brambling: "Bronze." he replied, then let out an airy chuckle. His toes had stopped drumming. "I h-hope yo-you stay my f-friend f-f-forever." he mumbled shyly, pressing his muzzle into his paws. It was cheesey, but he couldn't imagine a world without his bubbly friend in. It might be rude, or not, but he was happy she decided to wander away--or however else she got here.
honey: She perked up upon hearing the other's name tossed back at her, a grin making it's way onto her face. "Hey! That's a pretty cool name! Hhehe it matches your fur!" She prodded him, gesturing to his gold highlights that she personally found extremely pretty. She wished she had a cool pelt too....she purred softly, eyes closing in brief thought. However they popped open again at the tom's mumbled voice, and she grinned down at him, eyes squinting happily. What a goof! "Of course I'll be your friend forever!!" She purred, pressing her muzzle against his cheek and patting him with her tail. Even IF she was never going to see her family again...she had so many good friends here....and she'd be the BEST warrior EVER for them!! "We'll be the BEST warriors 'cuz we'll be BEST friends FOREVER!" She promised reassuringly
brambling: "Yeah, y-your my b-best f-friend." he purred, leaning into the reassuring touch. He was happy, very happy. He could bring Honeypaw out of her small hole, and she had promised to be his best friend forever, while them being the best warriors they could be.
brambling paIefIowers
honey @ mYSELF