Comments: 25
COLOREDINLOVE [2012-04-29 00:10:33 +0000 UTC]
For your first I am in awe because I wouldn't have known that if you didn't say it!
Her overall look is well done..I wish I looked that good in my armor!
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momo2494 [2010-11-12 20:01:42 +0000 UTC]
e destul de greu sa faci numai in culoarea albastru , din punctul asta te'ai descurcat al naibii de bine
dar ai grija la anatomie ( mainile foarte mici si nu numai ) Ajuta'te de axe si fa multe schite , fi atent la echilibru, aici nu este neaparat cazul fiind o pozitie destul de usoara dar incearca sa intelegi cum este construit omul
incearca nu numai prin intensitatea culorii sa dai volum .la fata ar fi mers un contrast mult mai mare , ptr a se distinge mai bine fata
o alta problema este felul in care vezi lucrarile , nu te uita doar aproape de imagine la o dimensiune mare si uita'te so la o dimensiune mai mica , sau din spate
un lucru care imi place este legat de texturi , ai nimerit foarte bine , textura fundalului , a pielii si a armurii . in primul rand se vede o diferenta mare intre ele si in al doilea rand ai respectat proprietatiile acestora
se vede o evolutie mare si totusi ti'ai pastrat ceva al tau ( nu poate fi vb inca de un stil ) imagini in putine culori , contrastul clar -obscur nu este pronuntat dar el exista , depinde si de cum il folosesti , aici fundalul a fost putin mai deschis decat pielea , ceea ce e greu de urmarit ca imagine totala , vezi ce vrei sa iasa in evidenta si ce nu
sper ca nu te superi ca mi'am bagat botu in oala cu smantana si daca e ceva care nu ti'a placut data viitoare tac
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momo2494 In reply to N-Deed [2010-11-14 09:27:19 +0000 UTC]
de ce nu ? e bine omu sa faca cat mai multe si pe langa asta , e si foarte relaxant
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Skullok In reply to Skullok [2010-11-08 01:17:47 +0000 UTC]
oh, sorry, glaive* not spear lol
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Gladiot [2010-11-07 18:41:53 +0000 UTC]
I like the character design. You've done a good job separating the look of the armor, skin, and hair by the quality and type of reflection. Nice color pallet too. One thing I would adjust is the shadow on her waist from her left arm and shield... as in there is no shadow shown. Her right side is appropriately in shadow and her spear looks good leaving shadow and entering light but her left side, most noticably at her waist and lower torso, is entirely in light even with the big shield in the way. Neat shield design though.
Hope that was especially good for the bad and good for the good.
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Gladiot In reply to N-Deed [2010-11-07 22:02:41 +0000 UTC]
Well, gee, don't blow up. As I said, nice design and presentation, just a little more "shield integration" needed.
Nice collie. I don't see collies, especially the larger types, very often. I guess the hair is high maintenance... unlike, say, a short haired lab.
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