minarui — Rivoka-Syndrome: PARKOUR

Published: 2013-12-17 04:24:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1328; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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info added //laughcries I'm deeply sorry for the endless amount of kagepro references in here

[ I'm your leader, got it? ]

 Name: Florence, Gael

Alias: Parkour
Age: 18 years and kind no longer
Gender: A boy, no stronger
Birthday: October 27
Height/Weight: 5'8" | 124 lbs

Division: Hitmen

Weapon: Homemade explosives + basic martial arts

--- Makes his own bombs with the materials he can find.
--- It’s a variety of bombs. It could release smoke, a bright flash, or even stun an opponent.
--- He prefers the explosive type of bomb mostly because he likes the sound.
--- Whenever he runs out of bombs, he'll just go full out one-on-one on the monsters.
--- He'll most likely plan out a strategic retreat (run away)


[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

[ Socially Inept | Knowledgeable | Defiant | Ambitious | Pyromaniac | Wayfaring ]

As a leader, he'll try to act level headed and cool. He won't mince his words or even stutter. All of his awkwardness only shows when he's in a casual conversations. When it comes to talks of importance, he is of course going to act mature. Hey, a guy can try. Believe me, he's actually a dork with an unhealthy obsession with explosives.

Parkour is a rather socially awkward young man, truth be told. Social contact is something he tries to avoid, but when dragged into a conversation with strangers and acquaintances, he’ll mutter and divert his eyes a lot. When it comes to friends, sure he'll smile. Parkour can enjoy spending time with his tomodachi since he knows them well enough. Other than that... well it'll take a while for him to warm up to you.

If you try to pry about his secrets too much, Parkour will start to act rather defiant and mostly likely shout back, if not threaten to blow you up. He isn't really that angry of a person, but push the wrong buttons and he'll rage. Afterwards, he'll curl up into a ball, give you the silent treatment, and flat-out ignore you for as long as he wants. Believe me, he can hold a grudge. Maybe.

 Likes: [ Soft drinks | Pepperoni Pizza | Chemistry + History | The sound of explosions | Video games | Music ]

 Dislikes: [ Surprises | Prolong silence |  Limited personal space | Being abandoned | No Wi-Fi ]

[ H I S T O R Y ]

"I've been pretty much everywhere, from Venice to Beijing to Ontario. Everywhere."

Throughout the majority of his life, Parkour has been on the move. With all the traveling that he’s done, you could consider an airplane being his home. He was homeschooled by his parents, his mother being a scientist while his father was an archaeologist. It should be obvious that his best subjects are history and science, or more specifically chemistry. Parkour has a habit of mixing up chemicals in any laboratory that his mother works at. He enjoys performing experiments, as well as making explosions with the substances. Don’t worry, he makes sure to have proper supervision from one of the scientists. He wear safety goggles as well.

The constant traveling gave Parkour the opportunity to see the sights, but not really interact with many children his age. Since he's mostly schooled at the various fancy hotels that he would stay at, he didn't really have the chance. It's either school at home, mess around in the lab with his mom, or explore excavation sights with his dad. That didn't stop him from traversing throughout the cities that they visited. As he grew older, Parkour gained permission to traverse through the streets. This gave him a chance to try his parkouring skills like he saw in the movies, especially in the market towns. Why don't we just call the kid Nathan Drake. He was rather exceptional at it as well. His parents were pretty lenient on what he did, they even joked around and nicknamed him Parkour.

It was the summer of 20XX. Parkour's mother had wanted to go to Japan for a month to spend some time with her relatives. His father wanted to explore the island nation, Parkour himself as well. Since the boy was now 18, he was legally allowed to run off on his own, which is what he did. He had accidentally dropped his old phone in a container of acid earlier the month, so decided to get the smartphone that had been the talk of the country. R I V O K A. It was pretty cool, he admits.

Parkour and his family were on their way home from the mall when the bombings happen. A large crowd had surged out from out of nowhere, and he and his parents were separated in the fray. Parkour wandered amidst the many strangers, calling out for his parents, hoping that they were alright. His voice was growing sore, but it wasn't long when he found his parents from afar. He tried to run to them, but stepping slightly off the path, he turned to see an oncoming car. With all the chaos, it's understandable for one to drive recklessly around. Crashing in from out of nowhere, Parkour was left on the street bleeding profusely, watching with dull eyes as his parents run away with the horde of people, never noticing their near-unconscious son due to the panic. He died that day.


[ O T H E R S ]

Fun facts:

--- Favourite color is Red. Feel free to give him a red scarf, he’ll cry
--- Doesn’t like people touching him. It’s an invasion of personal space, he says.
--- Touch his bombs and you die.
--- No joke he will explode you.
--- Ask for permission to borrow his explosives.
--- His barcode is located near the nape of his neck. He is secretly a titan
--- Has the tendency from stealing chemicals from the laboratory to make his explosives
--- May or may not be a distant descendant of Lucian and Yuka //off distant stare
--- Fluent in many languages since he traveled to many countries. He can even sign.
--- Likes to explore outside the lab, exploding scary monsters, making them go boom
--- He likes to sing.
--- There are burn marks on his back. Huh, wonder where those came from.

