Louiky-Mu — Luigi bwahaha

Published: 2008-08-17 14:47:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 42242; Favourites: 2145; Downloads: 11816
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Description Luigi animation series 2
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Comments: 396

CoolLuigiBro13 [2022-04-22 16:33:15 +0000 UTC]

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LuketheLucario12 [2021-10-25 15:39:40 +0000 UTC]

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CiTVNostalgia1998 [2021-09-03 19:38:20 +0000 UTC]

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LolaDreamTeam [2021-08-19 20:08:12 +0000 UTC]

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xXThatOneDisnerdXx [2021-04-28 20:39:56 +0000 UTC]

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MADMAXWARBOY [2019-11-14 03:53:20 +0000 UTC]

Luigi: (kicks a rock)
Also Luigi:

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menslady125 [2019-10-15 01:57:59 +0000 UTC]


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WolexxOneGuy256 In reply to menslady125 [2022-02-22 21:08:37 +0000 UTC]

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L-Kirby [2019-07-01 20:02:48 +0000 UTC]

Now we need a flaming background behind him

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The-Nintendude [2018-08-04 05:41:04 +0000 UTC]

Don't play with "Luigi Boards"

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Dasilvcr [2017-12-17 04:45:16 +0000 UTC]


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LadySionis [2017-07-19 00:37:14 +0000 UTC]


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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-15 19:46:07 +0000 UTC]

HA! Gaaaaayyyyyyy!!!

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-16 01:09:01 +0000 UTC]

you...you mean luigi?!  

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-18 19:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Of course. Don't you see my name? Don't you see my avatar? I hate shitty ass piece of crap.

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-19 22:29:42 +0000 UTC]

*wants to laugh but holds it in* damn man...i've never seen such a luigi hater....  eesh, what has he done to you?

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-20 07:45:17 +0000 UTC]

He is a traitor, a coward, a villain! I'll gather all anti luigi nation and we all shall destroy luigi and his stupid ass fans shall cry forever!

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kittenAnai In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2019-09-14 07:41:48 +0000 UTC]

you are patetic and a jerk inmatute hater
he is just a ficcional character chill idiot
im a Luigi fan and you are the idiot who cry
because we are destroy your stupid page of hate
and because we are going to love him for ever
that Daisy loves him too and we are not going to listen to
you patetic hater cry cry like a baby faggot grew up
you need help Luigi dont exist he dont ruin your life
or the life of anyone sick retard

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to kittenAnai [2019-09-18 13:46:49 +0000 UTC]

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-21 23:53:24 +0000 UTC]

*busts out laughing*  oh my gosh...how is he a villain?

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-23 04:24:55 +0000 UTC]

Uuuuhhh....Hello??? Mario Kart 8? New Super Luigi U? He wants peach and doesn't give a fu** about Daisy? When did he EVER save her? When did they kiss? When did they both have a plot? Never! We even saw both Mario and Luigi in love with peach. Luigi won't stay with anyone, because he doesn't love anyone and he sucks bowser and wario's balls.

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-23 04:31:42 +0000 UTC]

*reads the rest*


damn, sounds like nintendo doesn't know what the heck to do with this kid.  

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-23 04:59:55 +0000 UTC]

OH MY GOSH! Well, from someone who likes luigi, I already expected that shit! I shouldn't even be talking to such a loser.

But ok, first of all, these gifs aren't funny, they're dumb.
Second, you're a sega shitter.
Third : A LOT of evidences have been shown along the years, that luigi wants to destroy Mario and take his place with peach and everything. luigi removed Mario from his own game, just leaving his cap on the introduction and nothing else, while peach kisses him at the ending and Mario doesn't appear, neither does Daisy. However, we ALL know Mario and peach are fans favorite and they share a chemistry and some romantic scenes, but on the commercials of New Super luigi u, we can see luigi came to "save" peach, but she's scared from luigi and keeps calling Mario for help, she LITERALLY CRIES for Mario, she was never even that afraid of bowser before, probably because she expects that from him, since he is a demon and he is the guy who you are using a gif right now. but from luigi!? Mario's brother? An "ally", who is actually a traitor? Super Paper Mario was the first game which showed how coward and bastard luigi is truly inside, he even called peach "hot". He DOESN'T love Daisy. They never shared a kiss or anything. Who says luigi and Daisy are a couple, the guy is nothing, but a medíocre and hypocrite. Daisy kissed Mario back in 1989, Mario threw her away, since he only cares about peach and the other couple was never real. luigi's fans also hate Daisy to DEATH! Both Daisy and Mario. The BEST example of this, is 360Chrism. I really have never seen such disgusting guy who is a fan and loves luigi. He literally likes to feel he is him. He uses him on every single game and he HATES Daisy, to DEATH!
So STFU, stupid ass! Daisy never belonged to luigi. 

