Mila-Valentine — Soothsaid Death by-nc-nd

Published: 2007-09-05 22:18:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 1367; Favourites: 41; Downloads: 23
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Description ;3 High boots are love!

Millia... I've sketched this while waiting for some friends (she was wearing her usual clothes, not these) and then decided to use the sketch on the Watercolor class and paint it and there it is...

My teacher didn't liked it so much D:' whatever!

Millia © Mila Valentine

PS: Download to see it uber-zoomed.
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Comments: 129

Mila-Valentine In reply to ??? [2008-11-27 00:20:25 +0000 UTC]

Brigada! XD" esse que tá mto ruim?

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Yon-kitty [2007-09-15 21:55:16 +0000 UTC]

Ah q linda! \o/ Vc usou láis de cor ? =3

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Yon-kitty [2007-09-15 22:17:11 +0000 UTC]

Aquarela. Obrigada!

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kakochan [2007-09-12 18:33:26 +0000 UTC]

muito linda!! a pose, textura, cores e os detalhes!!!

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Mila-Valentine In reply to kakochan [2007-09-12 22:03:06 +0000 UTC]

*3* brigada kako!

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Tidi-Lebre [2007-09-09 12:09:16 +0000 UTC]

Eu gostei de como ficou o desenho e da textura no papel mas eu acho q sei pq ele n gostou, acho que foi o mesmo desintendimento que tive com meu professor de aquarela. É que os amantes de aquarela não gostam de pinturas presas em áreas, eles preferem que a tinta escorra e ela mesma forme as áreas dos desenhos e criem superfícies com transparências mil... Ou seja, evite desenhar e pintar depois! ou desenhe só o imprescindível p/ evitar que a aquarela fique presa à linha. De qualquer maneira, ele me deixou livre p/ escolher o que eu queria fazer ... acabei negando o que eu fazia em prol de entender o que ele queria dizer sobre aquarela, aí só perto do fim da cadeira que eu entendi XP Mas geralmente eles tem mesmo é um problema com mangá... Só que eu usei as técnicas que eu aprendi associadas com estilo mangá no final XDDD

Sorte que veio na faculdade uma artista de SP que era master em aquarela que ensinou umas coisas muito legais sobre aquarela tb (pq meu professor apesar de falar e falar nunca ensinou muita coisa ao vivo XP)

ah e aprendi a pouco tempo que láis aquarelável é legal, mas não dá aquele tchans (parece até que o professora atual tá sugerindo pros alunos evitarem...) a não ser que vc use eles como paleta. Mas na verdade ele são ótimos para pequenos detalhes :3

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Tidi-Lebre [2007-09-09 19:07:55 +0000 UTC]

Ah, mas não foi isso xD' ela nao liga que fique preso às linhas :/ o problema foi a saturação das cores que deixou a pintura opaca Dx' ela detesta isso.

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Tidi-Lebre In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-11 11:02:01 +0000 UTC]

Nossa, mas essa saturação foi por causa da tua escolha de cores ou da maneira que vc pintou? o.o

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Tidi-Lebre [2007-09-11 17:19:27 +0000 UTC]

ambos, eu errei mto nas cores :/ dai quando fui corrigir eu tive que colocar mto mais pigmento no papel D: dai ela reclamou.

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Tidi-Lebre In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-12 15:08:36 +0000 UTC]

XP É omal da aquarela, não se dá p/ corrigir >.<

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Tidi-Lebre [2007-09-12 21:54:26 +0000 UTC]

:/ poise.

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YeunJu [2007-09-08 03:36:38 +0000 UTC]




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Mila-Valentine In reply to YeunJu [2007-09-08 04:23:36 +0000 UTC]

ahaha xD oh my, thanks!

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Chairim [2007-09-07 20:51:59 +0000 UTC]

Bacana a arte o.o Gostei das cores o//

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Chairim [2007-09-07 22:00:45 +0000 UTC]

Muito obrigada

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fer-nanda-ssk [2007-09-07 19:58:03 +0000 UTC]

sua professora nao gostou? LASCA TIRO NELA! Ò_ó
ela eh mais uma das q "nao gostam de anime e jogam desenhos de anime pela janela" q nem o Marcelo e o Vlad? xD
ficou lindo *0* adorei a foice!

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Mila-Valentine In reply to fer-nanda-ssk [2007-09-07 20:02:57 +0000 UTC]

não xD ela deixa eu desenhar manga de boa, ela n gostou foi da pintura

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Itachi-samasGaara [2007-09-07 15:16:23 +0000 UTC]

ello, now, I HATE nagging and I mean like REALLY HATE nagging, but I thought there was a journal of yours saying to remind you of stuff but when (I think) I saw it I was hesitent to remind you 'cause like I said, I REALLY HATE nagging, but... what's up with the Isaak badge? there I said it! *hides*

also, I notice you reply to all your comments (or at least try) and I think that's way awesome, because looking around, I find a lot of people who can't find the time to that are as amazing, or less amazing than you that don't reply to comments like "this is amzing! Keep up the good work" or like that, and I for one think it's cool, speaking of which, this is awesome! XD

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Itachi-samasGaara [2007-09-07 15:55:16 +0000 UTC]

xD' thank you for reminding me, and don't worry at least today I'm in a good mood, I've sketched it but on the day I couldn't put off something I liked D:' so I gave up, but it's sketched already.

Ahaha xD' and I love comments, really, of course the "cool", the obvious ones "Omg it's Vincent!!!" or the emoticon ones get on my nerves, but sometimes I also reply them (when I'm in good mood) I hate to being igored, for this, I also hate to ignore people who don't deserve it.

