LoulabeIIe — Happier.

#cute #demon #demoness #feminine #femme #lips #lipstick #red #smile #sunshine #vent #enby #redhorns #nonbinary
Published: 2019-03-04 00:04:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 590; Favourites: 85; Downloads: 0
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I've had an extremely rough weekend having one of the worst meltdowns I've had ever regarding stress and just overall disappointment;

I've become ashamed of some people who had given me hopes and promises and let me down last minute in the most unprofessional of ways.

Thank for my friends, family and my partner in particular all who gave me a lot of comfort due to this really bad sobbing enraged episode I had.

I thought I'd draw something for myself to help cheer myself up a little since there are some downer feelings still here but I know I can get better;

Having one bad meltdown doesn't mean I'm not progressing and knowing that I have a lot less meltdowns than I originally had when I was initially diagnosed with social anxiety disorder makes me feel proud of myself still for how far I have came so far, knowing I've been battling a lot of mental illnesses for the last 4 years and still struggling time to time but making through it for the best of days.

It just was a bad feeling moment; I just wanted to draw something to feel good. 

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Comments: 2

RobotnikHolmes [2019-03-04 08:52:18 +0000 UTC]

Its a pretty recollection of a persona. Love the shading too.

Glad you felt comfort after such an event, tho. ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoulabeIIe In reply to RobotnikHolmes [2019-03-05 02:14:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! 💕

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