Event 1: Task 2-Show your Pokemon getting glared down by Uriel! What did they do wrong this time? How do they plan on getting out of the situation?
In this scene, Nimbus introducing their newest resident. Elias wastes no time climbing finding his high point and looking down on all who approach. Uriel was the next to be introduced, and recieved the same "greeting from the snarky Sninx. Their first of many greetings that will lead to the to the start of a sharp rivalry. Nimbus hopes they don't hurt each other, and Hooty is about use to this. Shadow Pokemon are quite the handful, and it seems Eli is not the exception. Sano thinks it's pretty funny though.
My boy Elias
MissHariken 's Admin Uriel
MapleUmbreon 's Head Admin Nimbus
NinjaUnicorn252 's Admin Hooty
MorrynLupine 's Shadow Residents Nara and Sano