Comments: 24
ptahaegyptus [2014-04-07 10:22:53 +0000 UTC]
First off, I love the pic and think it is well done. Pitch is an extremely strong individual who, I gather, had a noble past that left him with abilities, skills, and some core personality traits that still leak through, and which Elsa would find attractive, not to mention the maturity and seriousness that Jack Frost would inherently lack.
I also believe I have commented on the Oaken Principle of Merchandising as it relates to ships in a comment/conversation we had yesterday, so you know that I believe the BlackIce ship (ElsaxPitch) is a particularly difficult one. I recently read "The black hearts ball" you linked to, and thus am ambivalent about the direction it took Elsa: Certainly, there is knowledge to be gained everywhere, both in the light and in the shadow, but giving someone nightmares is not the sort of thing you do or support the one doing, and the big problem with shadow is that it hides knowledge at a bigger scale than it reveals: penny-wise and pound foolish, so to speak. I cannot see Queen Elsa, a wise and compassionate leader, knowingly handing the children of her kingdom, for whom she was willing to fling herself into the wilderness to protect from herself, over to pitch to torment as he will.
I find the fanfiction itself portraying Elsa's plight with sensitivity: the author very logically has her (finally) seeking romantic love and willing to be won, but she has not realized that the one who would win her heart must have courage and faith in her, not tremble and shudder at the thought of touching her to the point of her noticing. Despite her personal courage, it appears that there is a self-selecting process whereby she seeks suitors in formal balls where those in power filter the guest list to the powerful and the nobility, and though they may be powerful or privileged, those political animals are rarely personally brave. She is not as much won by pitch as much as he is the only one around at the time she is beginning to be discouraged and is talking herself into hopping the fence to what looks like a greener pasture based on feelings she experienced during a dark, but temporary, time in her life: she hid herself in her room, and hiding in the shadows, like Pitch, is just going about it more efficiently.
In my opinion, the b*st*rd's just lucky: have Jack Frost show up, and he'd be history. Jack is certainly less imposing and comes across as less mature, but balance that with a history of self-sacrifice and a current life of dedicating himself to bringing wintertime fun to children, and a built-in immunity to cold, and you have someone whose heart is where Elsa's always has been: after all, we first see her, and last see her, in the film using her magic as an instrument and means of bringing fun to others.
My last complaint is probably one you would agree with: the story is a one-shot. I would not at all mind that story being the first chapter of a larger story where Elsa becomes the powerful and effective redemptive figure we feel she can become (which, by the way, is the pivot on which any Helsa ship must eventually rest without making her look like a fool), turning pitch from a sadistic individual to someone closer to the Doorman at the End of Childhood: Every child must eventually exit childhood, and nightmares are a reminder that childhood is an artificial state whose peace is won by the mature, the brave, the loving, and the courageous. Pitch is the one who issues the trials of bravery and courage, and passes reluctant judgment. The guardians make childhood wonderful, but it is Pitch who walks them the last few steps out of Childhood into a wider, more dangerous world. A tragic, tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
And it will be THEN, that I will smile with him when he fondly thinks of the wonderful woman waiting for him at the end of the day.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
LizzysMind In reply to ptahaegyptus [2014-11-11 17:18:45 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I thing Jack is to young for Elsa. I love the ship, not because it like hetro black ice, but because fear is one of Elsa's main enemies, and as they say, love thy enamy.
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moonbaby17 [2014-03-10 18:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Nice, but I prefer Jelsa.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
beauvb [2014-03-02 17:39:28 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful powerful dangerous COLD!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Shadowolf2504 [2014-02-20 17:57:58 +0000 UTC]
Ohh i love it, so cool.^^
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AnaxErik4ever [2014-02-19 02:39:34 +0000 UTC]
I prefer Jelsa, but if it was cold and dark... BlackIce was here first, but I ship this too! I ship all three pairings, but this is at the bottom.
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noodlekuki [2014-02-19 00:12:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh and easy! I prefer PitchxElsa.
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Mannie258 In reply to noodlekuki [2014-02-19 04:39:32 +0000 UTC]
Deliciously intense, wasn't it :3 and thank you!
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sasuhina123 [2014-02-18 04:33:47 +0000 UTC]
Pitch x Elsa because I like to imagine that Elsa is a resemblance of his wife that died. Which would make it tragic because's like a man turned into a vampire against his will and can no longer get anywhere close to his family despite wanting to protect them. He would need to live off of fear but can't bear to see her suffer. I am a sucker for tragic romance such as phantom of the opera, the great Gatsby, etc...
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sasuhina123 In reply to Mannie258 [2014-02-18 15:24:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah too bad it doesn't really give the wife a name. I guess we will have to give her one ourselves....Elizabeth?long for Elsa XD
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