LivingTravesty — WHOO POKEYMANZ

Published: 2010-02-10 17:55:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 2300; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description I really had no idea what category to use. Stupid categories.

ANYWAY YEAH. I've been so hopelessly hooked on Pokemon lately and then I SAW THIS AND COULDN'T RESIST.
Don't judge me.

This thing took sooooo looooong and now I'm terrified to submit it. XD
I went through like four different character designs/concepts before I finally settled on this. I kind of wanted to play a male character because there are already so many female contestants, but I actually settled the pokemon lineup BEFORE the character and couldn't really think of a guy who would have a team like this. Ho hum.

ANYWAY you guys don't care about that. CHARACTER INFO TIEM.

First off, accessories:
In The Bag
Heal Ball x 10
Super Potion x 15
Max Potion x 3
She travels light.

The Necklace
Alice's necklace is basically just a cord with some magnets tied to it. She attached a small magnet to each pokeball as well, so that she could wear them around her neck rather than keeping them in her bag or on a belt. (Why? ... who knows.)

Alice Langlais
Alice has been around pokemon all her life, her parents being well-known breeders. However, for many years she had no great love for them, mainly because her family's star pokemon was a somewhat brutish Houndoom that always picked on her. However, when she was 14 she ended up having to raise an "imperfect" young Houndour all on her own (more on that later), and reluctantly developed more of an appreciation for raising pokemon in general. However, she had no interest whatsoever in breeding, and set out instead to be a trainer, as so many young people do. Stemming from her experience with raising the Houndour, Alice made it her goal to build a team only of pokemon that were unusual in some way. (what a rebel she is.)

Despite Alice's efforts to maintain a sort of cool and aloof persona, she has a tendency toward fits of geekiness and can get overly excited about almost any book, movie, TV show, video game, etc. that is even marginally interesting. She habitually teases people although she's not mean-spirited, and she doesn't understand when people can't "go along with it." She cares for her whole team dearly and is fiercely protective of them and their imperfections.


Male Houndoom
Bold nature
Hund was a puppy bred by Alice's parents, but they decided he probably wouldn't be very good in contests because he "wasn't black enough," so they never gave him much attention. Alice, despite her usual apprehension toward the family's pokemon, discovered a soft spot for the rejected pup. She would sneak him extra food, groom and pet him when they were alone, and over all gave him the same treatment any of the other pedigree pokemon got, until he grew into a strong Houndour with a glistening grey-ish coat. Despite the improvements her parents were not impressed and were discussing letting him loose in the wild, at which point Alice decided quite promptly that she would keep him herself, continue to raise him, and above all, leave home.
Hund is an eager and energetic fighter, and an excellent guard dog. He spends almost no time in his pokeball, preferring to stay right at Alice's side. Hund is fairly apathetic toward the other members of the team-- except for Ragnar, who he considers something of a friend despite the fact they don't obviously have anything in common.

Male Vaporeon
Lax nature
Alice came into possession of Qazvin as an Eevee early in her travels, simply by happening across another trainer who was trying to get rid of him. Although there was nothing obviously unusual about him, Alice offered to trade for him simply because she knew Eevees were popular, handy to have on a trainer's team, and also awfully cute. However, when setting out to train the little Eevee, she quickly learned that he did, in fact, have something of a defect. The little guy was none too intelligent and didn't seem to pick up on anything quickly. However, this only endeared him to Alice more, and she became determined to make him an effective member of the team.
(That's not a curious look. It's just a blank stare.) Although he's made great strides through his training, Qazvin is still pretty grip-less and easily confused. He can easily be out-maneuvered in a fight, which is why he's been equipped with abilities that don't require too much aim. Despite his lack of battle prowess (or possibly because of it) Qazvin is extremely friendly, loves to be treated like a housepet, and is pretty much everybody's best friend.

