Martechi — Frontier World Yucatan - Terran Mandate

#civilization #colony #homeworld #planet #sciencefiction #scifi #world #worldbuilding #scifiworld #originalproject #scifiplanet #terranmandate #tassamari
Published: 2021-04-07 20:08:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 16709; Favourites: 241; Downloads: 92
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Yucatán is a precious earth-analog world beyond the marred frontier, home to a thriving pre-industrial civilization and multiple layers of remnant structures of great interest to the Terran Mandate. The planet has been the focus of long-range expeditions for fifteen years, with broader colonial missions during the latter half of the past decade.

The presence of Dervish and Terran colonial states, with the resulting introduction of advanced technologies and influences, is affecting profound changes in Yucatán's civilization. Monitoring and harnessing these changes for the good of the Terran Mandate are two objectives of the Frontier Vanguard Mothership Tutankhamun during its assignment to the frontier world.


Yucatán is the fourth planet of the Equilibrium star system, otherwise renowned for the twin planets Abosh and Amá. The system forms the link between the stars of the Marred Frontier and the Amber Lode constellation, marking the edge of well-charted Terran space.

Early on, most expeditions into the Equilibrium system focused on the twin planets and the rich Lifeseeder remnants to be found on those worlds. While their runs and installations were successfully tied to the interplanetary infrastructure of the System Link, much less is known about the Lifeseeder presence on the system's sole habitable world.

Hints of Yucatáns special significance were found in vaults on the planet's two moons, the smaller of which is likely of no natural origin.

Native Species: Tassamari

Yucatán is the native home to a single civilization-building species. The Tassamari are mammalian humanoids, bearing close resemblance to Homo Sapiens with striking Vulpes features. While their evolutionary history is not yet well-understood, it is presumed the species was planted or at least favored by the primordial Lifeseeders.

The Tassamari species originated likely from the southernmost continent and has long spread across the entire globe, transitioning from hunter-gatherer societies to widespread agriculture likely between ten- to eight thousand years ago.

In the present, five distinct spheres of civilizations have been identified on the planet, encompassing several thousand smaller states, factions, and communities ranging from still active hunter-gatherer societies to pre-industrial civilizations with a high degree of metal-working and mechanical experience.


Three layers of civilization have been identified of Yucatán, each representing a distinct era with no obvious connections among each other. Terran understanding of the planet's history is still superficial, but it is thought that further inquiry into the relationship between the known eras might shed more light on the Lifeseeder's intentions in creating the Serpent Chain. The Terran Mandate also hopes to find hints about the age and activity of the Confluence in this part of the galaxy, charting its reach and occupation of worlds on all inhabited planets so far encountered.

Lifeseeder Remnants

The primordial Lifeseeders were especially active in the Equilibrium system, leaving behind not only the System Link and its associated infrastructure but also an extensive system of structures and installations reaching into the outer system and to the twin worlds.

Yucatán itself was likely an important site to the Lifeseeders, as suggested by ruins on both of its moons and the likely artificial origin of the smaller of the two. Despite continued tectonic activity and the activity of the biosphere, fragmented remains of Lifeseeder structures have survived even on the surface of this world. While they are little more than elemental traces and geological features now, these oldest remains of civilization still harbor extensive information and are the subject of intense study by Terran expeditions.

Precursor Remnants

It is likely the Tassamari were not the first civilization-building species inhabiting Yucatán. Whether the elusive precursors naturally evolved, were placed there by the Lifeseeders, or were colonists from another world remains unknown. What is certain, is the presence of a global civilization predating the earliest Tassamari ruins by several ten-thousand years. How much contact early Tassamari hominids had with this precursor species remains unknown.

The precursor remains of Yucatán point to an advanced civilization, utilizing high-tech building techniques and materials of which some survived through the ages. Their ruins have been largely reduced to the foundations, underground infrastructure, and individual monuments, while much of the lighter architecture eroded.

In heavily populated areas, foundations of Precursor ruins have served as the basis for modern Tassamari cities, blending together with newer additions and modifications to the ancient structures. Other sites were simply quarried for advanced materials. There are very few instances where closed vaults and machinery of the precursors survive. The Frontier Vanguard harbors a great interest in identifying and exploring these sites.

Tassamari Civilization

Early evidence of Tassamari Civilization dates back around five thousand years ago. Theories regarding the introduction of earlier Tassamari into Precursor communities are heavily disputed, but cannot be entirely discounted.

Among the thousands of contemporary Tassamari nations and communities, five civilizations sharing similar languages, cultures, and technological achievements can be identified. Contact between the dominant Tassamari civilizations is frequent, consisting mostly of caravans and sea-trading routes.

