miise — Another Year

Published: 2010-07-31 16:29:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 1088; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 17
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Description Happy Birthday Harry!

Yet another year has passed... although I don't really think I registered Harry's birthday last year. ^_^; But I recently just reread the series, and my friend reminded me, so I decided to do a little tribute.

Possibly having an HP celebration get-together today. No, it is not an excuse to make cupcakes and not study.

Paint Tool SAI
5 Hours (not including the time that I colored it and then decided it looked fail and decided to shade only in black)
This song and since nicosound has automatic repeat... I just left it playing the whole time.

Harry (c) J.K.Rowling
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Comments: 16

Eliwoodlover [2010-08-12 09:03:10 +0000 UTC]

Woah! I couldn't recognize him. O_O
It took me a while to realize who that was... Hahah

I usually don't really pay attention to Harry Potter but you just made him look
So awesome! >

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miise In reply to Eliwoodlover [2010-08-12 22:32:15 +0000 UTC]

hahaha yess if it weren't for his scar and glasses, he'd certainly have not turned out to be harry haha.
awww thank you! harry's just so awesome that, really, anything w/ him looks awesome.

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rosan-mate [2010-08-01 15:03:42 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful game of light and shadow!!!

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miise In reply to rosan-mate [2010-08-01 21:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you. It was quite enjoyable to do.

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sorasnobody [2010-08-01 07:45:11 +0000 UTC]

Looks awesome

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miise In reply to sorasnobody [2010-08-01 21:12:26 +0000 UTC]


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janach [2010-08-01 05:37:26 +0000 UTC]

I have the major voices in the Harry Potter opera already selected. Besides the Trio and Draco, I have Voldemort as a countertenor, Ginny as Harry's obligatory soprano, Severus as a silky bass-baritone (perfect for duets with a mezzo), Minerva as a Gilbert and Sullivan contralto, and Dumbledore as a bass. Basses are always villains, grandfathers, or God, and that pretty much has Dumbles covered.

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janach [2010-07-31 21:21:17 +0000 UTC]

Harry Potter as sung by a mezzo-soprano. No, no! It's Draco who is supposed to be a trouser role. Harry, being the hero, is a witless tenor, Ron is a comic baritone, and Hermione is clever mezzo who gives good advice on how to snag a man or defeat a Dark Lord.

Harry is a very pretty mezzo, though.

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miise In reply to janach [2010-08-01 05:27:36 +0000 UTC]

yes yes! i really like the way you put it!
and thank you.

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wmfinnigan [2010-07-31 17:13:54 +0000 UTC]

I think leaving it in just blacks is better. Very nice picture!

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miise In reply to wmfinnigan [2010-08-01 05:24:58 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

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whowantstobe [2010-07-31 16:57:10 +0000 UTC]

It looks sad. Like some artist from Hogsmeade inked a pic of Harry. . .and it's always been like this. D: (Though then, it'd be moving, right?)

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miise In reply to whowantstobe [2010-08-01 05:24:49 +0000 UTC]

lsdkfkls haha must be a pretty fail artist then.

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Kabroz [2010-07-31 16:44:30 +0000 UTC]

No background. D:

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Mushiboo [2010-07-31 16:32:26 +0000 UTC]

OMG I love the shading on the hair and clothes, it's just AWESOME 8D

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miise In reply to Mushiboo [2010-07-31 16:35:34 +0000 UTC]

YAY thanks DDD
Yeah, shading is fun when it's just black. >:]

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