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-23 05:55:46 +0000 UTC]

Hey, hey, what are you going in so hard for? We were just having a friendly conversation on why you don't like Luigi. I could care less about it either way. You hate him? So ya hate him. I'm not taking anything from you and calling you names because you do. See, there were things I didn't know about him...some very dark things like you pointed out, so now I can see this kid in a different light. There's no need to start calling names and getting all personal about it. I didn't call you names, nor did I say you were stupid because everyone loves Luigi, because they don't.

I like Luigi sometimes, but you won't catch me buying tee shirts and other merchandise. So calm down and let's go back to laughing at the fact there's so many dark things about him fans tend to over look.

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-23 05:59:30 +0000 UTC]

I can't bear the fact you like sega. That gives me cancer, more than i already was born with.

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-23 23:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Who said I liked SEGA? What, the Sonic emoji? Oh no, I just like using that one whenever I want to shake my head at something sad. Me and SEGA fell out years ago and though they're fond memories, they're "meh" ones now. So there's nothing to get upset at there my friend.

Take it easy, 'kay? I don't want you getting upset over a misunderstanding. 

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-25 03:01:30 +0000 UTC]

Well, even still, don't use that anymore! They're just cancer, that's why they fell, they were never good.

I'm just sharing the legacy #antiluigi to destroy luigi and Nintendo get rid of him, because he is not doing his role, that is just SO simple, be a hero, be another Mario, but he is evil! He is an Evil Mario! I also hate Bowser and Wario, but Nintendo doesn't need to get rid of them, because they're villains, Mario needs villains, but if he has a traitor on his team, like luigi, better get rid of him! 

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LuigiFan238 In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2020-11-25 04:04:26 +0000 UTC]

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-25 03:22:42 +0000 UTC]

So, if you don't want me to use the Sonic emoji, then that's alright with me. No need to do something that'll get you upset over nothing. This is actually interesting to hear...why hasn't Nintendo done something about Luigi? I don't believe they haven't seen the Mario exe. games and everything that followed it. I've definitely seen how Luigi feels about Mario and I know you have, but why haven't they?

All the things you've seen, they should've seen before you and yet, the man in green is still here. Is there something going on about him that we don't know and some fans don't want to know?

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-27 09:08:38 +0000 UTC]

I don't know. Probably because they want to promove the "Peace" between brothers and all of both Mario and luigi's fans, so they make like they're both heroes, but the ONLY true hero, is Mario. It's like what they do with Mario and sonic Olympic Games, because they used to be rivals on the past.

In fact, luigi is the younger brother, with that in note, the younger siblings will usually choose him, and their older brothers usually go as Mario. That already explains A LOT, the fact luigi is an asshole to Mario, because the younger brothers are usually the ones who are bad with the older ones, and might even as well bring a lot of problems to them. However, there are some exceptions I see like luigi better than Mario and they're NOT the younger brother, but they're ALWAYS from May, without mistaken. People are so ass, they say it's Mario's "obligation" to save luigi and take responsibility of him, but that's not true at all. Mario has his own life. Mario doesn't need to bother with him, he does because he is a great brother and luigi would never do the same. They're both adults! luigi needs to take care of himself! He is the one who causes the problems, and people still accuse Mario everywhere. It's ridiculous.