Since Terrans arrived at Yucatán only recently, most knowledge about these civilizations remains superficial, especially regarding their further history. Reports and samples taken by early pioneers are indicative of a wide range of mainly polytheistic faiths, cultural- and state systems, as well as complex relationships between the different native powers.

Dervish Colonies

The Dervish came to settle Yucatán only after human settlers set first foot on the planet. Why the interest of the Dervish in this preciously habitable world was so low, is not entirely understood by humanity. The dangerous nature of some fungi species to the Dervish symbionts may be the only lead so far.

The Dervish colonies that do exist on the surface are typically far removed from any organized settlement of the Tassamari and have begun the process of cultivating land in a wide radius around the seedling site for their own purposes. Several hives in mountainous regions now serve as landing sites for Dervish starships out of sight of the native population.

Unlike humanity, the Dervish have a more restrictive approach when dealing with the Tassamari. While trade between the Dervish colony and several Tassamari nations does exist, it is handled through bazaars set up for this precise purpose by the Dervish traders.

Terran Colonies

Terran interest in the Equilibrium star system was originally mainly focused on the life seeder remains, both close to the sun and around the twin worlds of the outer system. Yucatán, though a promising earth-analog, was afforded only a secondary priority. This has changed in recent years, particularly with the rising prominence of the Allied Powers of Pan-Europa, as they have begun to regard the native civilization of the world as a potential asset and future alliance.

Multiple major powers of the Terran Mandate have initiated colonization efforts on Yucatán, including the Last Commonwealth of Terra, the Allied Powers of Pan Europa, and the Union of Terran Free Republics. The colonial efforts are at various stages of development and have taken different approaches to initiate or avoiding contact with the native civilizations. Due to the distance from Earth and exposed position on the Serpent Chain, as well as their young age, the colonies have yet to grow into full colonial states of the Terran Mandate, but they are expected to eventually surpass even Colonial Varos in importance.

By far the largest and most ambitious project both in scale and active interference with the Tassamari is the Hansa-Yucatán initiative of the Allied Powers of Pan-Europa. The Hansa is a coordinated effort by the Allied Powers to establish ties with the native Empire of the Falling Moon, offering goods and technology in exchange for resources and manpower. The ultimate goal of the Allied Powers is allegedly to turn Yucatán into a second bastion, pushing Terran Space further than any other colony before. Within the territories of the Empire, the establishing of a global equatorial defense grid has already begun.

To further the interests of the Allied Powers, the Hansa is even involved in the imperial conquest of rivaling powers among the Tassamari civilization.

Vanguard Interests

The Frontier Vanguard has long disapproved of the piecemeal national colonization efforts on the Marred Frontier, pushing for a more coordinated and comprehensive effort of the Terran Mandate as a whole. With the rise of the Allied Powers and the waning influence of the Last Commonwealth of Terra in the Assembly, this agenda has gained considerable support. Yucatán was then the natural choice as the first assignment sector for the newly launched Vanguard Mothership Tutankhamun.

The Frontier Vanguard is interested in both uncovering more of Yucatáns history, and in monitoring the consequences of the Allied Power's interference with the native population. If it can be proven that a gradual introduction of technology and knowledge can elevate a native culture to a worthwhile ally in colonization efforts, this could shape future missions of the Frontier Vanguard to distant worlds.

Terran Mandate - original project by Martechi

Created with textures by www.solarsystemscope.com/textu…

Created with the Topps Planet Map Generator topps.diku.dk/torbenm/maps.msp

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Comments: 14

droidnautica [2021-05-15 12:45:02 +0000 UTC]

Looks kinda real.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Martechi In reply to droidnautica [2021-05-25 14:02:31 +0000 UTC]

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Gromgorefiend [2021-04-08 02:05:02 +0000 UTC]

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SheldonOswaldLee [2021-04-07 22:02:49 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to SheldonOswaldLee [2021-04-07 22:43:45 +0000 UTC]

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SheldonOswaldLee In reply to Martechi [2021-04-07 23:04:21 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to SheldonOswaldLee [2021-04-07 23:16:00 +0000 UTC]

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SheldonOswaldLee In reply to Martechi [2021-04-08 07:14:38 +0000 UTC]

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Comet9 [2021-04-07 21:09:59 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Comet9 [2021-04-07 22:43:25 +0000 UTC]

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Comet9 In reply to Martechi [2021-04-08 08:07:52 +0000 UTC]

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Martechi In reply to Comet9 [2021-04-08 09:17:55 +0000 UTC]

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Comet9 In reply to Martechi [2021-04-08 12:29:47 +0000 UTC]

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warrior31992 [2021-04-07 20:09:43 +0000 UTC]

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