So... uh... I think I've sprained my wrist in my sleep, so it hurts to use my wrist... it's my dominant hand too, I can't even sleep without doing something stupid haha xD
Anyways, here's a smol thing for you guys for being so patient with me, since I either have a mental breakdown, disappear, or something... I will try to be more consistent ; u;
!!NOTE: You may have to edit the feet ik bones on the second pose (Maiko's pose) as it was originally posed on Teto so feel free to do so!
- Rules:
★ Editing to fit them to other models/using them in motions is fine
★ Don't claim them as your own
★ You can use them for anything just follow the rules of the model/s you use them on
★ Credit me: ( @ ) KitsuneNoKiba
★ Please show me/link back, I love seeing what creative things you do!
★ Models used:
★ Sukone Tei : TDA & Likeabaka/Cacti-Sloom
★ Hakiane Maiko : TDA, Kodd84 & KitsuneNoKiba
★ Kasane Teto : TDA & vk
★ Copyright:
★ Sukone Tei (c) Sukotei Sound Generator Group / Soy Sauce
★ Hakiane Maiko (c) DAZZLE VISION - Nagasaki Maiko (Voice Provider)
★ Kasane Teto (c) TWINDRILL
★ Effect: None.