OibyrdsDDs [2006-05-16 07:22:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi There! You have just earned yourself an O.D.D. stock feature ! congrats! ODDS (oibyrd's daily deviations) are to honor the sometimes overlooked artists of dA that I personally think deserve some exposure (and ALSO, to show off people who I think are undeniably talented in their own genre of art, REGARDLESS of their #'s of fav's or pageviews. I like what I like and sometimes artwork isn't featured in the regular DDs because it's popular all on it's own It's a shame, but the admins are only trying to be fair! ). Please click the link below to see your work featured and to view other featured artists . If you prefer not to be a featured artist, just send me a note and I will remove you from the list. Cheers! xoxo Sandi oxo [link]
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MelodyOfDecadence [2006-03-09 20:48:15 +0000 UTC]
Bellissimo vestito. Si si,sei stupenda ^__^
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MoonInVelvetstock In reply to MelodyOfDecadence [2006-03-10 09:36:52 +0000 UTC]
ti ringraziooooooooo
AlexProject [2006-03-09 11:11:01 +0000 UTC]
La cla crocerossina cyber!
MoonInVelvetstock In reply to AlexProject [2006-03-09 11:24:53 +0000 UTC]
auhauhauhah si si..faccio un pĆ² ridere ma va beh :Ā°Ā°D
AlexProject In reply to MoonInVelvetstock [2006-03-09 11:26:09 +0000 UTC]