Melia from Xenoblade 1
After soooo many months Melia is done. She really took me a lot time since I started her around September 2022 before Xenoblade 3 came out. Meanwhile I finished Carbuncle and Malboro but still it’s half of year in the work. Melia had so many details that not once I thought I might be close to finishing her soon but then all details she has proved me to be wrong.
Like head for example, was crazy, her complex hairstyle is something I’m proud I managed to do it right. She has the real braids since I felted stands from wool and braided them. Then when hair was done the wings were next challenge. How to make them to look good, not flat and to look like those feathers and from both sides.
At that moment I moved to make the body. I knew head wasn’t yet finished because of the band and hair clips and that they will take me another big chunk of time... I was working and working on her and I’ve felt like I was not making any progress.
So when I got to the part when I started to needle details on Melia’s dress things started to finally work out because before that I had like big art-block and couldn’t get myself to work on her for like 2 months. The amount of work I still saw before me was too much.
I like Melia and have thought that her Future Connected outfit would be best one was my greatest mistake. Still I love how she turned out. I say that often, that this is the most complex figure I felted up until now and this time really is. I don’t think Thanatos or Zagreus were giving me such hard time and Carbuncle was big but it didn’t have so many smaller parts and details.
I was planning to felt some other character after her, probably chaos from Xenosaga, but I see he has a lot details in his ep3 outfit too, so for now I wanna do someone more simple and probably it will be someone from one manga I’m currently falling in love with, but I will not say who is it since I don’t know how long it will take. I hope it will be a lot faster than Melia.