Lily-L-Bell β€” C009 - Happy Birthday Albert

Published: 2010-09-19 08:51:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 2503; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 14
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Description Or the night Jet gave Inger food poisoning...

I recently discovered the Cyborg's birthdays. Albert's being the 19th of September. (Today if anyone is up this early)

I really wanted to do another joke with Jet's cooking... this is the spawn.

I imagine Jet was bored while Albert was at work on Inger's day off, why not go bug her. And Inger not being one to be overly open to the idea of him moaning on his couch, so: "Hey, let's teach you how to make cookies you damn sugar junkie." ... Jet should not be allowed to cook ever. Inger was fooling herself when she believed that he could be taught... but he was just so proud of himself when he decided to give them to Al for his birthday that she just couldn't BEAR to see the little Yankee disappointed and crest fallen, so she kept the toxic-waste cookies and sent Jet out with the safe ones she made.

Cyborg 009 belongs to the late Ishinomori
Inger is mine.
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Comments: 145

Mia-churi [2010-11-08 02:11:58 +0000 UTC]

Aww! The poor girl! Jet…needs some serious help…

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Mia-churi [2010-11-08 02:13:57 +0000 UTC]

Or cooking classes...

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Mia-churi In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-11-08 02:26:25 +0000 UTC]

How about both?

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Mia-churi [2010-11-08 02:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Yes, both I say.

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Mia-churi In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-11-08 02:42:23 +0000 UTC]

And with the help with Chang.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Mia-churi [2010-11-08 02:44:21 +0000 UTC]

Maybe he'll be a normal person if Chang is allowed to help Adjust him some. XD

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Mia-churi In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-11-08 02:49:09 +0000 UTC]

lol Maybe. XD You never know with Jet.

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MamaLucia [2010-09-24 04:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Inger deserves a medal!

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to MamaLucia [2010-09-24 06:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Or a bottle of Pepto Bismal, which ever one comes first. XD

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MamaLucia In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-24 16:46:14 +0000 UTC]


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Annie-O [2010-09-24 03:42:49 +0000 UTC]

hahaha, lovely 'pride' pose on Jet!

Poor Inger... she suffered so Al wouldn't. Such a friend...

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Annie-O [2010-09-24 04:00:59 +0000 UTC]

There wouldn't have been a joke in it if Jet's cookies were actually edible. XDDD And I don't feel bad about making Inger suffer a little bit. Besides, if she sent Jet off with his own this magic bromance moment between the two wouldn't happen. Inger wants Jet to feel Albert is proud of him and that he can be proud of himself.

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Annie-O In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-24 06:55:25 +0000 UTC]

hahahah i agree! Sucking at cooking is his major. I need an Inger close to my home... we could make our neighbors suffer.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Annie-O [2010-09-24 14:48:03 +0000 UTC]

XD A weird, nosy neighbor who likes to bake and bother everyone with the Wizard of Oz and sociological factoids and touching their brains with her psychology training. XDDD

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Annie-O In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-24 15:06:14 +0000 UTC]

............ great, now i'm having second thoughts...

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to Annie-O [2010-09-24 20:42:32 +0000 UTC]

XD She'll make it up to you in Pies and cinnamon rolls. XD

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HannajimaShields [2010-09-20 01:53:14 +0000 UTC]

Way to take one from the team inger though now you just gave jet the illusion he can cook from now on.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-20 01:57:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, they'll cross that bridge when they get there... XDD She's to busy praying to the toilet gods to think about the long term repercussions of her actions. XD

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-20 02:00:01 +0000 UTC]

The poor thing *hands over alot of antiacid and toliet paper* Shes going to need these. Oh well least he looked so happy ^^

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-20 02:00:53 +0000 UTC]

XD In feeling physically bad, she gets a good emotional feeling. Jet will never know, but Albert is smart enough to put two and two together I think. XD

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-22 01:41:15 +0000 UTC]

Yeah poor thing though mind if i meantion Inger in my comic ill draw? I always like asking permision to least use your oc

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-22 02:27:07 +0000 UTC]

OH of course, feel more than free to. XD She's not very hard to draw, and her hair is really easy. The only thing is I insist she always have her gaudy red earrings because that's her identifying mark. :3

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-23 03:05:37 +0000 UTC]

Lol Yay for now i shall do a small reference (might not draw her) But i had another idea for her interacting with my character XD shes a psychatrist right?

