LBDNytetrayn — Mega Man X: After the War pg 2

Published: 2006-04-07 22:39:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 540; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 4
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Description For some reason, part of the page is cut off on the left side here. That narration tag reads "Later..." Skip ahead to after the running cast credits of the first game.

Evidently, something survived the destruction of Sigma's Palace.

A few things about X here. A reminder that at the time, there was really little to suggest that X and Rock were two different entities. Many of us just thought that Rock had been upgraded and rebranded. That, and I don't think it occured to a number of us that Rock couldn't make decisions, feel, etc.

Truth be told, finding out about the upgrades and such, I thought that the point of the upgrades in the first game was to upgrade the original Mega Man so that he'd be on par with the new technology that was attacking.

Mega Man wasn't portrayed as 10-year old until Mega Man 8 in the States, either.

As a result, the version of X here was supposed to be Rock in the future. And as such, that's why I had him sans helmet, and with Rock's hair, as best as I could remember it from renting MM2 and MM4(before I eventually owned them).

Not to mention, you look at the art in the instruction booklet and the X sprite's big head, and I didn't really know X was supposed to be much taller than Rock, so I sort of used some early MM-styled proportions for some parts. Wasn't until I got a good standing shot of X in X2 or 3 that the height difference really dawned on me.

Looking back, trying to make sense of it all was really confusing. Or at least it seems so now. I guess I was able to draw my own conclusions back then, as most kids might.

Hmm, what else can I say...

...I hope my penchant for writing dialogue has improved, at least.

LBD "Nytetrayn"
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Shadypenpen [2006-10-15 13:05:11 +0000 UTC]

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LBDNytetrayn In reply to Shadypenpen [2006-10-15 13:18:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I largely based the hair on what details I could gleam of Rock from the MM4 and MM2 openings.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

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