luvgoodstuf — World's Flaws

Published: 2009-12-05 20:53:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1509; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 31
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Description i found a song, a sad one, that's presented Romania's flaws, but I do believe this happens EVERYWHERE!
I will post the lyrics with translation.

Alt copil frumos nascut intr'un spital jegos (Another beautiful baby born in a miserable hospital)
Alt batran face infarct shi se'ntinde pe jos(Another old person has a heart attack and lyes down)
Alt hotz apare de dupa coltz in graba(Another tief comes out of the corner in hurry)
Va fura orice sa produca din nou bani de iarba(He'l steal anything to make money for drugs)
Alt parinte shi'a pus kpat zilelor in subsol(another parent ended his life in the basement)
Satul de'un salariu mic shi de'un trai nasol(fed up by a small salary and a hard life)
Alt pushti e pe kle sa devina agresor(another kid who's gonna be an agressor)
Trezindu'se fara tasu' si vazand k nu'i ushor(waking up without a dad and seeing it's not easy)
Alte fete sucite de mangleala baietzilor(another girl fooled by boys talking)
Pleak'n lume si devin prada proxenetzilor(go into the world and become a pimp's pray)
Alte cluburi q copii drogatzi prin toalete(another club with kids drugged in the bathroom)
Alte fete kre beau alcool knd le e sete(another girl that drink alcohool when they're thirsty)
Alte shcoli kre produc generatzii de drogatzi(another school that produce drug generations)
A qi pla mea e vina k nu'i educatzi?(who fucking guilty you don't educate them)
Suntetzi interesatzi doar sa producetzi banu'(all you're interested in is making money)
Ce oamani de'ncredere...stam in pat q dushmanu'(what trusty people, we sit in bed with the enemy)

Nu le pasa de copii descultzi in zapada(they don't care about kids walking in the snow with bare feet)
Nu le pasa de abuzurile faqte de garda(they don't care about the abuses)
Nu le pasa de batranii kre nu au ksa(they don't care about old homeless people)

Nu... pur si simplu nu le pasa(No, they simply don't care)

Nu le pasa de pensionari k n'au pastile(they don't care that the pld people don't have meds)
Nu le pasa k mor in saracie q zile(they don't care they die in poor with everyday)
Nu le pasa k lucrezi de la 8 la 8(they don't care you work from 8 to 8)
In mortzii lor or sa plateask pentru tot(damn them to hell, the'l pay)

Alt tanar din krtier sta dupa gratiile de fier(another kid from the neibhorhood who stays in prison)
Fiindk n'are un' sa munceask..imi vine sa zbier(because he didn't had work, i want to cream)
Evident..e vina lui k a furat(Obviously, he's the one who stold)
Dar pune'tzi intrebarea : de ce nu s'a angajat?(but put the question, why didn't he had work?)
Intzelegi?..alta intrebare fara raspuns(see, another question without a reply)
Totu'i pe dos in tzara asta deja'i de'ajuns(everything is upside down in this country, it's enough already)
N'am nimic de asqns eu spun ce am de spus(i don't have anything to hide, i say what i have to say)
Sunt incababili cei din parlament..aia de sus(the parliament people are incapabble, the high ones)
Satuli de abuzuri nu primim raspunsuri(fed up with abuses we don't get responses)
Mereu evitatzi k'avem atatea neajunsuri(you always avoid our problems)
Crek deputatzii ashtia muishti lipsesc de la qrsuri(i think they miss the lesoons)
K'shi trateaza romanii k p ultimele scursuri(cause they treat romanians like the last shit)
O sa fitzi pushi la zid pe rand muishtilor(you're gonna be punished you hoe's)
K se iarta da' nu se uita lucrurile ce dor(it's forgiven but not forgotten, the things that hurt)
Noi spunem k'i grea ..voi spunetzi k viatza'i frumoasa(we say it's hard, you say life is beautiful)
Va cred. k facetzi averi din suferintza noastra(i believe you, you make possessions from our pain)

Nu le pasa de copii descultzi in zapada(they don't care about kids walking through snow with bare feet)
Nu le pasa de abuzurile faqte de garda(they don't care about abuses)
Nu le pasa de batranii kre nu au ksa(they don't care about hameless old people)

Nu... pur si simplu nu le pasa(No, they simply don't care)

Nu le pasa de pensionari k n'au pastile(they don't care that the old don't have meds)
Nu le pasa k mor in saracie q zile(they don't care that they die with days)
Nu le pasa k lucrezi de la 8 la 8(they don't care you work from 8 to 8)
In mortzii lor or sa plateask pentru tot(damn them to hell, they're gonna pay)