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-23 04:26:38 +0000 UTC]

Psychologist, it's a little different. Psychiatrists are like doctors and have patients and can prescribe medicines, but she just evalutes criminals. She works for the Justice Department. Making sure people who are insane don't go to prison..

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-25 00:56:48 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm what would she think of the twins? Ah 0010

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-25 05:14:44 +0000 UTC]

If she actually met them and they could be trusted to not KILL her? She would find they are sociopathic, either by nature or were made that way by Black Ghost. Or, they disregard the value of other's lives because their world is each other, they don't require and therefore don't value other living things... normally sociopaths don't have a conscious and the parts of the brain that control fear of repercussions is usually small... you find spree/serial killers often fall into this category.

In their canon role you only saw them as difficult to talk to, or convince, and rather seemed to enjoy the idea of mass killing. There's no saying that they, when human, loved it. There's two options. When humans they could have both been sociopathic twins, or, Black Ghost fuddled with them until they BECAME interested in destructive tendencies.

Inger would probably neither like or hate them, but see them the same as the many other patients. If they had survived, were heavily drugged, and therefore a little less dangerous to have around humans and Inger got to talk to them, she would treat them the same as any of the criminals she talks to. She's not there to judge them as people, but to judge their level of sanity, reasoning, and ability to stand trial.

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-25 22:59:01 +0000 UTC]

Yup and thats where it gets tough. Personally while the first one it could be true they may have been killers to begin with and that make them more dangerous. But Ill side with joe 009 and the latter thinking that the blackghost messed with thier minds. Seeing the first 9 get away wouldn't they ensure the others wont go against them. I think the blackghost would mess with them especially when they dug up the body and used the soul for 0012 and ripped the mind and consious for 0011.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-25 23:07:24 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, unfortunately 0010 +/- didn't have enough air time to tell if Black Ghost picked up some people who were already sociopathic, or made them that way. You don't get to hear anything of their back story, like you get a taste for 0011 and 0012. You know 0011 was a family man, has a wife and a daughter, and that's his motivation. 0012 you get a good taste of her past. She was a wealthy man's wife, she lost her husband and subsequently her mind. O,o But 0010 +/-? They don't cover a lot with them. I guess that leaves them really up to fan interpretation, which doesn't bother me much. XD

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-25 23:18:21 +0000 UTC]

2 episodes only two episodes and gave us nothing *grumbles* Though all this given me an idea for writing a fanfic. I prefer fan interpretation to.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-25 23:20:47 +0000 UTC]

You're the only hard core 0010 fan I've met so far, so you're interpretation is as good as gold to me, and what ideas did you get for a fiction? Hm? >curious>

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 03:17:35 +0000 UTC]

Well at this point i had her grow up with the cyborgs well first four and had her frozen at that point shes slowly breaking under the stress of being captive scientist (well succeding her parents) under blackghost and i always figured after the cyborgs left 0010 would be the straw that broke her back if she saw what they would do to get full control shed finish her invention and use it regardless if it killed her.

I am part of a lone fandom i like jet as my first love ((bigger jet fan but i realize hapatus and inert to be bigger fans and respect/love them)) and the twins (have a thing for them) are my second fandom

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 03:24:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah is this a character of your own who's the scientist?

I'm a very big Albert fan myself. But I know Annie-O is probably the biggest, fan of his that I've met. XD And I don't blame you're thing for twins. People have a natural fixation on twins, they are so interesting.

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 03:28:41 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes a character of my own started with a group of 4 scientists a couple a uncle and a lil girl (my oc hanna) she grows up succeding them all and they deal with transportation kind of like if they could conquer other worlds transport weapons kind of fma movie tthing or the mutliverse theory. Though its turning to be a cross over cause only other black organization that works like black ghost is in caseclosed. *sweatdrop* ill be working it out.

Ah yes I can tell your a fan hes my um thrid fave if you count the twins as 1 person. Yeah when you have the big fans ahead i tend to enjoy my second fandom knowing i got them to myself/ Yes and my first crushes were in 2nd grade a pair of twins they were so sweet XD

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 03:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Well that sounds very interesting, what was it that you wanted to borrow Inger for? *^^* I always love to know what my babies are up to. *^^*

I love the Tin-Man Complex in character that were human and then changed to something else... something about the philosophy of what makes us human to begin with, y'know? But I do suppose it would have been interesting to, from a fan perspective, explore the 0010 twins a little more. Like, you could always write a "What if-" fan fiction where you say: "What if they had convinced 0010-/+ we less deadly... and decided to join the team?"

