Oculus-Moon — The Striking V I P E R

#cats #viperpaw #thehiddencreekslegacy #warriorcatsoc
Published: 2019-08-02 05:39:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 629; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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 The Viper....... WILL BE REMADE LATER.


 Name; Viperpaw
Nickname(s); Viper, V, Snake
Former names; Viperkit
 Age; 9 Moons
Gender; Male 
Sexuality; Unsure
Rank; Apprentice



Breed; Turkish Angora x American Bobtail x American Curl
Scars/Physical Ailments; NONE (yet)
Scent; Pine, Honeysuckle, The River

- Description -
A light brown tabby, patched darker markings on muzzle, splotched lighter brown on chest. Lighter brown on paws (Some are not on EVERY toe!) On front legs the darker brown is faded. Snaggle tooth (His LEFT), One whisker is bent up (as if angry all the time), Heterochromia (two eye colors), ears curl backward, FLOOFY, bobtail.


POS -- Athletic | Calm | Clever
NEU -- Deceptive | Emotional | Formal
NEG -- Devious | Egocentric | Unappreciative

Strength; Agile/high dexterity, quick thinking, level headed.
Weakness; Overthinker, Self Centered, prideful


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Comments: 2

tehwatcher [2019-08-02 08:03:34 +0000 UTC]

1st llook awesome X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Oculus-Moon In reply to tehwatcher [2019-08-02 09:05:23 +0000 UTC]


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