I actually really like how the background came out this time ;u;
3/3 ARs for men0ni
Starter: Senka 040
Link to the import: Kettu 5262
Link to the activity tracker: jru's activity tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: Halla , Tula , Puuhka , Discovery Expert and Heavy load training
Link to the import: Wintra 9647
Link to the activity tracker: Noelani's Kukuri Activity Tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: N/A
Link to the import: Whisper 9557
Link to the activity tracker: Noelani's Kukuri Activity Tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: N/A
FP Count
Fullbody: +2 | Colored: +3 | Shaded: +2 | Background: +2 | Other Kukuri: +6 | Traveling: +2
17 FP
Fullbody: +2 | Colored: +3 | Shaded: +2 | Background: +2 | Other Kukuri: +4 | Traveling: +2 | Personal: +2
17 FP
Fullbody: +2 | Colored: +3 | Shaded: +2 | Background: +2 | Other Kukuri: +4 | Traveling: +2 | Personal: +2
17 FP