- “ Interesante…En lo que se han convertido.” –
Nombre: Scraptrap (Springtrap)
Nombre Real: William Afton
Especie: Conejo humanoide (Animatronic) moribundo. / Fantasma / Zombie(?
Personalidad: Scraptrap ha sido despojado de su “habilidad” de mostrar emociones, sin embargo las tiene…La mayoría. Ya no puede sentir “pena”, “tristeza” y obviamente “culpa”. Al no tener corazón, sus pupilas se han vuelto de un color vacío, gris, un color…oscuro. Es fácil de hacer enfadar, sin embargo. Perdió un brazo en una pelea con los Twisted, los cuáles asesinó, a todos menos a Twisted Wolf. Puede crear un brazo de energía, pero este le gasta mucho de su poder, sin embargo, hay muchas excepciones en cuánto a los castigos de Scrap Baby. Su sed de sangre es casi insaciable, pero no ha podido matar por un largo tiempo desde que perdió su brazo. Nadie entiende porqué, ya que el conejo moribundo no necesita agarrar ningún cuchillo siquiera para luchar. Quizá sea porque Security Puppet, al ser el corazón de William arrancado por Baby, la joven enmascarada lo guardo en un frasco en “ su caja irrompible y secreta”. O quizá, sea porque él sabe muy bien lo que le espera si intenta matar a otros…Quizá, haya ojos vigilando sus pasos…Para determinar, si tienen que dejarlo en el mundo de los vivos…O DEVOLVERLO A DÓNDE PERTENECE.
Relaciones con otros:
Scrap/Freakshow Baby: “No entiendo cómo es que lleva mi apellido y mi sangre aún.”
Desde el incidente del corazón, William ha sido mucho más estricto y frío con ella. Diciendo incluso que es una deshonra para su familia, y que obviamente, ni su madre la quería. Aún que termina arrepintiéndose la mayor parte de las veces, pero con unas cuántas botellas de alcohol termina olvidándolo.
Lefty: “Ese pequeño hijo de perra. Si tan solo no tuviese a Charlotte dentro de su cuerpo, JURO QUE LO ASESINARÍA!”
Uhm…Ya saben, los enemigos desde el principio de los principios se han vuelto a reunir…Y todo ha vuelto al mismo caos. Security Puppet protege a Charlie de casi todo, así que, mientras la enmascarada tenga su corazón, William no podrá hacer nada al respecto.
Molten Freddy: “Puede ser un conocido, pero nunca un yerno. Eso ya le quedó claro.”
Le tiene una gran ira al demonio blanco, quién siempre intenta (fallidamente) empezar una relación con la hija de William (Baby). Además, las bromas pesadas enserio lo ponen más loco de lo que es.
Michael Afton: “Definitivamente me conoce bien, sabe cuándo pienso atacarlo.”
No está muy orgulloso de su hijo, pero en comparación a Baby, piensa que en serio valió la pena volverlo a la vida. Después de todo, Michael ha sobrevivido a muchos ataques por parte de todas las especies…Menos los Twisted. Y eso, hace sentir a William que él da mejores esfuerzos. Pero obviamente le molesta que su propio hijo intente liberar a las almas junto a Henry; y que siempre esquive sus ataques.
Henry: “Ugh…Fue quien empezó todo esto.”
En parte tiene razón, Henry despidió a William cuándo más dinero necesitaba; sosteniendo a su familia, pero a Henry no le importó. Ni un poco. Y para colmo él era un “amigo”…Hasta que él consoló a la ex-mujer de William, que acababan de divorciarse. Ahí la pelea empezó más grave que nunca, incluso con el suicidio de Alice; el alma de Lolbit, quien era la “novia” de William. La ira creció, y el desastre de verdad comenzó: William asesinó a Charlotte. El resto de la historia, lo saben bien.
SpringBonnie: “No me ha…Hablado… en mucho tiempo.”
William no entiende bien porqué. Todo fue tan rápido y siniestro…Vio al conejo dorado; pistola en mano…Le vio apretar el gatillo…Pero el disparó nunca llegó a William. Sino a él. Fue cuando una vieja llamada de Henry auto-grabada lo despertó. Indicando una dirección para unas bonitas respuestas sobre todo el caos que han formado. Sin embargo, lo prometido, nunca llegó.
CaSsiDy: “…”
. . .Heh.
