Hi everyone~! This is an exercise so I can help with my periodical art blocks. I carry a small book everywhere with me now and use it as an artist's journal, so I always have some idea in reach. As I drew this out I then decided to put a reflection so the girl can blend into the background a bit more(Making and blending characters into bgs is something I promised myself to work on this year.). Sorry about the hand, it looked more like a hand than an flipper in the sketch. It's fun drawing something just for me! I'll try to make more originals with the ideas I've written down. I'll see you guys later and I hope you'll all like it~!
(Well you can put the thumbnail in your DeviantID and/or journal entries)
Sketched, Lineart made, Coloring, Shading and BG done in Sai with my Wacom Bamboo Tablet, and other effects made in Photoshop CS6