Noland — Unicorn warrior

Published: 2004-08-12 00:13:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 824; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 162
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Description Hmm oki, I didn't know where I should submit this, but I guess it really is a tutorial.. . though I think tutorials should be made by persons with talent ^o^ oh well, forgive me for submiting crappy stuff. This drawing isn't complete, I just got so bored that I did this quick tutorial. ^_^; I'll do something more detailed

Edit: Oh, err the Unicorn symbol belongs to hmm Alderac Entertainment Group
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Comments: 23

shima-shima [2004-08-21 16:33:15 +0000 UTC]

Hey, good tutorial Let's see if I can learn something

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zech [2004-08-18 02:34:47 +0000 UTC]

OK, here's my rundown of the tutorial...
1. No my crotch is not itchy leave me alone... I said GO AWAY I'm scratching MY LEG, MY LEG I SAY YOU SICK PEOPLE!
2. Ahhhh that's much better...
3. What the... I hear people talking behind me...
4. My leg... what's wrong with my leg... OH MY GOD THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY LEG!!!
5. NOT MY PANFS TOO! Oh for heaven's sake leave the panfs out of it, honestly, what's wrong with my panfs? Oh maybe you want me to put on some clamdiggers or chaps, yeah I'll bet you'd like that wouldn't you?
6. Is that girl looking at my... HEY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY ARSE LOOKS "FUNNY"? GET OVER HERE YOU LITTLE... oh forget this, nolan you freakin guy you, you said people would love this tutorial! You SCREWED me man, we're through, I'm leaving you... FOREVER! AND I'M KEEPING YOUR ROCK!

There you have it, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for blint to need to talk like me because I'm pretty sure this proves one of me is enough!

That being said, NOLAN! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? It takes me 5 minutes just to open the normal view on my dad's crappy dial-up connection, and here I thought I could open full view... I could have melted and dripped though the floorboards waiting to see the full view. Which is why I have no idea what the text says which is why I had to make my own up. I'd also like to say I think he's either hiding something (like his new chest tatoo from his mom) or he's just shy... or or he's bundling something up like a cactrot... BLOWFISH!

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Noland In reply to zech [2004-08-18 12:53:49 +0000 UTC]

O_o Wahahahahahahahahahahhah wahahah I really missed your comments wahahah well, you should read the text when you have a chance ^o^ and his arse really does look weird. Im not used to drawing them and sincerely I have no business at all with the asses of men ^o^ wahah your comments rock as usual, I must do more of these crappy vague tutorials ^O^

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zech In reply to Noland [2004-08-18 21:45:33 +0000 UTC]

Say no more for I have the answer to your problem! I shall photograph and scan my butt from 720 degrees of rotation so that I can provide you with a source of butt reference so powerful the mountains will tremble... and if the mountains don't, I'm pretty sure some people will on second thought, you would have to pay remi for that kind of stuff so I'd best keep it to myself. I would comment on more things but it takes soooo long. My devwatch is overflowing and it's still more than a week before I go back to the apartment and mind bending high speed! And if your mind doesn't bend I'm sure something else will! WHATEVER THE HELL THAT MEANS!

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LadyEntropy [2004-08-15 02:23:07 +0000 UTC]

Whohooo--- a sechi, half nekkid unicorn warrior. His arse is a bit strange.. other than that.. mesa like it. *gives the image the Emerald Seal of Approval*

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Domi- [2004-08-13 05:49:20 +0000 UTC]


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ricardomichael [2004-08-12 10:06:19 +0000 UTC]

a very good draw, indeed! I already gave you my personal opinion... MUHAHAHAHA!!!
but...you could try to make a world around... try not to focus only the character...
try to create his soul around him.... earth, water, mountains, wind, a vilage, his love, his hate, and on....
his soul... your soul...
and then you could remove him, because hes already there... if you know what i mean...

ok, ok... this is only a tutorial...

p.s: still gonna kick your ass!! BANG! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

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Noland In reply to ricardomichael [2004-08-12 11:15:05 +0000 UTC]

yup. thanks. I always apreciate you pseudo-intelectual-oh-so-deep comments. ^o^ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH now, really, thanks for the good advice.

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blint [2004-08-12 07:33:37 +0000 UTC]

Ouch, be careful with those extra curved import katanas! His right leg seems bad... do you think it's not too late to call the transplantation shugenja team? But still he seems ashamed of his football pants. Sorry, I'm strating to talk like Zech.
Otherwise, what I like best is the gleam on his hair... and it IS a cool drawing. As an oppressive tyrant, I don't accept any other opinions.

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Noland In reply to blint [2004-08-12 08:52:06 +0000 UTC]

waHAHAHAH talking like Zech? that's a GOOD thing ! ^o^ hmm yeah, I,m going to change his panfs, so they don't look like football panfs. well, the problem with his right leg is the fact that it ends, not in a foot, but in some strange protuberance, ^^ wahahah no need for them shugenjas. And me, as an market dominatrix wannabe businessman with lots of savoir faire, will, instead of giving different opinions, persuade you into having the ones that will profit me more. And IF even THAT doesn't work, I'll remove all my business from these lands and leave you all, cafeeine addicts, begging me to return. MUAHAHAHH

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blint In reply to Noland [2004-08-12 08:56:00 +0000 UTC]

No... wait... the caffeine caravans... you can't do that do you hear? I'm open for negotiations.

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Noland In reply to blint [2004-08-12 09:01:35 +0000 UTC]

muahahahah you ALL are open for negotiations ^o^ well now, lets see those kokus ^o^

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blint In reply to Noland [2004-08-12 09:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Just don't go too far... Not even the Emperor's Coffee Mug is invincible.

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missjiru [2004-08-12 01:14:58 +0000 UTC]

lol. nolan, you're silly ^^ the only other thing i have to say is... you don't have chagatai yet! >.<

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Noland In reply to missjiru [2004-08-12 08:23:57 +0000 UTC]

hmm I know. Well, I don't care, I did it for fun, this ISN'T for the contest. I just feel like drawing Unicorns ^o^

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missjiru In reply to Noland [2004-08-12 15:22:34 +0000 UTC]

lol, okies ^^

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CatchShiro [2004-08-12 00:15:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow, it looks amazing, a quick tutorial on how to do a warrior...Keep up the great work *goes ofF and tries to creat one* Nice tutorial!

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Noland In reply to CatchShiro [2004-08-12 00:21:03 +0000 UTC]

^o^ yeah, a vERY quick tutorial indeed. . . wahahah now I realized I didn't "tutored" anything except my stoopid humour. *talks to self*: MUst focus on detail, MUST focus ON DETAIL !! ...
sorry 'bout that ^_^

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CatchShiro In reply to Noland [2004-08-12 00:38:43 +0000 UTC]

Ah dont worry! You are the teach, so, It was great to do, and the details were preety well shown to me!
Also, humorous comments too!

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Noland In reply to CatchShiro [2004-08-12 11:07:14 +0000 UTC]

^o^ well, i hope I can help more than this in future tutorials ^o^

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CatchShiro In reply to Noland [2004-08-12 19:40:12 +0000 UTC]

Ok then, ill be on the look out then!

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J-Wraith [2004-08-12 00:15:09 +0000 UTC]

Drawing is good....though the tutorial is too vague for idiots like me ^_^

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Noland In reply to J-Wraith [2004-08-12 00:18:10 +0000 UTC]

^o^ well, an Idiot made this tutorial, so. . . ^O^

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