a fellow who thought it'd be best to treat Chione differently than everybody else, to toughen him up. Of course, this involved being more harsh, more strict... Chione held high respects for the buck, but grew to dislike him along this route as well. But sooner or later, things only got worse, his mother becoming dreadfully ill. This would not do, she had to see him become a Deltain, to graduate... yet her state only worsened more and more. Finally she passed away one night, and Chione felt great grief. He ran away that night, no idea where he would head to, or what he would do. So he only ran and ran and ran, he ran into the neutral grounds, far into the very faintest light of day. As the sun began to rise, and his sobs echoing in the silence, did he realize that Arev territory was right before him, and even closer than that, a large elk. His father. Not knowing of his relation to the elk before him, Chione only did what he could think to do.
"Did you know a doe named Anise?" He had asked through a sob choked voice, and the elk of course, responded. He had said he once did, a long, long time ago, and why would it matter now? She was nothing to him. Chione was angered as well as sad now, but what could he do? So he only issued what he could, and spat and told the very harsh truth of his mother's passing. Who cared if this elk was his father or not now, they could spread the news. The other elk was taken aback, and was perhaps distressed by this news. Chione wasn't sure why until much later himself, when he realized that his father never stopped loving his mother no matter what, it was he that his father truly disliked. But either which way, his father agreed to bring Chione back when it had been asked, and it was a rather silent walk back. Chione had not seen his father since.
But upon his arrival, he was met with many a worried doe and buck, filled with gratefulness upon his return. Chione continued his training under his mentor, until it had been noted, despite his actions he was improving quickly, and gossip began spreading around the camp. Chione began making friends, and he was doing just fine, missing his mother and what not. His friends helped him along the way, and he became even better than he was before in what he was doing. He would certainly be a deltain in no time, right?
But it was a surprise for him, that at the recent promotions meeting, that he had now acclaimed the position of the Alpha Beta. Had he been working that much? Perhaps so, for that was where he was at now, and he only worked harder and harder up through the rest of his training days now. Months passed, than a year, and then another. It was his turn now, and he stepped up to the position with gratitude. Here he co-led now, and here he would be the proud co-leader of Aren.
☾ Current Events ☽ Nothing to Note.
☾ r e l a t i o n s h i p s ☽☾ Hatred ☽ None
☾ Dislike ☽ None
☾ Neutral ☽ None
☾ Friend ☽ None
☾ Best Friend ☽ None
☾ Crush ☽ None
☾ Love ☽ None
☾ Mate ☽ None
☾ Family ☽
Mother || Loves dearly, misses her, and was an aspiring role model for him
Father || A strong dislike, but respects him all the same.
☾ c o n t a c t i n f o ☽☾ Skype Name ☽ OliverTwined
☾ Tumblr ☽
☾ Availability ☽ Weekdays 3-10, Weekends All Day
☾ RP Options ☽ Notes, Skype, Chatrooms || PG-13 to rated R is ok