Neferit — Cellula Full by-nc-nd

#apophysis #cellula #design #digital #fractal #art
Published: 2016-03-26 11:00:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 456; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description “Omnis cellula e cellula," he said again. "All cells come from cells. Every cell is born of a previous cell, which was born of a previous cell. Life comes from life. Life begets life begets life begets life begets life.”
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Comments: 4

MultifacetedMage [2016-04-11 18:20:56 +0000 UTC]






This is a image that is very reminicient of looking through an oscillascope for the first time as a child and seeing all the colors intermingling with all the different shapes and you notice that it changes each time you turn the end of the oscillascope. The designs are very classical and similar to the kind of stuff you would have seen stained glass wise in renaissance style churches. Certain greek churches in modern day america still have some of these designs but sadly not many of them do, due to lack of funds so now they use phonies in their place.

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Ave321 [2016-03-26 11:51:16 +0000 UTC]

bože jak to děláš, takový nadherný věci! Můžu si to dát na pozadí? (myslím pc, netbook a telefon XD)

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Neferit In reply to Ave321 [2016-03-26 17:28:21 +0000 UTC]

Jak tyhle věci dělám si dovlím odpovědět jedním dialogem mezi Kostrou a Spockem:

"My, muži medicíny, jsme v logice cvičení!"
"Cvičení? Soudě podle vás, doktore, řekl bych, že je to metodou pokus - omyl."

Takže - pokusem a omylem, a spoustou scriptování xD

Jinak proti osobnímu použití nemám nějakýh výhrad, ale k něčemu komerčnímu už bych prskala

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Ave321 In reply to Neferit [2016-03-26 18:32:16 +0000 UTC]


děkuji X3

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