Alt roman prins in italia la furat(another romanian gona to steal in Italy)
Vine'napoi in tzara mai falid dekt a plekt(he comes back even more broke that before)
Altzi fratzi de'ai noshtrii la tv se fac de kkt(another of our brother making themselves look like shit)
Q toate infractziunile lor frate si e pakt(with all they're crimes and it's sad)
Altzi italieni ne rup batele de kp knd ne prind(another italyans that break baseball's on our heads)
Ishi dau seama k suntem romani auzindu'ne vorbind(they figure out were romanians from how we talk)
Alt stat din uniune kre urashte romania(anothe state from the union that hates romania)
Deci m**e conducerea...m**e preshedentzia(so fuck the leading, fuck the presidentsy!)
Sistemu' asta d kkt ne face sa plekm(this shitty system is making us want to leave)
Sa nu mai shtim unde'i romania pe harta ..sa uitam(to not know where romania is on the map anymore)
Dekt sa ne fta propriul stat mai bine'l parasim(other than our own state screwing us, we better leave)
Shtii qm e..dak nu kutam comoara n'o gasim(you know how is it, you have to search for treasure)
Tre' sa ne gandim ce'o sa facem in continuare(we got to think what are we gonna do from now on)
K miroase'a saracie si a foamete mare(beause it's gonna be poor and stavation)
Nu se va schimba nimic..pot prezice viitorul(nothing's gonna change, i can tell the future)
Vor trai bine deputatzii..v'a suferi poporul(the rich people are gonn alive good, the others are gonn asuffer)

Nu le pasa de copii descultzi in zapada(they don't care about kids walking through snow with bare feet)
Nu le pasa de abuzurile faqte de garda(they don't care about abuses)
Nu le pasa de batranii kre nu au ksa(they don't care about hameless old people)

Nu... pur si simplu nu le pasa(No, they simply don't care)

Nu le pasa de pensionari k n'au pastile(they don't care that the old don't have meds)
Nu le pasa k mor in saracie q zile(they don't care that they die with days)
Nu le pasa k lucrezi de la 8 la 8(they don't care you work from 8 to 8)
In mortzii lor or sa plateask pentru tot(damn them to hell, they're gonna pay)

i took time trying to translate this so please don't go bashing around.
the pic was drawn with a mouse.

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Comments: 15

lightstar93 [2009-12-09 05:41:23 +0000 UTC]

aaaw. thats sad , but great work on the pic

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

luvgoodstuf In reply to lightstar93 [2009-12-09 17:46:59 +0000 UTC]

thank you :3 it's sad this happens

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lightstar93 In reply to luvgoodstuf [2009-12-09 18:42:35 +0000 UTC]

your welcome ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Banana-Sama [2009-12-06 13:21:27 +0000 UTC]

so cute!!!><

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

luvgoodstuf In reply to Banana-Sama [2009-12-06 16:28:50 +0000 UTC]

thank you <:3

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AccursEd-Boyfriend [2009-12-06 00:48:49 +0000 UTC]

It like that every where not just in Romania. but even in the usa. That why ever time i see some one how need help. I help them if i can. The only thing you can do is try to help thow how can help them selfs. word from my great master (sensai). you got to fight for the weak beacues they can't fight for them selfs.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

luvgoodstuf In reply to AccursEd-Boyfriend [2009-12-06 07:49:41 +0000 UTC]

tea, i hate this world, it's so nfair. but i'l try!!

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AccursEd-Boyfriend In reply to luvgoodstuf [2009-12-07 19:05:52 +0000 UTC]

That all they ask!!!!

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luvgoodstuf In reply to AccursEd-Boyfriend [2009-12-07 19:16:43 +0000 UTC]


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xMargotx [2009-12-05 21:48:21 +0000 UTC]

Nice work.. but I don't get it O,O"

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luvgoodstuf In reply to xMargotx [2009-12-05 22:27:26 +0000 UTC]

bah, it was a song, and i felt emotion listening to it DX

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xMargotx In reply to luvgoodstuf [2009-12-05 22:28:31 +0000 UTC]

aaa I get it now

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luvgoodstuf In reply to xMargotx [2009-12-05 22:49:08 +0000 UTC]

XD lol, i hate it anyway

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xMargotx In reply to luvgoodstuf [2009-12-05 22:55:27 +0000 UTC]

I don't have idea for your's id

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luvgoodstuf In reply to xMargotx [2009-12-05 23:58:47 +0000 UTC]

aww, but you can make anything!!

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