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Itachi-samasGaara In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-08 03:58:20 +0000 UTC]

yay good mood! I understand

and that's why we all love you to death!!!!

ohhhhh, ish that a new siggy?

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Itachi-samasGaara [2007-09-08 04:17:36 +0000 UTC]

ahaha xD thank you!

XP yes , it's from an EdGuy music

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Itachi-samasGaara In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-08 04:46:24 +0000 UTC]

meh plesure


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stormthor [2007-09-07 13:55:11 +0000 UTC]

ficou bão!

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Mila-Valentine In reply to stormthor [2007-09-07 15:55:37 +0000 UTC]


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Mutenroushi [2007-09-07 04:00:13 +0000 UTC]

Adorei a roupa dela! Ficou muito style!

As cores ficaram simples mas bem agradáveis!

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Mutenroushi [2007-09-07 06:47:31 +0000 UTC]

xD' ficaram simples agora, pq nuss, nunca errei tanto num color scheme.

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Bruno-Sensei [2007-09-06 17:01:48 +0000 UTC]

muito linda!!! ela com olhos vermelho e cruz na testa é quando ela ta doida? Xd brincando
tenho fazer uma pintura aquarela... quero ter pelo menos uma de meus personagens... acho lindo pintura de aquarela! ^^

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Bruno-Sensei [2007-09-06 20:46:33 +0000 UTC]

xD' não, é sempre, Na historia ela fica com olhos vermelhos depois que vira vampira, e a cruz eh a marca de Capitão General.

obrigada! A professora deixou eu fazer meus personagens XD' como num caderno de rascunho \o\.

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lehcandy [2007-09-06 13:19:42 +0000 UTC]

Muito bom!
Gostei mesmo!
Está com um ar de mistério...

Vc pintou com que?Láis de cor mesmo?Tá com uma textura interessante!

E mais uma vez, um parabés pelas mãos...estão lindas!Gostei da sutileza da mão esquerda...

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Mila-Valentine In reply to lehcandy [2007-09-06 20:47:16 +0000 UTC]

Aquarela '

watercolor = aquarela.


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Vergil-Valentine [2007-09-06 12:57:19 +0000 UTC]

High boots are UBER-love, that's true

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Vergil-Valentine [2007-09-06 20:47:49 +0000 UTC]

xD ahahaha thanks!

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Evannrpg [2007-09-06 10:42:44 +0000 UTC]

ja eu curti bastante \o/., adorei a pose principalmente zo/

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Evannrpg [2007-09-06 20:50:42 +0000 UTC]

\o\ obrigada! como eu disse era de um sketch mais velho xD' eu dei sorte de levar ele no dia pra usar de inpiraçao.

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Evannrpg In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-07 02:47:34 +0000 UTC]

que bom

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Psycho333 [2007-09-06 05:44:08 +0000 UTC]

Awsome work

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Psycho333 [2007-09-06 20:49:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Psycho333 In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-07 04:49:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank u for the appreciaitonness

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Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-06 04:21:56 +0000 UTC]

OMG! She didn't like it!?
She's blind!!
*smacks her*

You did a wonderful job on this. I really love the shading.

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-06 04:34:14 +0000 UTC]

xD' she's just annoying as hell thank you!

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Sonikki-Valentine In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-06 04:36:16 +0000 UTC]

I'd bet.
I heard from one of my friends that her mom used to draw, then her art teacher said she sucked or something, and from that day on my friend's mom never drew again..
She said her mom drew REALLY good....

It's sad...
Now I'm having second thoughts about wanting art lessons.

Anyway, you're welcome, and sorry for the mini-ramble! XD;

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-06 04:47:29 +0000 UTC]

xD sorry to say that, but the mom is wrong IMO ' I mean... I don't care if someone says I suck xD I don't, so I'm fine.

Thanks x3 thanks anyways!

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Sonikki-Valentine In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-06 05:01:16 +0000 UTC]

It IS wrong. and I totally agree with you.
It'll take a heck of a lot more than that to get me down, and even if I get down in the dumps, I'm not going to quit drawing!
It's my boredom-buster. LOL!!

Anywho, you're very welcome!

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-06 05:07:55 +0000 UTC]

yeah xD' I don't know how to live without drawing D:'

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Sonikki-Valentine In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-06 05:14:22 +0000 UTC]

Me either.
Between playing videogames, watching anime and talking on the phone.
Drawing's gotta be my favorite thing to do.
I don't know what I'd do without those things.

I'd probally be toooootally emo. Possibly gothic or something.
I know I wouldn't be the happy giggly stupid person I am today.

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-06 20:49:27 +0000 UTC]

xD' ahahaha thank's gods you draw then! The world doesn't need any more of them ' just be yourself!

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Sonikki-Valentine In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-07 20:55:42 +0000 UTC]

There's enough emo people in the world, and there's enough teens getting pregnant and doing drugs and doing all those shootings and crap in their schools!!

So... The world needs more people like us. XD

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-07 22:00:32 +0000 UTC]

xD' I'm not against emos or goths, just the poser ones D:'

And those misbehaved children Dx'...

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Sonikki-Valentine In reply to Mila-Valentine [2007-09-08 00:21:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm not either.
Being gothic, well. as long as it's not demonically-goth, is fine.
Shoot, I sometimes dress like a rocker-type of goth. *shrug* I don't mean anything by it.
And skater boys and crap like that.

Nothing's wrong with it.

But the ones that are like.. totally bad.. Like.. The misbehaving ones..
That's just wrong..

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Mila-Valentine In reply to Sonikki-Valentine [2007-09-08 01:39:46 +0000 UTC]

D:' and the ones who want to look bad... also.

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