To be honest, why luigi had NEVER saved Daisy? Or literally anybody? Mario saved his brother's """""""girlfriend""""""" two times! Doesn't he have shame on his face? He is literal swap of Mario, in EVERY GAME! Ever since the first Mario Bros. from '83 and on future games!
It's literal the same as Mario, almost same gameplay and even the SAME ending, with the SAME princess. IF Daisy was REALLY his love, they would at least change peach to her, but no! And They don't do that because peach is the favorite princess, they actually don't do that, because luigi doesn't love Daisy! On the inside, they all know the truth. luigi doesn't give a fu** about Daisy, even because we've seen the luigi fans love him with either Peach or Rosalina, they despise Daisy. We also get to see on a Mario Tennis game cutscene, (i think it was GCN's), where both Mario AND luigi are in love with peach! Another reason people hinted him with Daisy, was because Nintendo wanted people to forget she already kissed Mario in Super Mario Land and don't let Mario X Peach die.

Truth, is that luigi is a mistaken. He just wants everything that Mario owns, that's it. He doesn't want anything to himself! People BLINDLY defend him, because he plays stupid innocent, but MUUUUUUUCH more TRULY innocent is Mario, because he is always honest! He doesn't hold grudge against ANYONE, not even bowser. Bowser is the evil side who hates Mario, Mario just wants Peace. They in a dumb way say : "luigi can do everything that Mario can and even better"

First of all, Mario came FIRST, he is much more original and unique by himself! Mario is not only fat, but he is also strong, on both physical and mental, now luigi is just pile shit! He is weak on ALSO both physical and mental. Mario is the ONLY one who was strong enough to spin bowser like he was shit on Super Mario 64. None other character has done that! And we ALL know the success that it was Super Mario 64, probably because luigi wasn't in there. They all say : "Mario is boring, he lacks of personality" again,

As far as I KNOW, for someone to be a leader, like Mario is, they need to have personality, now that's exactly what Mario has. Mario cheers up everyone! He is always there to help everybody in need, he faces evil without fear, because he knows what he is on the inside.

Now........luigi? Well, he : screams like a hysterical chicken the whole time, almost can't do anything without Mario (because he actually can't LITERALLY do anything), he shows he can be EXTREMELY arrogant and violent out of a sudden (like on Super Paper Mario or Mario Kart 8) proving he is not trustable; he, by himself, even poses arrogant sometimes and even GUSHES poor Mario a lot, even joking when he is on danger (like on the old Super Mario cartoons), luigi is a bad loved person, even by Daisy because she also loves Mario and even made a song to him. luigi is just as bad as bowser, and they really should get rid of him 

Is that what having "personality" means? Is it all those bad things? People try to find good aspects on luigi that do NOT exist. They make up things from nowhere! luigi is just perfect for them! It makes no sense AT ALL! He IS the worst character! I think bowser is JUST as bad as he is, not better and not worse. You can NEVER go worse than luigi, you can only be EQUAL to him, NEVER worse.

Mario will always be the TRUE hero and number one and luigi will always be rotten and evil! That's the truth!

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-28 01:35:48 +0000 UTC]

There's something I remember now that you said all of this...in the game "Partners In Time", there was a time where Mario and Luigi were talking to this Star and he read the brothers' personalities. Mario of course, was told he was a hard working guy who'd come far from being just an average plumber....while Luigi had something dark and really personal he didn't want Mario and the others to know. When confronted about it, Luigi just blushed and got really quiet. O_o Even then I was like "what the heck is he hiding and why was he so frustrated when the Star threatened to tell Mario?"

Mm-hmm....you have another point here. Luigi's powers are no different than his brother's, yet Nintendo clearly likes to give him his own games. The only things he does differently than Mario, is jump higher and his super uppercut in Super Smash Bros. is definitely a lot stronger, but other than that, it does seem like he's just copying off of Mario. It's not like Batman where you could see the man needed a sidekick to help explain the story, Luigi's just...well....I don't really have any idea as to what the heck he's suppose to accomplish. Mario doesn't really need a sidekick and even if he did, it would probably be Yoshi or some sort.

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-28 03:50:29 +0000 UTC]

Yes, he felt ALL of their hearts and he gave the option for Mario and the babies to leave luigi and procceed on their journey.

Mario has been confirmed a LOT of times, to be a TRUE hero of pure heart with NO evilness at all! Even on Super Paper Mario, Mario is always the target of evil people. And we ALWAYS get to see, how Mario is a great brother to luigi, that when luigi started to "cry", Mario went bravely and defended him, even tho he shouldn't, because luigi doesn't deserve it.

