Lord2 — Gel Carn

#anoa #black #capital #carn #castle #cliff #gel #image #landscape #mountain #trees #harlenor #gwendoven
Published: 2023-11-05 14:35:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 597; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description The citadel of Gel Carn was the historical capital of Anoa the Bright.

Nestled in the knees of the Black Mountain that sits at the center of the Harlenorian Kingdoms. It is known to appear to those who come to it at different times and is said to reflect the nature of the soul. Ironically, Anoa the Bright spent very little time there. He was a very active King who was always away on campaign. It is said that these absences led to the affair between Sir Orson and Queen Gwendoven.

The story that Gel Carn is from can be found here;
Prologue: The Thief - Heaven and Hellfire 02: The Heir of Kings | Royal Road
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