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 04:54:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha for the alberts bday shell reference her saying she would have done cookies but she missed out on ingers help and she got sick after and as for a comic Ill have to think.

Yeah that be interesting *writes notes* Ah should we continue in a note? i fear these are getting long for the review on the coments for your art

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 04:59:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, I never really care about the length of comments on my art. It doesn't tend to bother me. If you would like to continue on in a note though feel free. :3 Though I warn you, the notes system has been a little shaky these past few days so if something seems off, it's because of that.

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 05:54:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh it has hmmm *shrugs* i dunno then. But i always toyed with her going to the other world and find the plus and minus of that world like all those who died simply are reborn there and live a better life.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 06:04:41 +0000 UTC]

That would actually be pretty interesting to read. To tell the truth. I'd like to see how you fixed up the twins and turned them into functioning members of society. :3

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 21:44:37 +0000 UTC]

It took spartan training and alot of work. I made them rotten at first, kind of a more worst version of the twins from hostclub then worked from there because those two were always focusing inward and never let others in and often was cruel to others who tried to get them to break out.

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 22:01:40 +0000 UTC]

I like that plan. <3 Someday I'll have to draw your twins for you... when I feel I can do it without a reference that is. XDDD

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HannajimaShields In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-26 22:02:59 +0000 UTC]

And one day this story will get written so you can read it and they arent only in my head. Aww I only hope when I draw inger it will look as amazing as you do it and i wont butcher her

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to HannajimaShields [2010-09-26 22:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh she isn't hard to draw at all. :3 She just needs her big red earring and her hair is actually very simple. Her hair parts over her right eye. All the hair left of the part gets swished to the side, and the little bit of hair right of the part kind of acts as one bang. It's fluffy. Her hair isn't tight to her skull like Hilde's was, it actually gets really short about lined up with the top of her ears. So it's still long enough where you could grab a hold of it, but still short enough to be out of the way. Other than that you just have to remember that she's short and flat chested. :3 She's really easy to draw if you know the methods. :3

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inertbiscuit [2010-09-19 16:52:16 +0000 UTC]

this is too adorable. Makes sense since Inger is involved. And the tender and soft coloring of the colored pencil just adds to this cute little story!!!

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to inertbiscuit [2010-09-19 18:10:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I wanted to minimize the number of images of Inger so I could maximize the images of Albert and Jet's friendship... and I love show casing Jet being a little more immature. I mean, Inger sees him like a kid... if she saw him as an adult she wouldn't care if he was disappointed in himself... but he was so proud, and she was proud for him for trying, and he was making those cookies in a moment of SINCERITY! She had to take the lump for it to make sure this magic moment between Albert and Jet could happen. <3

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inertbiscuit In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-19 23:25:25 +0000 UTC]

oh yes, it increases the punchline, while making that relationship play very well.

Oh yes, I get like that too, when someone is so proud of something so simple, it's so fun to feed it ^^

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to inertbiscuit [2010-09-20 00:23:45 +0000 UTC]

You gotta fan the fires. But thank god Jet's too lazy to take this perceived victory too far. XD I'm sure he still rather eat the things Albert makes for them for dinner than have to feed both of them himself. XDDD

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KazimaKuwabara [2010-09-19 16:15:30 +0000 UTC]

he's got a good friend there. o3o

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to KazimaKuwabara [2010-09-19 18:07:39 +0000 UTC]

All of them are acting as good friend. Al has a good friend because Jet is willing to try to cook for his birthday, Jet has a good friend in Inger because she doesn't want to deflate that little bit of pride in himself that he got from making "edible" cookies. ;w;

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KazimaKuwabara In reply to Lily-L-Bell [2010-09-19 19:12:37 +0000 UTC]

man she looked real sick tho. o3o

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Lily-L-Bell In reply to KazimaKuwabara [2010-09-19 19:18:44 +0000 UTC]

She'll be fine by morning, barfing for a few hours was worth it to her to make Jet happy and allow Albert to have a good birthday gift. XD

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