Well, they give him his own games, the same reason I told you before, they want the "Peace" crap, that's TOTALLY hypocrisy! It's MORE THAN clear who luigi TRULY is! Seriously, look at the WHOLE Mario cast and the heroes!  We have : Mario, Yoshi, Daisy, Toad, Peach, Donkey Kong (he has his own franchise, but he is kinda connected to Mario, he was introduced with Mario on '81), Rosalina and then Mario's brother. But he is the ONLY one who gets : LOTS of memes (which isn't a good sign, idk why, meme characters are always evil, that's why you see LOADS of sega memes, their games are literally memes), overrated and blindly defended, he gets SATANIC memes (yes, believe it or not, you can type either "satanic luigi" or "luigi is satanic", on Google or YouTube, you will find a lot of fan arts and even a vídeo where shows a luigi plush levitating around a pentagram), etc.

Also, luigi and Daisy do NOT have an official artwork of them in love, but Mario and Peach do! The artwork has Mario and Peach holding a GameBoyAdvance and looking at each other with such love and care, they are around a heart and a lot of hearts are around them. Not even artwork they have together. luigi has no love. He doesn't know what "love" means, nobody loves him. All pure innocent children (mostly the Mario fans) despise luigi, they really hate him.

Yeah, so what if he jumps higher? That really doesn't change a lot, only the fact luigi could run away easier from battles. Now, i really wanted to see ONE of those gayers luigiers, on the Super Mario universe, being threatened by Bowser and needed to get ONE of the heroes to defend you. luigi would rather run away from fear, than defending them. Not to mention all people who like the evil characters, like : Boo, Dry Bones, King Boo, Bowser, Bowser JR., Wario, ALL of them like luigi. It's really like luigi doesn't belong to the hero side.
Yes, Super Mario Bros. as "best duo" is clearly the most hypocrital thing to say and they would be the worst duo, they match none. Mario and Yoshi are clearly the TRUE best duo ever, like a son and a father! luigi's really not supposed to accomplish anything, but to destroy Mario, like all evil guys.

Mario literally can do everything by himself, tbh, like you said.

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-29 01:10:04 +0000 UTC]

Wholly crap...this is some dark crap! Tell me, is Luigi in Super Mario Oddessy by any chance? 

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-29 17:41:27 +0000 UTC]

What? You mean being evil or the fact he is in there? He is only on that crap useless mode, but if you ask if he is evil there? He is EVIL everywhere he goes! He is the corrupted soul. He from the bad side. Did you ever heard the tale? Where the good and bad side kinda need to "grow" together? That's Mario and luigi, respectively.

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-30 22:50:57 +0000 UTC]

Damn...and others can't see this? I can piece together some dots now, but still....could be even possible that Luigi could very well be the most darkest character in all Nintendo?

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-31 21:14:40 +0000 UTC]

No, they can't. They DEFEND Luigi always, no matter what! They can attack ANY character for luigi, they attack : Mario (Mario did nothing to that fag), Daisy (saying she is mean to him    ), they call him "Poor luigi" or "poor guy" ALL THE TIME, seriously, even if you pick up a vídeo where a guy compares the advantages Mario has against luigi, the guy keeps saying "Poor luigi" all the time. Literally, 90% of that vídeo was he saying : "Poor luigi", they can EVEN attack peach, just because luigiers want them together, but if peach loves someone, it's clearly Mario.

It's more than obvious, it's clear : luigi is a villain and needs to be hated, because he is supposed to be a hero, not a villain. Also,  nobody EVER did a video attacking luigi, hating on him and really showing who he truly is and saying ALL the TRUTH. They only do that with Mario, but they always lie, they try to find disadvantages on Mario that don't exist and they're ALL clearly evil. You also never see someone hating on Mario or Daisy, if it isn't a luigi fan! Buuuut! I'm about to sucking at making a theory vídeo and on a + of that vídeo, i'm gonna beat down all those stupid luigiers arguments that make no sense AT ALL and proof how he TRULY is the worst character and just as bad as bowser and all the villains!    