--- Voice claim: [ AJIKKO - Song: Summertime Record __ ]

--- Themes: Light 'em Up __ || The Phoenix __ || trick art !歌ってみた。 __|| 

--- Favorite songs: the entire Mekaku City Records __ || OVER __ ||


--- [ Harumi Yamada ] -- second cousins twice removed
--- [ Thomas Masabuchi ] -- his stalker lik e n o wh y  the heckie

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Comments: 24

sheepSODA [2013-12-21 07:09:06 +0000 UTC]

u know it kind of looks like he wants to murder us all

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to sheepSODA [2013-12-30 21:01:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty sure what he really wants to do is cry at all the social contact he's getting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

saladmastermind [2013-12-18 01:47:26 +0000 UTC]

that kagepro reference tho

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to saladmastermind [2013-12-19 01:58:21 +0000 UTC]

hhahaha //off distant stare

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

saladmastermind In reply to minarui [2013-12-19 02:09:01 +0000 UTC]

i was going to say kagepro au but then //lies down

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mistequeable [2013-12-17 16:33:14 +0000 UTC]

omggggg, i think i love him even more now than i thought was possible. he's so cute!!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to mistequeable [2013-12-17 22:13:58 +0000 UTC]

aaaaaaaahhh om g thank you! <3 hhaha he's not cute, he's just a major dork that tries to be cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

geniest [2013-12-17 12:52:20 +0000 UTC]


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minarui In reply to geniest [2013-12-17 22:13:30 +0000 UTC]


//does 360 and points to your son

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geniest In reply to minarui [2013-12-18 04:39:28 +0000 UTC]

grabs your hand. twists it to point at you and your son instead

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minarui In reply to geniest [2013-12-18 04:46:53 +0000 UTC]


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geniest In reply to minarui [2013-12-18 22:52:12 +0000 UTC]

i love u

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leRedbird [2013-12-17 08:01:48 +0000 UTC]

*strokes his beutifull hair* its so beutifull .w.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to leRedbird [2013-12-17 22:13:16 +0000 UTC]

omg than ks <3

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leRedbird In reply to minarui [2013-12-17 22:47:53 +0000 UTC]

does he do park-core/is shot

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BloodLustingCreature [2013-12-17 04:28:04 +0000 UTC]

Keizo: *casually rapes his mouth with his own* ;D

KEIZO NO! BAD D< //sprays with hose

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minarui In reply to BloodLustingCreature [2013-12-17 15:42:25 +0000 UTC]

Parkour: *shoves Keizo away then runs the opposite direction to rinse his mouth out with water. Or maybe bleach*


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A-chama [2013-12-17 04:26:50 +0000 UTC]

Parkous says "ew go away" but it's not like Cvetka can sincee they're in the same division lol

Cvetka signs / not like I wanna be part of your division loser/

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minarui In reply to A-chama [2013-12-17 15:40:46 +0000 UTC]

//laughcries that quote was mostly a joke I changed it hhaha

Parkour signs back, an unamused expression on his face /Then why are you even here. If you have a problem with my division, go join another one. No one's forcing you to stay in mine. /

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A-chama In reply to minarui [2013-12-17 20:34:09 +0000 UTC]

loool I saw that hahah it was funny though//

Ask looks, actually impressed the dear esteemed leader actually knew sign language.  He seems to think about the answer for a minute then he shrugs. /Only division that doesn't seem like it's filled with weird shotas, and even worse idiots. And as an added bonus someone on the team actually knows sign language. The major advantage though is I don't actually have to work with anyone. We don't have that buddy-buddy system shit in this division right? / looks particularly grossed out at the thought of actually having to team up and play nice with people.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to A-chama [2013-12-17 22:22:00 +0000 UTC]

hhahaha ///awkward laughs

It was a good thing that the leader's parents had taught the boy sign language when he was young. They thought it'd come in handy one day, which it apparently did. Parkour signs /Maybe. Maybe not. You'll have to find out when the time comes./ he looks off to the side for a bit. Even if they weren't talking, this still counts as social contact. He signs again, looking towards Cvetka but not exactly looking at him directly. /But if you're arrogant enough to go on your own when outside the lab with all the chaos, then go ahead and ride solo./

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A-chama In reply to minarui [2013-12-18 07:09:29 +0000 UTC]

Ask doesn't feel awkward at all. He's one of those devil may care teens that doesn't know what's good for them lool

Ask just stares. Huffs and then signs,/Wow way to be Mr. Mysterious there. Oh Grand-leader/ His motions look sarcastic. He obviously doesn't get much of the situation. Really he thinks it's pretty much just a stupid coincidence he was even still alive. So he considers however much time he lives from now on pretty much borrowed time. He shrugged non noncommittally/ Well, unless I see some reliable team members I'd rather go solo. Other people only end up dragging you down anyway. I don't need none of that shit./

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minarui In reply to A-chama [2013-12-18 07:18:37 +0000 UTC]

om g Ask

Parkour looked at Ask for what seemed like a very long time. He looked so done. /I'm... not being mysterious. You really do have to wait and see./ he squints his eyes a bit and wonders if the other has even been on the outside before. He signs his question, hopefully getting an answer: /Do you even know what it's like outside? Unless you're prepared to fight those things alone, then it'd be better to have at least one ally beside you./ He's gone against many of those monsters before and got out alive, but he's not sure about the other members.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

A-chama In reply to minarui [2013-12-19 07:26:10 +0000 UTC]

Ask: raises eyebrow obviously not believing him at all. But he shrugs, he doesn't care that much for answers. Ask laughs soundlessly, and signs/Monsters? Come on who's going to believe that kind of fairytale./ Though he had to admit it was pretty ominous... how was he even alive and how had he gotten here... wherever here was. Was it that farfetched to believe there might be monsters? Ask wasn't entirely sure. But it was still hard to believe in monsters though. /Seriously though. I haven't seen none of these monsters you're talking about. And well if you show me someone trustworthy I might consider it./ Though it was really a trick statement. Who would Cvetka really trust? The answer was no one but himself really.

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