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Got a little late but I wanted to paint something inspired by the mid-autumn festival that happened a few weeks back. I've always loved the atmosphere surrounding it and the lore behind it is very charming too, so I really had a lot of fun painting this. Also it's been a good while since I've painted anything this detailed hehe
I went for a more soft-pastel like feel for this one and so ended up using a lot of my custom brushes. Playing around with textures is definitely something I enjoy a lot. ALSO BUNNIESSSSSSSSSS
It was fun incorporating some iconic elements pertaining to this festival: red lanterns, mooncakes, rabbits, autumn leaves, swirly clouds, etc.
Overall this turned out to be something really special to me
Done in Photoshop CS6 with an intuos pro. Took around 12-14 hours over a few days.
Hope you guys likey!
Thanks for looking 💖