Photo taken in May, 2015 @ Olmense Zoo, Belgium
We spent a lot of time trying to figure out what kind of bird this is; I was pretty sure it had to be some kind of Quail, but I couldn't find one close enough in looks. Then my sister-partner found a photo of what was called a hybrid between two different birds, except the zoo had only ever had one of those, and a different type of Quail. So here's to hoping we identified him correctly
Species: Hybrid California Quail (Californische kuifkwartel) – Harlequin quail (Harlekijnkwartel) or Spot-Bellied Bobwhite (Vlekbuikbobwhite)
Latin name: Callipepla californica –Coturnix delegorguei – Colinus leucopogon
Originates from either the New World, and/or Africa.
Did you know:
…The zoo is credited to have housed California and Harlequin Quails, yet the most similar bird in looks is a hybrid between the California Quail and the Spot-Bellied Bobwhite. That’s why the information is inconclusive
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