Title: Yuki-onna
Pokemon: Froslass
Special: Fusion, shiny, morph
Name: Yuki (means "Snow")
Gender: Female
Hatch date (DD/MM/YY): 25-2-2015
ID nr. 26964
Ability: Snow cloak
Nature: Lonely
Characteristic: A little quick tempered
Level: 85
Starter base attack: 40 + 2
Current base attack: 59
Powder snow [starter]
Leer [starter]
Phantom Force
Disarming voice
Wake-Up slap
Level up log:
5 lvl - Clutch
25 lvl - Greeting
5 lvl - evolving girls
4 lvl - Reference (full body + shading)
16 lvl - Move learning
12 lvl - Ghost party
12 lvl - Battle Learns Wake-Up slap
6 lvl - BLURGH payment
Personality: Yuki is not found of talking so much with others, she easily gets pissed off if someone makes jokes of her or annoys her. But in her heart she is loving and cares for others.