Minuiko β€” Patch of Sunshine Made For One

Published: 2008-01-04 20:31:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 2442; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 33
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Description The title is from the translated lyrics of the Tales of the Abyss (TotA) opening, Karma, by Bump of Chicken (my favorite song right now xD). The coloring took me... longer than it should have. Man, I want a tablet. T^T

We finished TotA exactly at 12:00 AM New Years day. xD it was awesome timing. It's one of the few games where I love all the characters (Luke and Asch as a pairing, kekeke, sorry, I couldn't resist fagging them up ) so I actually took the time to do a fanart.

Luke fon Fabre, Asch (c) Namco (?)

I know the perspective and lighting is wrong, but I can't really change it now.
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Comments: 13

Azure-Wolfe [2010-09-29 18:18:22 +0000 UTC]

..wow. This is really beautiful! awesome work!

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sha-nisu [2008-12-29 23:53:56 +0000 UTC]

I felt sad after seeing that part in the game. I didnt think Asch was going to die. But good picture ^o^

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everything-anime [2008-01-23 04:50:44 +0000 UTC]

D; Waaahhhhhhh!!! This makes me want to cry... again!! TT^TT

(it's really good, but... )

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Takeide [2008-01-05 22:26:08 +0000 UTC]

<3 I love you even more for "fagging dem up" Dude I wanna play

I liek the black and white constrast with blendy at the bottom. It's quite fooozy :3 (Fuzzy)
Asch (he's the dead dude right?) face color is really pinky gray but he's dying so....



There are more awesome faggy pairings in ToA, I mean seriously LloydXKratos was JUST wrong and Genis seemed like a 10 year old to me throughout the game so LXG was....

ok, so then theres LX zeloss......

but then what about shellos?


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Minuiko In reply to Takeide [2008-01-06 04:11:53 +0000 UTC]

Dude. All the guys in TotA (except for the old farts and random townspeople) are dead sexy. xD And I love the canon pairings too (especially Asch x Natalia). Guy is the easiest to fag up because he's afraid of women ) Jade has the greatest lines in the game. You know, if I could convince Minh to let me borrow it into summer, maybe you could come over for a three-day sleepover (haha, like that'll happen) and we'll just play TotA the entire time (it took a little over 50 hours for me to beat... hehe, all nighter time!). Of course, that's probably not gonna happen.

Besides, since I got a Wii, we're soo getting ToS 2. I like how girly-looking the main character is. Lol

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Takeide In reply to Minuiko [2008-01-06 21:16:47 +0000 UTC]

I like that 3-day idea

Lol LETS GO EAST COAST but bring the wii and ps2 ;D

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Blue-Fox [2008-01-05 01:50:49 +0000 UTC]

fgsdf hi grace i'm talking to you on the phone

okay now I'm not so I can use both hands yay
ahhh i love all the colors and the back lighting, everything is all warm and fuzzy

clothing folds = ace

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KichigaiKawaru [2008-01-05 00:40:24 +0000 UTC]

You and your shading/highlights. One day body positioning and proportion will take importance over strong basics!

P.S. Bump of Chicken is weak J-Rock.

P.S.S. Yeah, Sketchy rocks my world

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Minuiko In reply to KichigaiKawaru [2008-01-05 01:21:39 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, the positioning/perspective in this is really sucky

I love BoC, don't you dare diss it D<

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KichigaiKawaru In reply to Minuiko [2008-01-05 06:24:04 +0000 UTC]

That was fast, you really do take trolling to a whole new level...

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Laitma [2008-01-04 23:30:12 +0000 UTC]

Man, you guys really go have amazing timing.
But... this pic just makes me go...

Yeah it's my third playthrough but it still gets me really sad. ;________;
Lovely pic, though~bittersweetβ™₯

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Minuiko In reply to Laitma [2008-01-05 01:25:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, the ending (actually, Asch's death scene more so than the ending) made me so sad. I couldn't play it again, though, because the loading time on PS2 just kills me xD. I'm a Nintendo person.

PS: I was thinking "Asch takes good care of his hair" at his death scene xDD. That's depressing, haha.

Thanks for commenting.

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ug527 [2008-01-04 21:42:22 +0000 UTC]


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