MrMadrigal — Mi compadre Pancho Villa

Published: 2011-10-19 23:34:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1724; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Ok, aqui les presento mi hit, mi dibujo favorito de todos los revolucionarios que he hecho hasta ahora, Pancho Villa. Siempre he dicho que aquí en México deberiamos dejar de contar chistes de Chuck Norris y empezar a contar de Pancho Villa, es así de chingón . Que opinan, familia?

And this here is Pancho Villa, in case you didn't read the title XD. A fighter of the Mexican Revolution and the first and only man to invade U.S.A. territory and live to tell the tale. He was the most awesome dude in national history, but also one big bastard. Hope you are not mad at us for what he did, though...
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