Guess who again?
I don't forget about you, Scotty.
'Flying near scrap yard...'
Fan-art on Fleur's song.
Фан-арт также на песню Fleur 'железо поет'. Слова там такие:
Поезд идет и железо поет, знает железо всего пару нот.
Пробирая до дрожи лишая покоя, под железною кожей бьется сердце живое.
Вперед! Только вперед. Сбивая росу превращенную в лед,
Навстречу деревьям, навстречу туману, пока бесполезным не стану....
Comments: 21
Pirate-Scorcher [2019-11-04 21:20:20 +0000 UTC]
That looks incredible!!! Is that a class 50 diesel on the right
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WaffleHouse149 [2019-11-03 21:50:38 +0000 UTC]
Gonna take a guess and say this is a few days to his final run?
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LadyEngineer In reply to WaffleHouse149 [2019-11-04 07:39:52 +0000 UTC]
No. He has also 4 announced tours this year at least. And yes, tomorrow he will run from London to Crewe. My art is not related to this event.
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lag-roil [2019-11-03 07:17:33 +0000 UTC]
First time drawing a diesel or other non-steam engine? I've been waiting to see how they would look. Did you know that in The Railway Series (only in Wilbert's books), the vehicles' faces only show up when they're on Sodor? Anywhere else, they just disappear.
I think Scotsman's steam/smoke would mess up the catenary, so it would've been better to have a friendly electric engine take him away.
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BritishGypsum4 In reply to lag-roil [2019-11-03 10:32:54 +0000 UTC]
Not quite true. Stepney the Bluebell Engine is a bit strange.
You see Stepney leaving a big station with three diesels alongside. All have faces and yet it isn't Sodor.
Yet when he is telling Edward about his friends they don't have faces!
Also in Eight Famous Engines the visiting engines that are the turntable talking to Percy is meant to be Barrow. Though why Percy would be all the way over there is another matter.
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lag-roil In reply to BritishGypsum4 [2019-11-03 13:23:54 +0000 UTC]
Right. I guess I was thinking more of unofficial edits (and TATMR) than the actual books. Thanks for reminding me.
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BritishGypsum4 In reply to lag-roil [2019-11-03 18:09:54 +0000 UTC]
Generally the Rev. Awdry stuff you are right. Stepney book was the oddity. Clive Spong illustrations showed faces on locos on the mainland. Thomas and the Great Railway Show being the obvious book that comes to mind.
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LadyEngineer In reply to BritishGypsum4 [2019-11-04 07:44:40 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you're right. There are so nice illustrations of Thomas in NRM in York. Mallard with face and even 4471 Green Arrow!
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LadyEngineer In reply to lag-roil [2019-11-03 07:34:27 +0000 UTC]
Yes, first time.
'Did you know that in The Railway Series, the vehicles' faces only show up when they're on Sodor?'
Not really sure about that, in some books - yes, in another - no.
'I think Scotsman's steam/smoke would mess up the catenary'ha
I thing this effect is negligable. Flying Scotsman goes fast
Also I see that someones not understand the picture. Ok. I draw here Flying Scotsman with his train, who is still running. He saw the scrap yard on his way and diesels which are going to be scrapped, so he remembered everything which was happened to him and started to accelerate.
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LadyEngineer In reply to AlanPegler [2019-11-03 07:07:08 +0000 UTC]
Yes, of course. This picture is about nowadays and of course nobody going to scrap Scotsman. But another engines - yes.
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