NetRaptor — Sculpture: Triceratops

Published: 2010-07-22 16:52:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 2261; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 34
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Description An old sculpture I made quite a while ago. I dug him out of a cabinet at my parents' house, and realized that I'm still proud of him. I did a ton of research on triceratops skeletons and horns, and my art teacher and I had many heated debates over which way the horns curved.

Made out of super sculpy over an armature of tinfoil and floral wire, painted with acrylic craft paints.
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Comments: 12

Psithyrus [2010-07-25 00:18:00 +0000 UTC]

This is a must have for any proud parent! This is simply stunning...

Thanks for digging him out...



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kaourika [2010-07-23 19:54:45 +0000 UTC]

:0 That is so awesome! I'm seriously impressed!

I've always wished that I could sculpt :C

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Code-E [2010-07-23 18:07:40 +0000 UTC]

WOW! You sculpted this? This looks fantastic! Dang, the best clay figure I ever did in school was a Bugs Bunny head! (although it was a pretty good likeness)
Wish I had skills like that.

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RA-Meenan [2010-07-23 01:40:10 +0000 UTC]

This is AWESOME. I just started trying to work with clay, but I can't do anything with super sculpy. >> Right now I'm trying to make do with Plasticine. XD Makes it harder to make it permanent though.

I think the texture is right on. Very nice. I like how you captured even wrinkles and skin flaps with the clay. Very beautiful!!

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NetRaptor In reply to RA-Meenan [2010-07-23 02:03:53 +0000 UTC]

If you want to make a sculpture, the key is a good armature. I made a tutorial about it a looong time ago.


Without an armature, it'll just fall over. You'll be amazed at how having one improves your sculpting.

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RA-Meenan In reply to NetRaptor [2010-07-23 05:11:33 +0000 UTC]

That's what I did with my last one, actually. I used floral wire and foil, like you did. It came out pretty nice, actually. The big problem I have though is the clay is really tough and I can't make one whole sculpture in a single sitting. My last one took about of week of hard work. With Super Sculpy, it kept drying out... any suggestions?

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NetRaptor In reply to RA-Meenan [2010-07-23 13:33:51 +0000 UTC]

Super sculpy shouldn't dry out. It cures with heat, not air. 0.o

I've heard of people having success keeping it fresh in a bag at room temperature, or even a bag in the fridge. I've worked on sculptures for months at room temperature out in the air and never had trouble with them drying out.

And yes, they're time consuming and tough on the hands. But man, look at the end result!

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RA-Meenan In reply to NetRaptor [2010-07-23 18:24:09 +0000 UTC]

I think one of the reasons it dries out is because my house is always super hot... The aircon doesn't work, lol.

My next work is still gonna be in Plasticine I think, just because I have a TON of it and a ton of colors to work with. But after looking at your tut, I think I'll try some super sculpy next. ^^

That's the other thing about Plasticine. I don't have to paint it. XD

Thanks for the advice though!

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AikiMiharu [2010-07-23 01:09:18 +0000 UTC]

WOW this is amazing!!

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jasonlauchlan [2010-07-22 18:18:17 +0000 UTC]

Yikes, that one is fantastic!

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Weatherfac [2010-07-22 17:29:02 +0000 UTC]

Nice one! The research definitely shows.

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AllietheFox [2010-07-22 17:06:41 +0000 UTC]

I wish you could do more sculptures, NR, because even though at least the ones you've showed us so far are rare, I think that's where you -really-, really excel. Seriously, I'm amazed at how awesome this turned out, and it's not even from recently!

This may sound weird but I love the way it looks where the legs connect to the body. Very well done.

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