449 Capricorn
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"My whole life I've been waiting
To find a way to reach inside
To wield the hands, unfolding time
The higher I am, the better view I find,
as I lay down, observe it all unwind
no doubt or fear -
my view is now
• G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N •
Name: Capricorn
Age: Young adult
Gender: Uknown (he/him, they/them)
Species: Niravar
Build: Standard Swift
Phenotype: Slate with Hood + Dimple
Genotype: nHd/nDi
[Mutation: Finned]
Dagger Horns | Round Ears | Angler Barding | Lupine Tail
• P E R S O N A L I T Y •
Reckless - Eager to learn - Easily distracted - Determined - Forgetful - Smooth talker - Dreamer
Capricorn is often seen wandering around moonlit streams and lakes, seemingly talking to himself - upon approaching him, though, the Niravar will reveal that he can 'talk to the stars' through their reflection in the water, consulting them about events in the near future. His predictions are not always accurate, but usually come true in one was or another, but whether or not his abilities are truly as he claims is unknown. There are not many subjects that interest him, but if there is an opportunity to further his knowledge of astronomy, he will take it, without question and without waiting. During the day, he is often resting, seeing as he mostly stays awake at night. He takes care of the creatures he encounters on his travels but is hesitant to show the same kindness to others, fearing they would misunderstand him or his abilities if he opened up to them. Due to this, he rarely reveals more than the bare basics about himself, though his cheerful, sweet words have an almost unsettling ability to get others to confess their secrets, though the Niravar wouldn't think to use the knowledge against them. He is nervous around crowds, especially in daylight, so whenever a large group passes through an area he resides in at that time, Capricorn prefers to hide.
• H I S T O R Y •Though it could be hard to imagine, Capricorn was not always a reclusive wanderer whose only companions are the starts that he claims he can talk to. When the Niravar was younger, he was an aspiring mage, feeling a kind of connection with the sky but not being able to use it as he wished. To fix this issue, he attempted to perform multiple magic rituals and experiments to establish a more stable link to the apparent source of his powers. He did not succeed, but every failure only drove him further, his reckless hunger for completing the ritual leading to a foolish mistake that caused his then best friend to become blind - and, unable to handle the consequences of this tragic accident, the young Niravar fled to the woods, swearing not to return to his hometown unless he got a good enough grasp of his abilities to be able to establish stronger links their source.