Liorart — King: Detail

Published: 2008-11-28 20:48:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 756; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 24
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Description I know, shocking how similar they look:

It's entirely color pencil, with a lot of micron pen outlines. No paint, no digital enhancement. Color pencil.

I took this photograph at my grandmother's house, which gets a lot more sunlight than my own. The colors turned out better and I was able to get a lot more detail in the shot--woohoo!

Anyway, now that some of the details can be seen more clearly, let me explain a few things:
The digital and analog clocks are both set at about 2:43am, and the calendar is marked at August 12th: my birthday/time. ('Cause like, I drew this on my birthday. Gettit?)
The pictures on the right, from top to bottom, show:
Muhammed on the mountain, Eve picking an apple, Jesus walking on water, Moses parting the sea, and Noah and his ark.
The safe at the far left? Think Pandora.
The globe on the turtle? I believe there's some native american myth about that somewhere...
The rest? Figure it out.

And I know the perspective is a teensy bit off. x_x

Edit: colors fixed (again)
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Comments: 19

CrazyRainbowDreads [2010-07-01 01:19:41 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful and remarkable and amazing! I believe the turtle is Chuckwa who like Atlas, carries the world on his back (or shoulders). You did an amazing job and such wonderful detail. I love it!

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Nenial [2009-06-07 14:54:25 +0000 UTC]

I like the combination of symbols from religion and science. It reminds me of how everybody makes up their own universe by combining parts of belief systems / knowledge / wisdom and is king inside it.

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Liorart In reply to Nenial [2009-06-07 16:09:51 +0000 UTC]

Hah. It's fun hearing sometimes how other people interpret this.

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Nenial In reply to Liorart [2009-06-07 19:02:00 +0000 UTC]

How do you interpret it?

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Liorart In reply to Nenial [2009-06-07 21:25:38 +0000 UTC]

I don't. I drew it, so I don't really need to.

I guess I intended the king to be some sort of god and everything else just to be his toys or whatever, but honestly I wasn't thinking so much about interpretation when I drew it. Everyone else comes up with a much better story behind it than I ever have.

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Aquasakura [2009-06-03 16:15:09 +0000 UTC]

Cool! That's exactly how I want to do most of my pictures.

It's awesome!

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Liorart In reply to Aquasakura [2009-06-04 00:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. ^-^

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Aquasakura In reply to Liorart [2009-06-05 03:01:38 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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TrollGirl [2009-04-07 15:29:29 +0000 UTC]

Digital enhancement is healthy.

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Liorart In reply to TrollGirl [2009-04-07 18:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure it is, I just don't know how to use anything.

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Viscious-Speed [2009-04-06 23:21:09 +0000 UTC]

This is crazy awesome! Gotta echo the rest here, the details are wicked! So many things for the eyes to feast on! 4 different wallpapers, 3 different carpets & 3 different floorings??? Excessive! But so so cool! Love eveything about this!

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MissThursday [2009-03-20 10:49:32 +0000 UTC]

I've never seen anything so beautiful that has been made with colour pencils.

The detail in this.. It must of taken you ages.

Lovely work ^__^

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charrrcollins [2009-02-25 21:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is great so much detail!

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xqz-moi [2009-01-22 01:47:19 +0000 UTC]

Gosh, look at all of that detail! It's evident how much effort you poured into this.

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Liorart In reply to xqz-moi [2009-01-22 20:03:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. ^-^

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A-N-A-S-T-A-S-I-A [2009-01-03 21:11:55 +0000 UTC]

You are an insane artist. I can't believe the amount of detail you put into this. Starting with general things...I love the composition and the coloration. It's crazy how much attention to even smallest details you put. Like the Bang poster curling up and...well, I can go on forever. You get

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Liorart In reply to A-N-A-S-T-A-S-I-A [2009-01-03 22:37:58 +0000 UTC]

Whee, thank you. I love details.

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AbaraisSoulmate [2009-01-01 23:24:51 +0000 UTC]

That's a lot of books..

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InesNorman [2008-12-08 22:47:02 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful. I'm in love with this.

The room is so colourful and it looks magical.

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