Female Ninetales
Impish nature
Alice encountered Pele as a Vulpix while traveling with a friend, and was immediately enamored of her (Vulpix's) oddly pale coloring. With Qazvin's help she captured Pele easily, making her a permanent part of the team. When Pele was evolved into a Ninetales, she seemed to retain some of her prior coloring, further ensuring her place in Alice's band of misfits. (Very exciting story.)
Pele is a very mischievous creature who hardly lives up to the noble reputation of her species. She loves to play tricks on just about anyone, and is not above implicating the nearest innocent bystander to avoid getting in any trouble. Although she is loyal to Alice, she is not always completely obedient.

Male Murkrow
Modest nature
Alice encountered Cornebre during a brief return trip to Eterna. At first, despite his coloring, she had no interest in a Murkrow. However, when it occurred to her how far she had to travel to reach her next destination, and how convenient it would be to have someone who could fly her there, she changed her mind. Cornebre seemed to be counting on this, and had been hanging around conspicuously, so catching him was no trouble at all.
Cornebre is a calm and unexcitable character. He takes everything in stride and observes the world with a constant mildly disapproving expression. The other members of the team tend to give him a wide berth, although Pele dares to pick on him just a little more than she does on the others.

Female Luxray
Sassy nature
Licht was the only current member of Alice's team who actually put up a considerable fight before being caught. Despite being only a fat little Shinx, she had already perfected the holier-than-thou attitude that she still maintains. However, Alice was bound and determined to catch the lovely and overly-blue creature, and was ultimately successful.
While Licht happily takes advantage of the warm indoors and ample food offered by Alice, she continues to be withdrawn and somewhat difficult. She and Pele are constantly at odds for any variety of reasons, and she regards Alice's more loyal pokemon (that is, Hund and Qazvin), with obvious disdain.

Male Purugly
Adamant nature
While living in Sunyshore briefly, Alice received a shiny Glameow from a boyfriend there, because he thought she should have some "nicer looking" pokemon. The relationship didn't last very long, but she kept and raised the Glameow because he was cute. When he evolved into a Purugly Alice was a little less enamored of him (mainly because he intimidated her), but she brought him with her to the Battle Frontier because he was one of her highest level pokemon and she needed to balance her team better.
Ragnar is a brute, plain and simple. He battles because he wants to, not because of any sort of loyalty to Alice or the team. He's easily annoyed and liable to beat other pokemon around, and, true to his species, spends a lot of time staring people down. Most of the other team members won't go near him, but he and Hund apparently have some sort of truce.

Photoshop CS4
Lost count of the hours urgh
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Comments: 31

Jujupancakes [2010-02-18 08:21:05 +0000 UTC]

Another Eterna person^^! Nyu, we're ridiculously few. Your fashion is cool and your drawing style is win, especially the Luxray^^.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to Jujupancakes [2010-02-18 08:36:09 +0000 UTC]

Heh, I didn't know if there were ANY others. XD *locks arms* We Eternans just gotta stick together.

Thank you~ <3 Licht is one of my favorites but I find it hard to draw her in anything but a profile view. XD So at least I pulled that off.

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Jujupancakes In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-18 09:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Yesh, though your charrie might be the few person who would've met my charrie before he went incognito^^.

Nyu, loves Licht's fur too X3.

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uchihas1010hyuuga [2010-02-11 14:12:52 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I love her bag and fashion style!

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LivingTravesty In reply to uchihas1010hyuuga [2010-02-11 14:16:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! <3

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UltraEast [2010-02-11 01:18:54 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is gorgeous, lovely character

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LivingTravesty In reply to UltraEast [2010-02-11 09:30:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ^^

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Yoruichi-Sensei [2010-02-10 22:46:54 +0000 UTC]

FFFFFFF- More Murkrows!

I should draw all the Murkrows having an epic Murkrow party! No Honchkrows or other pokes allowed. 8D

Anyway, nice app. I really like your character's alt. outfits. Good luck in the contest. :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to Yoruichi-Sensei [2010-02-11 09:30:37 +0000 UTC]

*waves MURKROW PRIDE flag*

HOMG That would be fabulous. 8D

Thanks! You too~

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Yoruichi-Sensei In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-11 20:15:28 +0000 UTC]

It would, but I'm lazy.

