Thick layers of gloss have been added onto this product to protect the design.
Comment or note me if you would like this or something like this piece, or anything else for good deals!
*Keep in mind that I take commissions*
*Info on $5 Drawing Commissions and Crafty Commissions*
I am selling MANY items in my gallery, drawings and crafts, to raise money for the house I am saving for, which is going to be an interactive "Hot Spot" home for people in the fandoms I am in such as the MLP fandom and the Spyro fandom, read more… Items will be sent no longer than 3 days after payment, should only take 2 days to arrive home! The package will also include a high quality micron and color pencil piece of whatever you choose, as a thank you for the order! Finally, if you have any questions, please ask. Sorry, no combined shipping. I probably only will be able to ship to the US, but if you want this and you live somewhere else, message me and I will see how much it is to ship to your country. Thank you! Have a lovely day, my friends!