Nestly โ€” Wyngro Color Pallet

#color #cute #dino #dragon #pallet #species #wyngro
Published: 2015-07-27 21:54:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 3747; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 53
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www.wyngro.com/new-myo-guide <--Use this instead!

Base color pallet for new Wyngro!
They are really coming along! I just have to finish a few more things before I open them, such as adding more to the Upgrade Checklist and finishing the "How to Make" journal.
I plan on holding a special event on the day they open, so stay tuned for that!
How to Use:
ย Copy the image above and past into whatever art program you use!
Use the eyedropper tool on whatever color you wish to use!
Use as your Wyngro's base color!
Base color must take up 50% or more of your Wyngro's body!

Click here to find out how to make a Wyngro!
The guide on this page has been deleted because we update it on our website now! Please click the link above!
If you have any questions, please read/comment on our FAQs!
Wondering if your design will be approved?
Submit your design here for judging!
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Comments: 32

Tea-doggo [2018-05-27 06:39:56 +0000 UTC]

Who owns these kids?

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Nestly In reply to Tea-doggo [2018-05-27 06:47:02 +0000 UTC]

No one! They were random examples.ย 

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InkyPrinceRick [2016-12-03 22:17:13 +0000 UTC]

can we use one of these colors or do we habe to use the updated colors?

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Nestly In reply to InkyPrinceRick [2016-12-04 00:12:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm going to put this deviation into storage because it's no longer official! Please read our MYO guide instead!

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KalaniaMist [2016-08-08 10:12:29 +0000 UTC]

What if you're a traditional artist? Can you still give your Wyngro colors similar to the pallet?

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Nestly In reply to KalaniaMist [2016-08-08 23:31:25 +0000 UTC]

Yes that's fine! If you CAN do digital, we suggest you at least try to fill out our Wyngling template if you can!
Otherwise just get as close to the colors as you are able to!

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KalaniaMist In reply to Nestly [2016-08-08 23:45:29 +0000 UTC]

Ok thank you

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Dragon-Burn [2016-05-21 18:24:40 +0000 UTC]

can the colors mismatch with these or in the order?ย 

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Nestly In reply to Dragon-Burn [2016-05-21 18:25:37 +0000 UTC]

You must only pick one of these as your base color. XD

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Dragon-Burn In reply to Nestly [2016-05-21 18:31:43 +0000 UTC]

nvm XD

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Dragon-Burn In reply to Nestly [2016-05-21 18:31:14 +0000 UTC]

no XD what I mean is can you have a blue with yelowย 

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Nestly In reply to Dragon-Burn [2016-05-21 18:56:33 +0000 UTC]

If yellow is your accent color!

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Dragon-Burn In reply to Nestly [2016-05-21 18:58:36 +0000 UTC]

alright :3 just double chekin

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LilPreciousPaws [2015-08-03 16:05:58 +0000 UTC]

I just noticed there isn't really a "Yellow" Main color xD

Do you think you will eventually be adding more colors to choose from?

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Nestly In reply to LilPreciousPaws [2015-08-03 16:15:43 +0000 UTC]

Yes there is! XD There's even a Wyngro example next to the pallet that is yellow! haha.
I think we have a nice assortment of colors to choose from for now. :]

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LilPreciousPaws In reply to Nestly [2015-08-03 16:18:01 +0000 UTC]

I know but not like bright yellow, that's more of a tanish yellow x3

But very nice small and simple assortment.

Now because I am curious and never asked you before lol, why is it you decided that the wyngro's must use this color pallette?

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Nestly In reply to LilPreciousPaws [2015-08-03 16:39:29 +0000 UTC]

Because bright yellow is blinding? xD
They can make it whatever color they like later on. This was mostly to help people design complimentary colors and learn values in not making a neon bright design that hurts your eyes. xD
I needed to limit colors some how, and this seemed like a unique and fair way to do it!

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LilPreciousPaws In reply to Nestly [2015-08-03 17:18:40 +0000 UTC]

so wait, are you saying that later on you'll be able to use any base color? owo

I just want to clarify lol

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Nestly In reply to LilPreciousPaws [2015-08-03 17:46:20 +0000 UTC]

Yes-- check out the upgrades journal.

I just added a picture example of how to do it!

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LilPreciousPaws In reply to Nestly [2015-08-03 17:59:59 +0000 UTC]

Ahh yes! Durrr *Facedesk* I already read about that.

xDD Failll

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Nestly In reply to LilPreciousPaws [2015-08-03 19:27:51 +0000 UTC]

Lolz it's okay there's so much shit up in here to keep track of.
I only remember it because I wrote it all and edited it 23472345694 times.

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LilPreciousPaws In reply to Nestly [2015-08-03 19:31:33 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I know how that works. I used to make websites and have to edit them 24/7 xD I knew where EVERYTHING was xD

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Lum00s [2015-07-29 05:16:31 +0000 UTC]

When they open up can i have the design of the grey one for my Wyngro?ย 
if not thats fine c:

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Nestly In reply to Lum00s [2015-07-29 13:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Well while I would rather see you design something new and unique yourself, you can if you are having trouble!
I'm glad you like it though! Haha.

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Lum00s In reply to Nestly [2015-07-29 21:31:17 +0000 UTC]

i already have a finished Wyngro on my Ipad, i tried many designs and didn't like them, so i took this design and replaced the blue, with purple. Is that ok?

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Nestly In reply to Lum00s [2015-07-29 21:54:54 +0000 UTC]

That's okay. XD I'm going to post a journal very soon on them being open, and there's a special feature you can get from making one early, so stay tuned!

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Lum00s In reply to Nestly [2015-07-30 00:58:53 +0000 UTC]


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Ascynd [2015-07-28 23:54:42 +0000 UTC]


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Nestly In reply to Ascynd [2015-07-29 00:19:57 +0000 UTC]

8DDD !!!

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starlit--sea [2015-07-27 21:59:33 +0000 UTC]

This is such a cute species, I can't wait to create one ovo

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Nestly In reply to starlit--sea [2015-07-27 22:22:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! Only a few more things to finish before I open them up! ^w^

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starlit--sea In reply to Nestly [2015-07-27 22:25:49 +0000 UTC]

Alright! I'll keep an eye out for that >u<

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