Daawww, Thanks. 8D

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LivingTravesty In reply to Yoruichi-Sensei [2010-02-13 02:04:17 +0000 UTC]

Heh. Well me too. So It'll probably never get done.


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Yoruichi-Sensei In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-13 03:09:12 +0000 UTC]

Sadly. One day, maybe I'll be less lazy. Maybe.

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PintofAl [2010-02-10 22:44:11 +0000 UTC]

Very good style love the light coloring

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LivingTravesty In reply to PintofAl [2010-02-11 09:27:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3

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PintofAl In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-11 09:28:57 +0000 UTC]

^^ No trouble

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drygrasses [2010-02-10 22:05:17 +0000 UTC]

: D it's awesome, even though I know aboslutely nothing about Pokemon! : D
I love Alice's design, you always make the coolest. *fails at drawing people*
and you ROCK at designing messenger bags.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to drygrasses [2010-02-11 09:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Don't feel bad~ I didn't either until just recently.
Oh psht. I like your peoplez.
WHOO I should start my own line of messenger bags~ *flounces away*

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drygrasses In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-12 01:06:39 +0000 UTC]

XD I do have some handbooks of the older Pokemon, though. they're fun to look at.
D: my peoplez suck. I've been drawing heads recently but nothing else cuz they don't turn out right. D:
you really should. I would totally buy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to drygrasses [2010-02-13 02:04:02 +0000 UTC]

Handbooks huh? XD What do they teach you?
B'aaaw. Maybe you need a little more practice but you're already good!
I will seriously consider it. >:3 I'm sure there's a website SOMEwhere out there that will print things on bags for me.

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drygrasses In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-16 00:35:05 +0000 UTC]

they have charts of the different types of Pokemon, then a whole bunch of pokemon and descriptions of what they are and do. the basics.
XD no I'm not. my sister was kind enough to remind me of that today when we were looking at each others' drawings.
once that gets rolling, you have to make sure to find someplace that will actually make the bags, like the whole bag has your design made into it rather than just printed on it.

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NeonLeaf [2010-02-10 18:50:14 +0000 UTC]

Whoa. Wicked I wanna do one but I forgot everything about pokemanz D:

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LivingTravesty In reply to NeonLeaf [2010-02-10 21:30:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank ye~

Haha Well... I had to do a loooot of researching myself. Because I apparently don't know ANY of the intricate technical details of the Pokemon universe.
I'd say "OMG ENTER NAO YAY" but the deadline is in 4 days so... :T

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NeonLeaf In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-11 01:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh... it's a contest? i just thought it was like a self quiz type thing xD

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LivingTravesty In reply to NeonLeaf [2010-02-11 09:25:52 +0000 UTC]

Aha no. XD It's an epic contest-event-type-thing full of pokeyman wonder.

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ShadowedPhantom [2010-02-10 18:30:15 +0000 UTC]

I <3 the character design...and your style. Plus your Ninetails looks absolutely adorable. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to ShadowedPhantom [2010-02-10 18:36:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3
She was one of my favorites to draw~ Tried to make her look extra fox-ish. XD

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ShadowedPhantom In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-10 18:37:26 +0000 UTC]

Well she's absolutely epic. ^^

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Ruege [2010-02-10 18:16:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, so smooth *_____*
I love your style it's so pretty, and Alice is so cutteee I love her hair and her sense of style- especially that hoodie :V The formal wear is totally cute toooooo gah.
And the bag :V
LOVE the bag.
And the way you draw poogeymans tooooo <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LivingTravesty In reply to Ruege [2010-02-10 18:23:00 +0000 UTC]

*is super smooth*
Thanks! ^^ I do lurve me some hoodies~ And plaid. 8D
LOL I have a lot of fun designing messenger bags. XD Thanks~

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Ruege In reply to LivingTravesty [2010-02-10 18:27:32 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome~ <3
and yes that's how all the cool kids spell it or so i herd :U

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LivingTravesty In reply to Ruege [2010-02-10 18:29:08 +0000 UTC]

Imma have to start spelling it that way, clearly.

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