Luminous-Luchador — Archen Plush

#plush #plushie #pokemon #archen #flapteryx
Published: 2015-09-07 15:41:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 5875; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 42
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Description Archen is the first plush I made with a minky plush. They had the right colours at my store (the only have yellow, red, blue, green, white and black) and so it happened that I made him I never really thought about making a Archen, because it's a rather new Pokémon, and I can't remember most of them (I only know them up to ruby/sapphire/emerald). But on my birthday I got the game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity and there I got to play as an Archen. The way he walks and runs is just too cute :'D and that face...priceless.

About the plush:
He's 25cm (sitting) and 40cm (standing) tall. The pattern is completely different from every other one I've made so far (I had some issues with the body). It's pretty difficult to assemble everthing in the right order, so there will be a tutorial, as soon as I have the time to upload the pattern.
The black details on the face, legs and tail are painted on with a black fabric pen. And to be honest, I think he looks better than the official plush. I've put in a lot of effort into the wings, so that they look nice

Altogether: I'm very proud of it. And for this reason, you can officially order him. (Though I would slightly change the shape of his head and the feathers on his butt)

+++ Note me if you're interested in commissioning him +++

Pattern: IMPORTANT: the size of the pattern is DIN A4!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Tutorial: soon
Related content
Comments: 15

thegardeniacipher [2022-06-15 04:46:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

90338992 [2020-12-18 17:23:03 +0000 UTC]

Merry Christmas

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DaRealPLB [2016-11-13 01:22:02 +0000 UTC]

can't wait till the tutorial

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to DaRealPLB [2016-12-12 18:40:00 +0000 UTC]

someone actually wants the tutorial :'D

let me see if I still have the pictures, I kinda remember that I made some..
maybe you could remind me again, I'm quite the forgetful person

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

demenian [2015-09-08 15:39:16 +0000 UTC]

Your patterns just keep getting better and better! I love them all even though i have yet to try some, I just haven't been in the sewing mood lately. But I love how great your patterns are getting ^-^ !

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to demenian [2015-09-08 15:58:13 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much
I think so too that I've improved lately, and that makes me very happy I'm really glad that you've noticed that too, though

Hope you get your motivation back, I haven't felt like sewing too for the last 2-3 months ^^"

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digigirl789 In reply to Luminous-Luchador [2015-09-12 00:58:07 +0000 UTC]

They really have improved; I can see you've taken advantage of darts in your last few patterns. This something that I have a hard time doing without throwing the pattern out of wack.   The shapes are getting more complex, and you make plushies so much faster than other plush makers, who can spend years working on a single pattern.  

I'm still working on the turtle plush, btw. I going have to edit the head since the neck edge removed some of the plush roundness in the bottom part of the face. I might try making it with a jointed head before I try it. 

I hope you get your motivation back soon since I like to see your progress.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to digigirl789 [2015-09-12 19:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much actually the darts were more like a emergency solution ^^" I was kinda pissed at the body, and cut the dummy in half..then I realized that I could actually do it like this But I'll improve my skills in this "technique"!
I'm pretty fast making patterns, yeah, but because of that, they have some flaws :/ I'm sure I'll revise my older patterns sometime (e.g. attaching the head to the body, ...)

oh, I'm really sorry that I couldn't be much help with the turtle..I'm really bad at explaining things (in english even more) :/ And jointed heads are often rather difficult.. I had quite a hard time with the neck of the archen plush too, but I'm sure you can do it!

Once my exams are over, I'm sure I'll start sewing more regularly again~

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

digigirl789 In reply to Luminous-Luchador [2015-09-14 02:59:35 +0000 UTC]

You would be surprised at what was made by accident; raisins were created when some someone left grapes in the sun. There is even a type of necklace that was created when it got tangled. Sometimes you just have to experiment until you find a solution.  

I appreciate the help you were able to give me; most people just ignore people that ask for help. If they are  not getting paid, they are not interested in helping others.  So, you helped a lot, and I am grateful for all  your help. There is an error with the way the neck and head connect.  I just have to make some adjustments  to make the bottom of the face round again.  

The rest of the pattern is fine since I just had to edit a doll pattern I already had, and I was able to make a pattern for the shell that fits. Once I fix the head’s front profile, it going to be even  cuter. 

Jointing the head should not be to hard since I just have to gather the neck edge and reduce the width of the body’s neck edge.   I only had  issues  jointed heads when the pattern requires  you to gather the neck edge on the body and the head (which can cause the head to pop off). If push comes to shove, I can create a base for the head and just ladder stitch it to the body.  I found the idea in a really old craft book.  

I hope you do well on your exams; I glad I don't have to worry about those anymore.  Now, I just have to find a job.

Don't worry about your English; you write a whole lot better than most people on the internet. If you feel you need to improve your writing skills, you can improve your writing by reading more. My instructor gave me that advice when I started my program. Again, I don't see anything wrong with the way you write.  

