LigerZeroElaine — Liger Zero

Published: 2007-06-25 04:56:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 320; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 4
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Description THIS was the very first zoids animation I did. Eva. Exactly the same as the EM (or Storm), but white. It came first.

These animations started strangely. Some friends on mine on my first RPG site eva loved the pickle-green eggs, like I did...I was collecting them before they popped up on GZ, dunno who else was. ANYWAYS. We liked them so much, we made our own. I did animals for a while, but being the Zoider I am, introduced zoids to the boards.

So...they all started off as eggs, then HATCHED into ZOIDS! XD There were five originals, this being one.

Microsoft Paint

Easy GIF Animator 3

Art (c) Elaine
Zoids (c) Tomy
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Comments: 2

Steel-Cerberus [2007-07-02 04:07:15 +0000 UTC]

Haa, yay. The ones that started the whole thing. XD *pets the Zero*

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LigerZeroElaine In reply to Steel-Cerberus [2007-07-02 04:15:09 +0000 UTC]

-Zero purrs- Yup, he's the old bugger who...uh...I guess we have to thank...lol. -also pets-

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