Security Puppet: “…No confío en ella. Hay algo que nos está ocultando.”
No entiende el motivo repentino de su desconfianza, pero William es un hombre de instinto “agudo” (Aunque más de una vez se ha equivocado, obviamente). Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, y Lefty, opinan que es porque le recuerda a Charlotte, y que Charlotte le hace recordar a Henry, y Henry le hace recordar a su traición, y…Y ahí se detienen corriendo antes de que William les corte la legua. También puede ser que sea lo del “corazón guardado.”
- “Interesting…What they have become!” –
Name: Scraptrap (Springtrap)
Real Name: William Afton
Species: Humanoid rabbit (Animatronic) dying. / Ghost / Zombie (?
Personality: Scraptrap has been stripped of its "ability" to show emotions, however it has ... The majority. He can no longer feel "grief", "sadness" and obviously "guilt". Having no heart, his pupils have become an empty color, gray, a color ... dark. It is easy to make him angry, however. He lost an arm in a fight with the Twisted Ones, which he murdered, all but Twisted Wolf. He can create an energy arm, but this one spends a lot of his power, however, there are many exceptions to the punishments of Scrap Baby. His thirst for blood is almost insatiable, but he has not been able to kill for a long time since losing his arm. Nobody understands why, since the dying rabbit does not need to grab any knife to even fight. Maybe it's because Security Puppet, being the heart of William ripped off by Baby, the masked girl kept it in a jar in "its unbreakable and secret box". Or perhaps, it is because he knows very well what awaits him if he tries to kill others ... Maybe, there are eyes watching his steps ... To determine, if they have to leave him in the world of the living ... OR RETURN IT WHERE IT BELONGS.
Relations with others:
Scrap / Freakshow Baby: "I do not understand how it is that it has my last name and my blood still."
Since the heart incident, William has been much more strict and cold with her. Saying even that she is a disgrace to her family, and that obviously, not even her mother loved her. Even though he ends up repenting most of the time, but with a few bottles of alcohol he ends up forgetting it.
Lefty: "That little son of a bitch. If only he did not have Charlotte inside his body, I SWEAR TO MURDER him! "
Uhm ... You know, the enemies from the beginning of the principles have come together again ... And everything has returned to the same chaos. Security Puppet protects Charlie of almost everything, so, while the masked one has the heart, William will not be able to do anything about it.
Molten Freddy: "He may be an acquaintance, but never my daughter's boyfriend. That was already clear to him. "
He has a great anger to the white demon, who always tries (failed) to start a relationship with the daughter of William (Baby). In addition, heavy jokes really make him madder than he is.
Michael Afton: "He definitely knows me well, he knows when I'm going to attack him."
He is not very proud of his son, but in comparison to Baby, he thinks that it was really worth it to bring him back to life. After all, Michael has survived many attacks by all species ... Except the Twisted ones. And that makes William feel that he gives better efforts. But obviously it bothers him that his own son tries to free the souls with Henry; and always avoid their attacks.
Henry: "Ugh ... He was the one who started all this."
In part he's right, Henry fired William when he needed more money; holding his family, but Henry did not care. Not a bit. And to top it off he was a "friend" ... Until he consoled William's ex-wife, who had just divorced. There the fight started more serious than ever, even with Alice's suicide; the soul of Lolbit, who was William's "girlfriend". Anger grew, and the disaster really began: William murdered Charlotte. The rest of the story, you know it well.
SpringBonnie: "He has not spoken to me ... in a long time."
William does not understand why. Everything was so fast and sinister ... He saw the golden rabbit; gun in hand ... He saw him pull the trigger ... But the shot never came to William. But to him. It was when an old self-recorded Henry call woke him up. Indicating an address for nice answers about all the chaos they have formed. However, as promised, it never arrived.
CaSsiDy: "..."
. . .Heh.
Security Puppet: "... I do not trust her. There is something that is hiding us. "
He does not understand the sudden reason for his distrust, but William is a man of "acute" instinct (although more than once he has made a mistake, obviously). Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, and Lefty, think it's because it reminds you of Charlotte, and that Charlotte reminds you of Henry, and Henry reminds you of his betrayal, and ... And there they stop running before William cuts them off. league. It may also be that of the "saved heart."
FNaF by (c) Scott Cawthon
AU, Design, & Art Style by (c) NekohYang