LadySionis — Universal Queen: The Unseeing of Mercy

Published: 2021-04-13 04:48:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 963; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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As I look down upon the stars, watching all of you beautiful children steadily going about your days, there has been something missing. Something important has been willfully stolen from the hearts of many...or...perhaps it wasn't there in the beginning. I have been alive since the stars in the skies first gave their lights to fill in the blackness of the nightly shadows. I have seen humanity give their all to every sort of cause, from the decent and beautiful...to the horrid, depraved and just plain evil. For a time I thought I had finally seen the end to devilish acts of cruelty. That mankind had finally found a way to accept everything different about them and know other things separate from them exist on the same planet. I have lived long and have seen, heard and experienced much, but sadly the darkness has come back.

Many times I have seen humanity trade in their souls for a brief, pathetic moment of pleasure and "power". In exchange for making a name for themselves, they are tasked with harming others. To take lives, upend the peace of individuals and beat them into submission for actions they haven't committed. I am mistaken. Nothing has been stolen. It has been blissfully given away with eyes wide open. There is hardly any mercy left in the human realm. 2021 was suppose to be the year where after suffering from the full frontal attack of a dreadful curse, humanity was to reflect and remember where everything went wrong. The new year was suppose to bring in times of kindness and remembrance for all the times we did wrong...

...but nothing has changed. Instead, things have grown worse. Much worse. In exchange for a brief nano-second of power, humans have seen fit to trade in one of the most important aspects of all creation: MERCY. I have read the stars again and again and am now perplexed. Perhaps I keep underestimating the depth a soul can go into darkness and how hard, cruel and miserable a human can act towards others. No. I didn't read wrong, but I have been watching the enemy for a long time and he hasn't gone away. 2021 was a blank slate ready for new adventures, lessons to learn and stories to be told, yet the pages are beginning to fill in with the same crass story from years past, with very few innocent souls still fighting for decency, kindness and equality. Yes I have been reading the stars again...and so far the story is the same and disappointing. What now my children?

What now?
 Collete Wings Divider is thanks to:
 The first chapter:       

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Comments: 3

wotawota [2021-04-13 07:55:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

LadySionis In reply to wotawota [2021-04-18 19:59:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wotawota In reply to LadySionis [2021-04-20 10:58:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0