MetaKnuckles — Bro Axel

Published: 2014-03-28 04:14:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 350; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 2
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Description That's right - Axel and Reno both made it into the month even though they're pretty much the same character! I like 'em that much!

Sure, Axel's catchphrase gets old fast, but it was hard not to be drawn to him immediately; before we even know what the Organization really is and what their goals are, we've already got somebody trying to take it over, and with Axel, you could never tell which side he was really on. The rogue agent in an already rogue Organization was just interesting to me, and he definitely only got more and more fleshed out as the series went on. Seeing where he went and where his allegiances formed and dissolved over the course of the series kept my interest, and it's a good thing, too, because he sure got the most screentime of the Organization!

Even though he may just be Reno with a fresh coat of paint, I think he's really come into his own as a character, and I definitely look forward to seeing him develop further.
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Comments: 1

IanDimas [2014-04-30 00:24:08 +0000 UTC]

Nice work on this one too, man!
I love the flames, and small things like the melting ice cream, but overall is just really good!

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