I'm sure I get the head right too; I just have keep experimenting with it. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to digigirl789 [2015-09-15 22:19:32 +0000 UTC]

noooo!! please don't compare my patterns to raisins!! I hate them!! Almost as much as bananas!!

I try my best to help! There's no reason why I shouldn't.. I don't have anything else to do (more like I don't want to), I don't have other people to talk t (yep, I love staying at home.) and it's just a nice feeling to help others (for a change) everyone I've met so far at dA was really nice to me, and none of them has taken advantage of my kindness, so there's really no reason not to be helpful~

And I'm sure you'll manage to make the head look perfect! My motto is trial and error and error and complete failure (maybe I should change that) but I'm sure you'll get the head you want if you give it a (few) try/tries! Because you're definitely a less hopeless case than me (I gave up at mew's head, that's why I had to redo him)..
oh man, I seriously have no talent to motivate. nooooot the slightest bit. :'D

I wanna see it when it's done btw~ I'm really curious~

huh, you seem to know more about sewing than me (well, that's not difficult tbh)..you even have a crafts book..I'm envious.

If you ever feel the urge to complain about something (the job is a good example), feel free to talk to me I'm from Austria, complaining is one thing we're pret-ty good at.

And thanks It's good to hear that It's been a few years since I've spoken english the last time, so I feel like my english is a bit rusty.. but if you understand me, that's fine~

DO IT! I'm gonna cheer you on!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

digigirl789 In reply to Luminous-Luchador [2015-09-18 15:22:36 +0000 UTC]

Your patterns are nothing like raisins; there are like Singapore necklace  that was created when the chain tangled in the machine. You started out with something good, but you created something that was amazing without having to start over from scratch.

You are still more helpful and giving  than most people I've met on the DA. One person even uses links to tutorials  as rewards on Patreon. A lot plush makers believe that people should learn about plush making by themselves because they taught themselves. These people believe that the knowledge that learned should not be shared for free.  They may  tell you the shape of the plush you want make, but they will not you tell how they create that shape. These people may give out a free pattern once in awhile, but they will not  teach you how to make patterns, let alone fix one that someone else made for free.  Your amount of helpfulness is rare, so I really appreciate it. 

The head definitely coming along, and I think I managed to correct the flaw. I started stuffing it but got distracted halfway through. The part I stuffed looked better, but I want to test out the another head front pattern once I edited the back the head, which came out smaller than the front. I'm not sure how that happened. 

I don’t have as more patience than you since the turtle plush is done.  The face looks a little odd from the front, so I am making another one. He just going to have a slightly cute brother that will equally loved. I haven't uploaded the pictures because I want to make some accessories. 

I have been sewing over 10 years.  I started sewing in my late teens, but just started making  patterns for about three years. I have a small collection of mostly used craft books and patterns that I brought from online. Most of the books were less than 10 dollars with shipping. Your patterns are included in my epattern collection. 

We Americans are great at complaining too. Oscars the Grouch stated, “Don't let the sunshine spoil your rain; stand up and complain.” I didn't know English wasn't your native language, and your English is way better than quite a few of my American classmates.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to digigirl789 [2015-09-21 18:35:44 +0000 UTC]

nicely said~ I kindly accept your compliment, although it's a bit over the top ;D

I'm just trying my best to motivate people to start with sth! Sewing, crafting, whatever! Recently someone told me that they started sewing because of me - mission accomplished I think learning how to make patterns is rather difficult because it  depends on the kind of person you are.. some like to use "mathematics", others make sculptures first (way too much work in my opinion)..
And if people appreciate what I do, I'm very happy~ I just hope they won't get too complicated once I get better :'D

I'm seriously curious how it's going to look make sure you tell me when you're done with everything
my gengar has like three little brothers..the dummies were so cute, I just couldn't throw them away~

ten years?! o.o that's like..my half life Though, I've started ten years ago, too..but gave up soon after.. I pricked my finger way too often (I still do). And maybe I should visit a flea market again

nah, I'm speaking german which is actually pretty nice since it's quite a difficult language to learn.. And I like that "saying", I should make that my motto :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

digigirl789 In reply to Luminous-Luchador [2015-09-21 21:17:44 +0000 UTC]

Me and math do not get along, so I will not be using that a a regular method for pattern making. I have clay lying around from when I try to make a pattern with. The clay was just too hard, and it took me forever to get that clay out off my hands. That was a complete waste of money. As long as your patterns are well labeled, they will not become to complicated. 

Gengar siblings sound really cute, and I not throwing out "baby test turtle." I will send you the link when I'm finished.  

I still stick my self after all these years. Check out Amazon's market place for craft books. You can get some good deals. There are other sites, but their selection are smaller.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

threadsie [2015-09-08 09:51:04 +0000 UTC]

Too adorable, but probably beyond my capabilities.  Thx 4 sharing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Luminous-Luchador In reply to threadsie [2015-09-08 12:07:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much~

Yeah, it's not really the easiest one..even I had some problems with it, and I made it

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