marshrr — Hams 290109 05560a

Published: 2009-07-03 12:36:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 786; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 44
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Description Emergency! Emergency! There's an emergency going on!

- Holly, 'Red dwarf'

An email (with some urgency) from Sad'e.
"By any chance do you have any free time to shoot 3 girls in one day sumtime before the 6th? or really close after the 9th? (in hamilton?) i realize its alot to ask, but its kool if you cant."
After working out schedules, transport, valium...
"Yes ma'am."
So: 2 hours there, 2 hours back and a 4 hour shoot in between: It was an absolutely great day (that introduced me to another 2 amazing women and the Hamilton Gardens).

This could quite easily have been called: 3 go mad at the Gardens (3, because I remained dignified and respectable at all times.... honest!)

Yolanda at the Hamilton Gardens

(Oh! and it also broke my record for distance travelled for a shoot - its now 127 Kilometers. But it was Sad'e: What else was I going to do!)
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Comments: 2

Evilien [2009-07-09 22:00:15 +0000 UTC]

Nice one!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

marshrr In reply to Evilien [2009-07-10 09:39:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0