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-31 21:50:16 +0000 UTC]

Since when is Daisy mean to Luigi? Sure she's a bit tomboyish, but she's not mean. (???) I still can't believe it, people actually ship Peach and Luigi? We all know Peach's Mario's girl through and through. 

Ah-ha! A video to dis spell the sparkles from their eyes huh? BRILLIANT! This should wake them up...but be careful, you never know who's toes you could be stepping on.

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-31 22:54:38 +0000 UTC]

You see now how they are? They're nuts, they're crazy for him! They make up lies, for people to hate on Mario and Daisy, or any true good character, just because it is not luigi. There was even a guy, who literally attacked ALL Mario heroes, except luigi, of course. He was such a monster, he attacked Yoshi, how can someone hate Yoshi!? Well, for luigi, that's more than usual. And not only that, he also defended all of the bad guys : such as wario and bowser (both of Mario's worst enemies)

They actually do! NO luigi or his fans care about Daisy. They all love peach and rosalina! ALL of them. And sometimes, they even HATE peach, because she loves Mario. Peach can be loyal to Mario (she gives him a lot of problems and can be useless, but she is not evil) and she does NOT care about luigi at all. Even because on Super Paper Mario, she gets angry, after luigi called her "hot". Of course Mario and peach are lovers! All these people are ridiculous! I do really feel bad for Daisy. :/ She doesn't have anyone and she doesn't care about waluigi. Daisy doesn't get credit for anything and it's ruined, because of luigi.

Now, luigi, who is : a traitor, made Daisy unpopular, hates and envies Mario, wants to steal peach away from him and doesn't have ANY MORAL, for being a bastard, STILL manages to pull out ALL of these fans! It's infuriating!  

I'm trying to suck at doing the vídeo, at least. Because all I do on life is literally crap, it really looks like I can't do anything right, but one thing for sure, I hate, hate and REEEAAAALLLY HATE luigi, TO DEATH!!! So, i'll TRY to put effort. 

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-31 23:18:55 +0000 UTC]

WHO THE HECK HATES YOSHI? HOW COULD YOU HATE YOSHI?!  He's a green little dinosaur with a killer tongue and jump attack! What else is there to him to hate? 

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-03-31 23:31:33 +0000 UTC]

One word : "luigi". luigi is pure devil himself! There is nothing to hate on Yoshi. They're all possesed by luigi's demon, by luigi.

That's why he needs to be destroyed. #antiluigi #antiluigination

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-03-31 23:45:25 +0000 UTC]

Have you spread this word around yet? Other than wanting to make a video?

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-04-01 03:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Yes. I try to find more people to join my #antiluigination , I talk on Facebook, Twitter, sometimes, I blame luigi on Twitch.TV, say all those things I told you and they still don't listen. I'm still going to continue on my journey to destroy luigi! #antiluigi #antiluigination  

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-04-01 05:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Damn, well, good luck my friend. They'll be sorry in the end.

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-06-01 04:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Also, try to share the vídeo, if it's possible

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-06-02 01:37:18 +0000 UTC]

will try!

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-06-01 04:43:42 +0000 UTC]

Dude, i'm finally "finished" the video. I don't know if it is something, but I did "try" at least. This vídeo literally just took, whole 5 months, just to come out (that includes the whole text and some correcting of things), but I THINK i did it. There it is : youtu.be/O3GK_a70nhs

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-06-02 00:27:51 +0000 UTC]

AH snap! I'm watching it right now! I'm putting this up on my page and see what happens!

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-06-02 02:18:43 +0000 UTC]

Ok! Thanks for helping the #antiluigination ! I’ll watch you!

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LadySionis In reply to luigihateriseveryone [2018-06-05 01:19:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch! I'll try to spread the word, but I'm pretty sure no one's willing to hear it...this is Luigi, remember? Along with being the most richest man in the Mushroom Kingdom, he's also a major fan favorite.

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luigihateriseveryone In reply to LadySionis [2018-06-05 01:46:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh I see... I knew you were being sarcastic all along. You didn’t even like the video, I looked it up. Also : “most richest” it’s not a thing, would be “richest”, but at my acknowledge, all the games that produce money are Mario’s, aren’t they? 🧐

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